This program is designed with Dumbbells, mini bands, a jump rope, and a bench. You can also sub Kettlebells in for the Dumbbells. DB Strength+8 is perfect for you if you have minimal equipment, simply enjoy Dumbbell work, or want a solid workout in less than 40-minutes.
While completing this program you will build strength and improve your overall fitness and core strength. Workouts will vary between push, pull, upper and lower body and a combination of all the above. This program also really targets the posterior chain. Sessions end with 8-minutes of fitness and/ or core work. This is the perfect program for total body fitness in a condensed amount of time! Ideal for people on shift-work, parents on the go, and athletes needing additional work in addition to their sports.
Workouts change every two weeks. You can recycle this program any time you want to! These workouts have been personally tested, client tested and approved! Great for beginners and more advanced individuals. Like anything, you only get out of it what you put into it!
DB Shoulder Warm up
Follow the video. Using Light weight DB's you will complete 3-5 reps of each: Shoulder Taps (in a plank position, no dumbbells) Palms up External Rotation 90 degree arm raises 90/90 Internal/External Rotations Arnold Press Forward Arm Raises
Seated Press
15, 12, 10, MAX
Seated Plate Press Outs
4 x 8
Seated Rear Delt Raises
3 x 8
Farmers Hold
DB Front Squats
4 x 5
8-min AMRAP of: 10 DB Thrusters 5 Burpees 40 Jump rope singles or 20 Double unders if you have those figured out We are going to work on getting your heart rate up with weights then gymnastics/bodyweight movements. IF you can do Double unders, do those. Otherwise jump rope singles are great too. IF you do not have a jump rope or ceiling height for a jump rope then mimic the action and pretend like you have one by jumping in place. Cool down suggestions are shown in the video. Pigeon, Chest Scorpion, pancake, and QL stretch. (I added a cool down section that shows the stretches individually).
Cool Down 1.0
Perform each stretch and hold for 20-30 seconds. Of course you can always hold longer or add to the cool down! Pigeon Stretch or Box Pigeon Chest scorpion stretch Pancake stretch QL Stretch
PL Hip Warm up Circuit 1
Complete as shown in the video: 5/5 Quadruped Hip Circles 3x Hip halo or mini band: box drill (make a square or rectangle pattern) Cowboy walks - side steps - drop steps - side steps *After completing each square then do 3 squats 2x5/5 Mini band banded toe slides each direction 3-5 Air squats to full range of motion 3-5 squat jumps Then..... 10 Goose Steps
3 x 8
RDL Variations
3 x 8
Reverse Lunge into SL RDL
3 x 12
Hip Thrust PL
3 x 6
Russian Swings
3 x 8
Plank Party
3 x 0:30
Pigeon or Box Pigeon
30 Jumping jacks, 30 ski jacks, downward dog calf floss, boot straps, cat cow, quadruped t-spine twists, adductors, adductor toe up stretch, arm circles forward and back, toes to heels. When you finish, do the kneeling wrist mobility.
Dual DB Hang Power Clean
5, 7, 7, 7
Alternating Forward Lunges
3 x 24
DB Hip Thrusts
Gorilla Rows
3 x 8
Half Kneeling Windmill
3 x 10
Plank KB Taps
3 x 10
8:00 AMRAP: 20 Lateral Air Squat Jumps Over Object 15 Overhead DB Tricep Extensions 10 Alternating DB Snatch --- Complete as many reps as you can in the 8-minutes. Start at the top and complete all the Lateral Air squats and jumps before moving to the 15 Ovhd Db Tri Ext. Then finish the round with 10 alternating db snatch. Repeat the sequence until the time is up. There are 45 reps each round. Tricep Extensions: select a weight that allows you to do all 15 unbroken but challenges you by the end. DB Snatch: select a weight that allows your to move from floor to overhead without having to stop and press from the shoulder. It should be one fluid motion.
Single arm lat stretch
Couch Stretch
MS in Health and Human Performance, CrossFit coach for 10 years, basketball coach (from College to youth) for 20 seasons, Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist, been personal training for 18+ years. I workout in my backyard gym and love spending time with my family and friends. Watching my kids compete and perform, is my favorite!
I planned out the next 12 weeks for you and will show you how to build the strength you have wanted. Get fit in less than 40-minutes a workout, 3 times a week. Enjoy the variety and look forward to results!
Get DB Strength + 8