Are you looking for guidance to ensure you are doing the RIGHT routine, the RIGHT exercises, with the RIGHT form, with the RIGHT coach, surrounded by the RIGHT support team of like-minded adults?
This program is for adults. It isn't for the weak of heart. This program will be hard. It isn't going to drive you into an endless cycle of being unable to walk or perform everyday tasks. This program is sustainable for the long term. It's not for a quick "jump start to insert empty promises"
Program Details: Choose which day(s) fit your schedule: 3 Strength Training Days, 2 Mixed Modality Conditioning Days, 1 Strongman Endurance/Ground-Based Day, 1 Mobility/Active Recovery Day
Ascending Strength is designed to:
Put a Coach in Your Pocket to Educate, Push, Support, and Motivate You to Reach Your Goals!
You are joining a team, a community, a support group, a coaching ground, a proven system to get you results. We can't wait for you to join our team!
Warm-Up "A"
3 Rounds -Glute Bridge w/ 2 sec hold @ top x 15 (both feet, not single leg) -Band Face Pull w/ 2 sec hold x 15 3 Rounds -Light Dumbbell Bench Press x 15 -Light Bent Over Dumbbell Rows x 15 *Plyos* 3 Rounds [Rest 30 sec between rds] -15 Low Pogo Jumps + 5 High Pogo Jumps *create stiffness, only very minimal knee bend, bounce on the ball of the foot, not tippy toes*
Pause Back Squat
5 x 5
TRX W Deltoid Fly
5 x 12
Front Foot Elevated Split Squat
4 x 12
Bent Over DB Row
4 x 12
Reverse Plank
4 x 0:45
Bottom Up KB Press
3 x 10
Farmers carry
3 x 2:00
Barbell Bicep Curl
Zone 2 Conditioning Piece 1
A1) Stationary Bike [ sub out with any type of cyclical movement if needed, examples: Rower, Elliptical, Treadmill ] x 10 min Rest/Hydrate x 1 min A2) Lateral Box Step Overs [ sub out with any type of cyclical movement if needed, examples: Light Jogging, Stair Climber, Skater Jumps ] x 5 min Rest x 30 sec A3) Stationary Bike [ sub out with any type of cyclical movement if needed, examples: Rower, Elliptical, Treadmill ] x 10 min Rest/Hydrate x 1 min A4) Skip in Place [ sub out with any type of cyclical movement if needed, examples: Light Jogging, Stair Climber, Skater Jumps ] x 5 min Rest x 30 sec
Hollow Rock
5 x 0:25
Band Pull-Apart
5 x 30
Shinbox Rotations
3 x 5
Warm-Up "B"
3 Rounds -Band OH Press x 10 -Band Pull Apart x 15 -Hollow Hold x 20 sec 3 Rounds -Light KB/DB RDL x 10 -Shinbox Rotations x 5/5 3 Rounds [Rest 45 sec between rds] -Band Assisted Plyometric Push-Ups x 3
Low-Incline Bench Press
5 x 5
Med Ball Wall Throw
5 x 3
1-Arm DB Row
5 x 8
Barbell Hip Thrust
3 x 24
Rolling Tricep extensions
3 x 15
Spread Eagle Situps
3 x 12
Lateral Raise With External Rotation
3 x 10
Aerobic Conditioning
AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) x 20 min A1) Sled Push x 200ft. [sub out with DB Step-Ups (20ea.) if no access to sled] A2) DB Skier Swings x 25 A3) Backward Sled Drag x 200ft. A4) Battle Rope Alt Waves x 25/25 *Rest: 90 sec - 2 min * (won't be full recovery) EMOM (every min on the minute) x 15 min -Med Ball Overhead Slams x 20-25 *Rest: Remainder of min after completing reps*
Band Hammer Curl
5 x 20
Banded Tricep Pushdown
5 x 20
Warm-Up "C"
3 Rounds -Air Squats x 10 -Band Good Mornings x 10 -High Plank to Pike x 10 3 Rounds -TRX Rows x 10 -BB Push-Up x 10 3 Rounds [Rest 45 sec between rds] - TRX Skater Hops x 3 ea. side
Landmine Split Jerk
5 x 3
Snatch Grip Deadlift from Blocks
6, 6, 4, 4
One arm DB incline
4 x 8
DB Lateral Lunge
3 x 10
DB Pullover
3 x 10
Copenhagen Plank
4 x 0:20
Warm-Up "D"
3 Rounds -Cook Hip Lift x 3ea. (10 sec hold on each rep) -Prone Scorpion x 3ea. (3 sec hold after swinging leg over) -Inchworm Shoulder Taps x 3ea. (handwalk out, shoulder tap ea. side, handwalk back up = 1 rep) 3 Rounds -Dead Bug x 5ea. -Prone Band Dislocates x 5 -Roll Up Crunch 5/5 (5 slow, 5 fast) 3 Rounds [Rest 45 sec between rds] -Rolling Squat Jump x 5
Single Arm Fat Grip DB Clean and Press
4 x 6
Pendlay Row
4 x 6
Zercher Static March
4 x 0:45
Ground-Based Locomotion AMRAP 1
AMRAP: 25 minutes (As many rounds as possible) C1) Stability Bear Crawl x 10 forward / 10 backward / 10 right / 10 left (count each hand movement as 1 rep) C2) Scorpion Bridge Flow x 5 ea. (take your time to learn this, it's quite complicated and will get better with time) C3) Shinbox Rotation + Hip Extension x 5 ea. (do these slow and controlled, hold at hip ext, control back down) *Rest: 30sec between each, 60sec after C3*
Former Firefighter/EMT, United States Air Force Veteran, Former Military Fire-Rescue, Former High School Strength and Conditioning Coach, College Educated (Bachelor's in Exercise Science), Certified Exercise Physiologist through the American College of Sports Medicine with 11 years of Personal Training Experience. -- "My goal is to help you develop strength in all aspects of life, starting today!"
Rome wasn't built in a day, but it was build one day at a time. You know what you want, you know how to get it. It's time to take action! A month from now, a year from now, 5 years from now, where could you be?
Start My 7-Day Free TrialGarage Gym Guru, Father, and Husband
Verified Athlete"Jacob has been my coach for a better part of a year now, and I have seen vast improvements in all aspects of my life. From losing weight, to my gains in the gym to overall improvement in my cycling. He is always there to support his athletes and has time to answer any questions you may have."
When you join a team you’re getting more than programming, you’re joining an online community.