Each online session is centered around ONE CORE LIFT with developed accessories to help grow both your PR and your muscle mass. Training 4 days a week, you will have a lower/upper split. This program is designed to help build muscle, prevent injury, and create an overall balanced physique.
This program is great for all levels of fitness. If you are a novice lifter, this will help you gain experience in progressive overload. If you are an intermediate lifter, this is going to be a great program to grow your main lifts and increase overall strength. If you are an advanced lifter, this program will allow you to go back to the basics and dive into true strength through progression.
BUILD - LOWER warmup
2 - Roll feet x 30 seconds each foot 3 - Foam roll anything that is tight (back, quads, it bands, hamstrings, hip flexors) 4 - Prone press ups x 10 5 - Cat and camel x 5 (sorry it's not me, haven't filmed this one yet) 6 - T spine twists x 5 each side 7 - Bird dogs x 5 each side 8 - 8 point plank x 20 seconds 9 - Short lever hip lifts x 5 each side 10 - Deadbugs with band x 10 each side 11 - Single leg adductor swings in glute bridge x 5 each side 12 - Single leg glute bridges x 10 each side 13 - Wall push hip flexor x 5 each side 14 - Manual ankle dorsiflexion x 10 each side 15 - Compass balance x 4 each side 16 - Stiff ankle toe walks x 20 yards 17 - Heel walks x 20 yards 18 - Pogos x 15 19 - Snap downs x 5 20 - 2 inch runs x 10 seconds
Back Squat
5, 5, 3, 6, 6, MAX @ 35, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 %
3 x 10
Split Squat
3 x 10
Lateral Lunge
3 x 8
Russian Lean
3 x 6
Barbell Roll Outs
BUILD - UPPER warmup
2 - Roll feet x 30 seconds each foot 3 - Foam roll anything on you that is tight (back, quads, it bands, hamstrings, hip flexors) 4 - Prone press ups x 10 5 - Cat and camel x 5 (sorry it's not me, haven't filmed this one yet) 6 - Half kneeling t-spine twists against wall x 5 each side 7 - Bird dogs x 5 each side 8 - 8 point plank x 20 seconds 9 - Deadbugs with band x 10 each side 10 - Neck flexors hand push x 20 seconds 11 - Neck extensors wall push x 20 seconds 12 - Neck anti lateral flexion hand push x 20 seconds to the left and right 13 - Shoulder clock taps x 2 times around with each hand 14 - Shoulder pre-hab wall slides x 10 15 - Shoulder pre-hab external rotator punches x 10 16 - Shoulder pre-hab internal rotator punches x 10
Military Press
5, 3, 3, 6, 6, MAX @ 35, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 %
Close Grip Bench Press
3 x 10
Band Face Pull
3 x 10
Lat Pulldown
3 x 10
3 x 12
20, 15, 12
Hammer Curl
12, 15, 2
BUILD - LOWER warmup
2 - Roll feet x 30 seconds each foot 3 - Foam roll anything that is tight (back, quads, it bands, hamstrings, hip flexors) 4 - Prone press ups x 10 5 - Cat and camel x 5 (sorry it's not me, haven't filmed this one yet) 6 - T spine twists x 5 each side 7 - Bird dogs x 5 each side 8 - 8 point plank x 20 seconds 9 - Short lever hip lifts x 5 each side 10 - Deadbugs with band x 10 each side 11 - Single leg adductor swings in glute bridge x 5 each side 12 - Single leg glute bridges x 10 each side 13 - Wall push hip flexor x 5 each side 14 - Manual ankle dorsiflexion x 10 each side 15 - Compass balance x 4 each side 16 - Stiff ankle toe walks x 20 yards 17 - Heel walks x 20 yards 18 - Pogos x 15 19 - Snap downs x 5 20 - 2 inch runs x 10 seconds
5, 5, 3, 6, 6, MAX @ 35, 45, 50, 60, 70, 80 %
Goblet Squat
3 x 10
Band Goodmorning
3 x 12
Seated Hamstring Curl
3 x 12
3 x 8
Hanging Knee Raise
3 x 10
BUILD - UPPER warmup
2 - Roll feet x 30 seconds each foot 3 - Foam roll anything on you that is tight (back, quads, it bands, hamstrings, hip flexors) 4 - Prone press ups x 10 5 - Cat and camel x 5 (sorry it's not me, haven't filmed this one yet) 6 - Half kneeling t-spine twists against wall x 5 each side 7 - Bird dogs x 5 each side 8 - 8 point plank x 20 seconds 9 - Deadbugs with band x 10 each side 10 - Neck flexors hand push x 20 seconds 11 - Neck extensors wall push x 20 seconds 12 - Neck anti lateral flexion hand push x 20 seconds to the left and right 13 - Shoulder clock taps x 2 times around with each hand 14 - Shoulder pre-hab wall slides x 10 15 - Shoulder pre-hab external rotator punches x 10 16 - Shoulder pre-hab internal rotator punches x 10
Bench Press
3, 3, 5, 6, 6, MAX @ 35, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 %
Band Pull-Apart
6 x 8
Incline DB Bench Press
3 x 10
Reverse Flys
3 x 10
1-Arm DB Row
3 x 10
DB Lateral Raise
10, 12, 15
Tricep Pushdown
3 x 20
Ashley is a Sport Performance Coach with Stevens Training and Performance. She is a Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist. Ashley has worked at MIZZOU and SEMO as a Strength and Conditioning intern. She specializes in overall strength programming, athletic performance based training, and weight loss.