Who is this for? Any athlete 35 years or older, who is looking to compete in CrossFit, or looking to improve their fitness so they can live a longer, happier, healthier life.
Why Porterbuilt? This program is designed with Masters Athletes in mind. We have been training Masters Athletes for 10+ years, and have seen what is needed to keep athletes healthy and improving year after year. This is not some scaled back version of what elites do. We know that for aging athletes, volume isn’t always the answer. We have an educated approach on how to keep aging athletes healthy and happy, while also getting them stronger and fitter in the process. If you are wanting to improve movement patterns, stay healthy, compete at a higher level in CrossFit, or continue to improve fitness while only spending 60-90 minutes in the gym, then this is for you.
What do you get? 6 days of training per week, from everything to warm up, rehab, mobility, gymnastic skills and drills, strength work, conditioning and accessory work. You get access to multiple daily pieces you can choose from each day to continue to attack any weaknesses you may have, or improve any areas you’d like. You also get expert guidance, coaching and answers to your questions from our Masters Head Coach.
Warm Up
5 Min Steady Pace: 5 Kettlebell Deadlift 5 Kettlebell Snatch 5 Kettlebell OHS 5 Kettlebell Windmill *20 reps 1 arm, 20 reps other arm
"Moon" 7 rounds for time: 10 DB Hang Split Snatch Right Arm 50/35 1 Rope Climb 10 DB Hang Split Snatch Left Arm 50/35 1 Rope Climb RX+ 1 Legless, 1 Normal Rope Climb RX++ 2 Legless Rope Climb *20 Min Cap Masters 55+: 35/20, 12' Rope Climb
Extra 1
8 Min EMOM: 4-6 Alternating DB Squat Snatch *Aim to keep it unbroken, build as long as form stays pretty
Extra 2
5 Min AMRAP: 5-4-3-2-1 Pistol Right Leg 5-4-3-2-1 Pistol Left Leg *Must do all reps unbroken on leg. Opposite leg will not be allowed to touch the ground until all reps are complete, then switch legs and repeat. Once you hit the 1's, go back to 5's.
Extra 3
For time: 200m Run 20 Burpees to Target 6" above Reach 200m Run 20 Burpees to Target 6" above Reach 200m Run *10 Min Cap
Cool Down
3 sets: :30-:45 Wallsit :30-:45 Copenhagen Hold (each side) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYKjPSiBTvs
Warm Up
Row 5 Min AMRAP: Max Calories :20 easy, :10 sprint
Every :90 for 10 sets: Odd sets) 5 Deadlift Even sets) 5 Strict Press
For time: 12-9-6 Deadlift 315/205 18-12-9 Strict Handstand Pushup *13 Min Cap Masters 50-54: 285/185 Masters 55-59: 255/165 Masters 60-64: 225/145, RX Kipping HSPU Masters 65+: 205/135, RX Kipping HSPU
Extra 1
3 rounds: Max Unbroken Toes to Bar *Rest 2:00 btwn sets
Extra 2
EMOM until completion: Min 1) Max Hollow Hold Min 2) Max Sandbag Hold 150/100 Min 3) Rest *Continue holds until you have accumulated 3:00 Hollow Hold and 4:00 Sandbag Hold. If you complete a hold, that station now becomes rest
Cool Down
2:00 Lat Smash (each arm) 2:00 Trap Smash (each arm, lacrosse ball) 2:00 Tricep Smash (each arm, barbell in rack)
Warm Up
2-3 sets: :10-:20 Front Rack Hold :10-:20 Overhead Hold :10-:20 Front Squat Hold *Rest as needed btwn sets. Start with empty barbell, add load if needed
5 rounds for time: 5 Thruster 135/95 7 Box Jump 30/24 9 Chest to Bar Pullups *12 Min Cap Masters 55-59: 115/75 Masters 60+: 95/65
at the 18:00... Every 3:00 for 5 sets: 5 Front Squat
Extra 1
14 Min EMOM: Min 1) 20-40 Crossover Single Unders Min 2) 15/12 Calorie Echo Bike
Extra 2
5 sets: 10-15 Empty Barbell Curls 15-20 Banded Tricep Extensions 20-30 Banded Pull Aparts
Cool Down
2 sets: 20 Single Leg Glute Bridge + :20 Single Leg Hold (each leg) 15-20 Clamshell Raise (each side) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnq2KVgAnsU
Warm Up
5 Min EMOM: 10-15 Burpees
Active Recovery
5 rounds for time: 250m SkiErg 500m BikeErg *Rest 3:00 btwn sets
Cool Down
2:00 Calve Smash (each side) 2:00 Bicep Smash (each side, barbell on ground) 2:00 Forearm Smash (each side, barbell on ground)
Warm Up
2-3 sets: 10/10 Single Arm Kettlebell Swing 8/8 KB High Pull 6/6 KB Bottoms Up Press 25'/25' Bottoms Up Overhead Carry
For time: 400m Run 18 DB Clean and Jerk (AHAP) 400m Run 15 DB Clean and Jerk (AHAP) 400m Run 12 DB Clean and Jerk (AHAP) 400m Run 9 DB Clean and Jerk (AHAP) 400m Run 6 DB Clean and Jerk (AHAP) 400m Run *30 Min Cap **Put DB load in comments
Extra 1
Split Jerk 2-2-2-1-1-1 *If possible use blocks, build to a heavy single for the day
Extra 2
For time: 50 Strict Ring Dip *Every break, stop and do :20 Ring Support Masters 55-64: 40 Strict Ring Dips Masters 65+: 30 Strict Ring Dips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqa6FawFuAQ
Extra 3
Every 2 mins for 10 sets: 20/15 Calorie Row 20 Hip Extensions *Score is slowest time out of the 10 sets. Aim to be consistent
Cool Down
3 sets: 10-15 PVC Pass Throughs (face down on ground) 10-15 DB Cuban Press *If floor PVC is too hard, just do regular pass through standing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3z77GrYL24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjL1rIDR-ZY
Warm Up
2-3 sets: :10-:20 Snatch Grip Deadlifts :10-:20 Snatch Grip Overhead Hold :10-:20 Overhead Squat Hold *Rest as needed btwn sets. Start with empty barbell, add load if needed
Teams of 4 20 Min AMRAP: P1/P2) 50 Kettlebell Swing 70/53 P3/P4) 50/40 Calorie Echo Bike *Once 1/2 and 3/4 are done, they will switch and do the other movement, then... 50 Synchro Wallball 20/14 Masters 55+: 53/35, 14/10 Wallball to 10/9' **1 round =130/120 reps OR SOLO 20 Min AMRAP: 10-20-30-40-50... Kettlebell Swing 70/53 Calorie Echo Bike Wallball 20/14 Masters 55+: 53/35, 14/10 Wallball to 10/9' *Ladies bike 7-14-21-28-35... Calories **Rest 1:00 btwn rounds
Extra 1
Build to a heavy complex in 10 minutes: 1 Power Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat + 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat then... 3 sets @ 90% of heaviest complex
Extra 2
10 Min AMRAP :20 L-sit 15 Supine Ring Rows (feet on box, height of box is level with bottom of rings) * :01 = 1 rep
Cool Down
2:00 Hamstring Smash (each side, barbell in rack) 2:00 Quad Smash (each side) 2:00 Couch Stretch (each side)
CrossFit Level 3, CrossFit Gymnastics, CrossFit Weightlifting, CrossFit Mobility, CrossFit Aerobic Capacity, CrossFit Football, CrossFit Kettlebell, Advanced Coaching Concepts. Coaching and writing programs for 10+ years
Tailored for Masters Athlete looking to compete in CrossFit, or looking to increase fitness across the board. Our blend of strength, conditioning, skill work, and accessory will keep you healthy, and BUILT TO LAST.
Start My 7-Day Free TrialMultiple CrossFit Games Masters Athlete
Verified Athlete"After a decade in the CrossFit world, finding PorterBuilt Training was a game-changer for me. This has not only boosted my strength, mobility, and breathing, but also helped me in fine-tuning my recovery and timing as well. At 66, I'm feeling healthier and stronger, both mentally and physically."
Multiple QF Athlete. 45 yr old dad of 6
Verified Athlete""I have been doing CrossFit and following the programming of Porterbuilt for several years. I am into my 40’s and the programming has consistently helped me build strength and confidence, it has helped me improve every aspect of my health.""
Multple QF athlete. 50 yr old mom of 3
Verified Athlete"As a masters athlete who has been doing CrossFit for 11 years, I can't recommend Porterbuilt highly enough. Thanks to his programming, I have placed in the top 90+% of the CrossFit Open for 7 years and qualified for the quarterfinals for several years. I feel stronger and more confident than ever"
When you join a team you’re getting more than programming, you’re joining an online community.