CrossFit Inferno has had the reputation of being one of the most comprehensive and complete CrossFit workout programs since its inception over a decade ago. Our workouts are designed so that the most elite athlete and the novice can train at the same time and get the same desired response to their workout. The workouts can be completed in a normal class time of an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes
We have Infernites all over the world that enjoy these workouts and now with the virtual leaderboard, the INFERNO WORLD just got that much tighter!!!
Thruster Threes
Thruster Threes 10 min EMOM: MIn 1) 3 reps @ 55% Min 2) 3 reps @ 65% Min 3) 3 reps @ 75% Min 4-Min 10) 3 reps @ 85% *take from the ground
18 min Clock/ Part A
2 Rounds: E3MO3M 2 min work/ 1 min REST of: A) 200m Run + Max T2B B) 200m Run + Max Box Jump C) 200m Run + Max SDLHP **Go through the set in order but score each movement as total reps after the 2 rounds A) 200m Run + Max reps T2B *score total T2B between the 2 rounds
18 min Clock / Part B
B) 200m Run + Max reps Box Jumps (24/20) *score total reps between both rounds.
18 min Clock / Part C
C) 200m Run + Max reps Sumo Dead Lift High Pull *score total reps between both rounds
Shoulder extension, external rotation
Thoracic Extension on Foam Roller
Foam Roll
Overhead Squat
5 x 5
12 Min AMRAP
12 min AMRAP: 12 reps KB Swing (70/53#) 6 reps Front Squat (205/145, 60%1RM, wt to get 15-20UB) 2 reps Rope Climb (6:1 Pull-ups, 2:1 Laydowns) **Score total reps. 1 Rd = 20reps
6 x 5
4 Rounds for Time
4 Rounds for TIme (16 min limit) 15 reps Ring Dips 10 reps Single Arm KB Lunges (70/53, wt to get 20+KBS UB) 15 reps Toes to Bar 10 reps Single Arm OHS (same wt) *switch arms each round **1 Rd = 50 reps
Banded PVC Snatch Drills
Calf Stretch
MWOD Front Rack PVC Pipe Ext Rot
Foam Roll
10 min AMRAP
10 min AMRAP: 50 reps Double Unders (2:1 Singles) 7 reps Hang Clean and Jerk (185/125, 60%1RM, wt to get 12-16 UB) *1 Rd = 50 reps or 107 if singles Score reps!
Shoulder extension, external rotation
Foam Roll
Push Press Three's
10 min EMOM: Min 1) 3 reps Push Press @55% Min 2) 3 reps @ 65% Min 3) 3 reps @ 75% Min 4-10) 3 reps @ 85%
Three Tabatas Part A)
18 MIN CONTINUOUS CLOCK: A) Burpee Tabata *8 rds of :20 sec max burpees to 6" target and :10 sec rest. *Score total reps REST 3 MIN BEFORE PART B)
Three Tabatas Part B)
AFTER 3 MIN REST B) Tabata Snatch (115/75, 40%1RM, wt to get 18-22 UB) *8 Rds of :20 max reps and :10 sec REST *Score total reps REST 3 MIN BEFORE PART C
Three Tabata Part C)
AFTER 3 MIN REST C) Tabata DB Snatch (50/35#, Open wt) *8 Rds of :20 sec Max reps and :10 sec Rest. Score for total reps
Calf Stretch
Foam Roll
Good Morning
400m Weighted Back Rack Walk
For Time: (12 min clock) 400m Weight Back Rack Walk (225/155, 70% SquatClean) (12 min Clock) *Every 20m do 3 Back Squats. If you drop the bar before the 20m then you must pick up the bar and do 3 Back Squats
13 min Clock Part A)
Part A) 3 min AMRAP: 20 reps Russian KB Swing (88/70, wt to get 20+UB) 15 reps Pull-ups 10 reps Lat PVC Pipe Jump (24/20") 2 MIN REST
13 min Clock Part B)
Part B) AFTER 2 MIN REST 3 min AMRAP: 15 reps Russian KB Swing 15 reps Pull-ups 15 reps Lat PVC Pipe Jump 2 MIN REST
13 min Clock Part C)
AFTER 2 MIN REST Part C) 3 min AMRAP: 10 reps Russian KB Swing 15 reps Pull-up 20 reps Lat PVC Pipe Jump
For TIme:
For Time: 1000m Row 10 reps Clean & Jerk (205/145, 65%1RM, wt to get 4-8UB) 100 reps Double Unders (2:1 Singles) 800m Row 8 reps C&J 80 DUs 600m Row 6 reps C&J 60 reps DUs 400m Row 4 reps C&J 40 reps DUs 200m Row 2 reps C&J 20 DUs
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