45 Minute Fast paced Strength + Conditioning Workout, This Program provides 7 different workouts a week, each with it's own Strength Piece lasting 10-15 minutes then a longer 20-30 minute Weights and conditioning piece to build up General Physical Preparedness.
Tempo Back Squat #1
8 x 8
3 Rounds for Time 12/9 Cal Row 15 Ab Mat Sit-Ups 12/9 Cal Bike 15 Ring Rows 12 Dual DB Deadlift Choose DB weights to Complete 12 Unbroken Reps each Round!
EMOM 8 Minutes * Every Minute Complete 10 DB Curl + Press 10 Alt DB Bent Over Row
8 Stations 3 Rounds - :45 Work, :15 Rest - Goal: 15-20 Reps Each Station 1. Jump Rope 2. PlankBurpee 3. KB Swings (Russian or American) 4.alternating Lunges 5. Push-Ups 6. Air Squats 7. Slam Balls 8. Shoulder Taps
DB Bench Press #1
8 x 8
3 Rounds 1:00 Work Per Station :15 Rest & Rotate Rowing DB Snatch (Split) Sit-Ups Assault Bike Box Step-Ups - Modify Movements as Needed - Light/Moderate Weight DB - Add DB to Sit-Ups & Step-Ups to Increase Difficulty
2 Rounds: 1:30 Bike/Row 4 Push-ups 6 Ring Rows 8 Kettlebell Swings 10 Air Squats 12 AbMat Sit-Ups
Fit 45 0.4
4 Rounds :40 Work, :20 Rest Each Movement 1. SA DB Shoulder Press 2. DB Weighted Reverse Lunges 3. DB Goblet Squats 4. Assault Bike 5. Plank
EMOM 10 Every Minute Complete (5 Rounds Sumo, Then 5 rounds Suitcase) KB Sumo Deadlift 5x10 KB SuitCase Deadlift 5x10 (5 Each Side)
3 Rounds - 2 Minutes Per Station - No Rest Between Stations 2:00 Minute Rest Between Rounds Station 1 1:00 DB Bench Press 1:00 Alternating Bench Step-ups Station 2 1:00 Ring Rows 1:00 No Push Up Burpee Station 3 1:00 KB Swings 1:00 KB Front Rack Wall Sit ( :30 ea Side) (Against Squat Rack Upright) Station 4 1:00 Bike 1:00 Hollow Position Leg Flutters
34 Minute Partner AMRAP - Split Work Buy-In Each 2 Start of Each New 10:00 AMRAP 2x200m Sand Bag Carry 10:00 AMRAP 6 Burpee's 12 Wall Balls 18 Ab Mat Sit-Ups 2:00 Rest 10:00 AMRAP 24/18 Cal Rowing 24 SA DB Shouder Press (6 ea Arm) 2:00 Rest 10:00 AMRAP 24/18 Assault Bike 20 KB Wtd Box Step Ups (5 ea Leg) 40 KB Russian Twist (20 ea Partner) *Score Total Completed Rounds for All 3 AMRAP's Competition: Add 1 Rope Climb Each for each 10Min AMRAP RX+: ( WB 20, 14)(DB 50, 35)(KB 35, 25)(Box 24in) RX: (WB 14, 10)(DB 35, 20)(KB 35, 25)(Box 20in) L1: (WB 10, 6)(DB 20 , 15)(KB 25, 18)(Box 20in)
2 Rounds: 1:30 Bike/Row 4 Push-ups 6 Ring Rows 8 Kettlebell Swings 10 Air Squats 12 AbMat Sit-Ups
4 Rounds :50 Work Per Station :10 Rotate 1. Air Squats 2. Reverse Lunges 3. KB Swings 4. DB Push Press 5. Push Ups 6. Box Step-Ups 7. Reverse Sit-Ups 8. Rest Station
Head Coach: Jon Williams. Four Years College Basketball experience, Assistant College Strength & Conditioning coaching experience at NAIA DIV I University. Bachelor of Arts: Kinesiology & Health Promotion. (Grand View University, Iowa)