6 sessions per week
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Team Training
EMOM x 24 min Min 1) 10/7 Cal Assault Bike + 15 Mt HSW Min 2) 10/7 Cal Row + 15 TTB Min 3) 50 D.U. + 15 C2b Min 4) Rest
GENERAL WARM UP [1] Barbell Yoga 5 minute Video : https://youtu.be/m92NlXA6gzQ?si=EsYteFVWLXmSStQ3 SPECIFIC WARM UP [2] Behind The Neck Snatch Grip Thruster 1/2 x 5 Reps @empty barbell Rest 1 minute between sets Video: https://youtu.be/XkH2XQqpLw8?si=QS-MLYA8-rj8xb-i [3] Behind The Neck Snatch Grip Sots Press 1/2 x 5 Reps @empty barbell Rest 1 minute between sets Video: https://youtu.be/UrdNFJaTAnc?si=6NIeYMBDi5Xq3Q2V [4] Hang Muscle Snatch 1/2 x 3 Reps @30% of 1RM Squat Snatch Rest 1 minute between sets Video: https://youtu.be/AMeb4TsaYp0?si=n9cNuuIw4lyl7o4j [5] Paused Hang Power Snatch 1/2 x 3 Reps @30% of 1RM Squat Snatch Rest 1 minute between sets Video: https://youtu.be/bH-nRmfaHF0?si=O13Ho36qWgBS9L_S [6] Paused Hang Squat Snatch 1/2 x 3 Reps @30% of 1RM Squat Snatch Rest 1 minute between sets Video: https://youtu.be/YMw3cxloqgQ?si=5zYl18xA2tXJQcdV INTESIFICATION [7] Every 3 minute x 6 minute 3 x 2 Reps @80% of 1RM Squat Snatch 3 x 1 Reps @85-90% of 1RM Squat Snatch Video: https://youtu.be/IucshEToDyM?si=ZcZPL-DV9cEt7hVn
Running Focus Warm up A1) 800m Easy jog A2) 2 rounds of: 10m High knees https://youtu.be/VKc58tjEVfs?si=nveRZ9xWO9I5JY77 10m Butt kicks https://youtu.be/kRR1i9btd_w?si=AnlESuTDUGUd1vfR 10m Straight leg bounds https://youtu.be/g1Wb9DbbO1g?si=qnpf1GSa5KXN1h1M 10m B-skips https://youtu.be/Zy97yNE7WEE?si=ICIxrX-sjBNridLk 10m A-skips https://youtu.be/_MCDR-luwHU?si=_XI7iBLjef7VWuID B. Track session: (5 Km total) 6x800Mt @85/90% effort -2 minute Bike Erg (65%effort) between sets- C. Cool down 10 minute Easy Run/walk Note: Lo scopo sarà quello di costruire una soglia di corsa più alta per migliorare la velocità sui 3-5 km. Una delle caratteristiche comuni che vedrai in tutte le sessioni di Running in questo blocco di programma sarà la mescolanza di intensità dal 65 al 95% (Z2-Z5). Chi ha fatto il test al lattato si attenga alle intensità e frequenza cardiaca ottenuta dai test, chi non ha effettuato il test si attenga alla frequenza cardiaca massima ed utilizzi un dispositivo di tracciamento della frequenza cardiaca (polar/garmin etc.)
For time 100 Cal Row * Every minute 6 Thruster Advanced: 52/38kg Rx: 43/29kg Intermediate: 34/25kg
Gymnastics :Higher skill attainment and efficiency
Ring muscle ups positional work A1) EMOM × 6 1: 10-15 sec Top of ring dip hold Video: https://youtu.be/wGoNGX1eljE?si=jPB7PPBbUlTFhK35 2: 10-15 sec Bottom of ring dip hold Video: https://youtu.be/bY3uwrulJAg?si=LlXJ4MJILa_VUG9s 3: 4-6 Feet Elevated Transition Drill Video: https://youtu.be/kKeLJKPI1IY?si=naHKHgOJcPjYry3M A2) EMOM x 6 1) 5 Kip Swing (snap pull focused) Video: https://youtu.be/2Dq6NbpRar4?si=prQgst6UbJ2SJJAi 2) 2X 1 Kip Swing + 1 Ring Muscle Ups Transition Video: https://youtu.be/tKeYRF3GhPk?si=jMuCYVFFvcfukYig 3-6)2x 1 Kip Swing + 1 Ring Muscle Ups Transition+ 1 Ring Muscle ups
3 sets AFAP (as fast as possible) 2500/2400 Mt Bike Erg 20 Alternating Leg Pistol Squat 15 Deadlift (100/80kg) 10 Wall Walk 5 Rope Climb -Rest 3 minute between sets- Score: work+Rest
Capacity/ Press and core under fatigue 6 min on 4 min off x 4 sets 12 Double Kb Hang Clean And Jerk (24/16kg) 15 Mt HSW 18 Ghd Sit Ups Scaled version Kb (20/12kg) HSW > Wall Walks x 5
WARM UP [1] Barbell Yoga 5 minutes. [2] Front Rack Opener 20 unbroken reps with an empty barbell. [3] Straight Leg Muscle Cleans 10 unbroken reps with an empty barbell. [4] Hang Muscle Cleans 2 × 3 reps at 30% of your 1RM clean & jerk. Rest for 1 min. between sets. [5] Paused Hang Power Cleans 2 × 3 reps at 30% of your 1RM clean & jerk. Rest for 1 min. between sets. INTENSIFICATION [6] Hang Power Clean Every 3 minute x 6 sets 3 x 2 Reps @80% of 1RM Squat Clean 3 x 1 Reps @90% of 1RM Squat Clean [7] Touch & Go Clean Pulls 4 × 4 reps at 60% of your 1RM clean & jerk. Do 1 set every 3 min. or faster.
3x 1000 meters Row @1:55/2:00 500 meters Row @1:45/1:50 250 meters Row @recovery pace 2000 meters C2 Bike @80/85% of FTP 1500 meters C2 Bike @90/95% of FTP 1000 meters C2 Bike @Recovery pace
Model: Mixed Model/Chipper (4 element) Time Thresold: 15 min. Intensity: 8/10RPE For Time 60 Cal Row 50 Ghd Sit Ups 40 Alternating DB’s Snatch (35/22.5kg) 30 Bar Muscle Ups
[1] Back Squat 10 sets x 2 Reps @75% of 1RM Back Squat -Rest 75 second between sets- [2] Back Rack Lunges 4 sets x 20 Reps @30% of 1RM Back Squat
[1] Barbell Yoga 5 minute Video: https://youtu.be/m92NlXA6gzQ?si=LRaWWHYyIf1HlVSb [2] Snatch Grip Jefferson Curl 10 UB Reps with empty barbell Video: https://youtu.be/5sRJIEN8b30?si=IxRgB6U__iJQN2mt [3] Straight Leg Muscle Snatch 10 UB Reps with empty barbell Video: https://youtu.be/tvoF-FdbRPY?si=_DmNcuo-wkR6HIsg [4] 3-position Hang Snatch 2 sets x 1 complex @30% of 1RM Squat Snatch Rest 1 between sets Video: https://youtu.be/D8Fq0Fqqr-8?si=d9aVwvd0n_2qXxMT [5] Snatch Balance 2 sets x 3 Reps @30% of 1RM Squat Snatch Rest 1 minute between sets Video: https://youtu.be/XuFaD1sAVGI?si=0-9P6VqoE6-LVqP4 [6] Hang Squat Snatch + Overhead Squat Build to a daily max in Hang Squat Snatch + overhead squat
Anaerobic capacity/Power Conditioning 9/10 RPE-Hard pace Work:Rest 1:1 4 sets of: EMOM x 2 min. Min 1) 24/20 Cal Echo Bike Min 2) 25 Box Jump Overs (24”/20”) -Rest 2 min. Between sets-
Barbell Conditioning Mixed Modal (4 element) 9/10 RPE For Time 240 Double Unders 50 Deadlift (60/40Kg) 30 Hang Power Clean (70/50Kg) 10 Front Squat (80/60Kg) Time Cap 11’
[1] Reverse Hiper 3 sets x 15 Reps (AHAFA) -Rest 1 min. between sets- Video: https://youtu.be/7MthYct8yxQ?si=7SvHed5puvt_3yll [2] Weighted Chinese Plank Hold 3 sets x 90 second (AHAFA) -Rest 2 min. between sets- Video: https://youtu.be/dYuutqPXKNo?si=eRIriR7TYV9IlK9J
[1] Pendlay Row 5 sets of max unbroken reps @75% of 1RM (W2) -Rest 2 min. between sets- Video: https://youtu.be/ezrZnmjZTR4?si=xneDvs4rSNy53a6k [2] Lat Pulldown 3 sets x 10-12 Reps @moderate load -Rest 1 minute between sets- Video: https://youtu.be/EUIri47Epcg?si=Mf5hfeY6NejN-1Sf
[1] Full Grip Front Squat 3 x 5 reps with an empty barbell. -Rest for 1 min. between sets. [2] Paused Hang Power Clean 2 x 3 reps at 30% of your 1RM clean & jerk. -Rest for 1 min. between sets. [3] Hang Squat Clean 2 x 3 reps at 30% of your 1RM clean & jerk. -Rest for 1 min. between sets. [4] Hang Squat Clean+Front Squat Build to a daily max in hang squat clean + front squat.
Muscular Endurance HSW under fatigue For Time/For Quality 21/15/9 DB’s Thruster 30/20/10 Meters Handstand Walk 15/30/45 Meters Sandbag Carry (155/105lbs) Load DB’s Thruster 21x 22.5/15kg 15x 25/17.5kg 9x 28/20kg
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