Initial Attack (CPAT Prep/ Beginner)

Fire Athlete

Functional Fitness, First Responders
Adrian Hernandez and Joff Fierro

The beginning stages of becoming physically fit or even better, firefighter fit are always the hardest.

Where do I start? What do I do for workouts? How often should I be working out? With a myriad of questions on your plate, Fire Athlete would like to introduce you to your new favorite program. Initial Attack is our program based solely around getting into fitness for the job of a firefighter, preparing for your CPAT test or staying in shape while working at your sedentary job.

Not everyone knows where to look for help when trying to start down this career path. Let Fire Athlete be the helping hand in your fitness goals aimed towards becoming the best version of you, with whatever career goal you have.

CPAT Prep Fitness Beginners Inactive job workouts Little to no equipment requirements

Looking for something more.
You like your job but you know that there's something else out there that would entice you more and you need to be physically fit for it. Fire Athlete's Initial Attack program is ready and waiting for you to start those fitness/career goals.
Physically Lost.
You go to the gym and stay fairly active but when it comes to workouts, you don't have much direction. Google searches for "good workouts" aren't cutting it and you want to take your fitness to the next level. Now you have a weeks worth of workouts in your phone, ready for you anywhere you go.
Where do I start?
The starting line for the job of a firefighter can often be blurred and confusing. Fitness is one of those starting points. Not everyone has that helping hand to guide them down the path. Now you do. Fire Athlete's Initial attack will help you get past those barriers of what many call the best job on earth.
Access 24/7
Coaches who will hold you accountable and provide the feedback you need to grow.
Programming 5 days per week
All the proper tools you need to help you start down the right fitness track.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Now you have access to fitness on your schedule, where ever you are.
Kettlebell // Sandbags // Slam Ball // Full Gym
sample week banner image
Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready
Week 1 Day 1



30 seconds Box Step Ups -rest 30 seconds 30 seconds KB Swing (light) -rest 30 seconds 30 seconds Mason Twist -rest 30 seconds 30 seconds KB Front Rack Carry (use two KBs of the same weight) -rest 30 seconds 6 rounds

Week 1 Day 2



2 min AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) 10X Air Squats 10x Ball Slams -rest 2 minutes 2 MIN AMRAP 10 meter Bear Crawl 10x DB STO (Shoulder to Overhead) -rest 2 minutes 4 rounds

Week 1 Day 3



10 min AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) 10x Reverse Lunges (5 each side) 10m Suitcase Carry Right Hand Only 10x Burpees 10m Suitcase Carry Left Hand Only -rest 5 minutes Walk for 10 minutes Outside

Week 1 Day 4



12x Sit Ups 15x Hand Release Push Ups 20x Mountain Climbers 12x Wallballs 4 rounds

Week 1 Day 5



TEST 1 Run 400 meters -THEN 20 min AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) 5x Pull Ups or 5x Ring Rows 10x Push Ups 15x Air Squats ***Your score is the total number of reps completed withing the 20 minutes

coach-avatar Adrian Hernandez

Our head coach Adrain has over a decade of experience training elite athletes and first responders.

coach-avatar Joff Fierro

Assistant Coach Joff works directly under Adrian and is here to help you with any and all questions about this program.

Be Better

We know you have it in you. It's a long road but it's worth it. Let's start today.

Start My 7-Day Free Trial
Join Your Virtual Gym

When you join a team you’re getting more than programming, you’re joining an online community.

Initial Attack (CPAT Prep/ Beginner)
Initial Attack (CPAT Prep/ Beginner)
Initial Attack (CPAT Prep/ Beginner)
Initial Attack (CPAT Prep/ Beginner)