The EMOM Co. Primer

The EMOM Co.

Brandon Luckett

If Costco samples and dipping your toes in the pool before jumping in had a baby, it’d be The Primer. This program is for anyone - at all levels - who wants to try out the EMOM Co. but doesn’t know if it’s “for them” or which program to start with.

Inside the Primer you’ll get two things:

  1. A taste of our different program options. Not sure which program you want to do? The Primer will help you better understand what program you want to dive into next.
  2. An intro to the EMOM method so you feel confident in crushing the workouts. If the “sometimes brutal” part of our slogan seems daunting — this primer will prove to you that anyone can do our workouts. You’ll learn how to navigate our EMOM method, the TrainHeroic platform, and how to choose your level each day for the workout.
Programming 5 days per week
Daily strength, conditioning, and skill training that’s accessible and challenging for athletes of any level or background
Committed Teammates
A vibrant community that will keep you pushing to unlock your best
Delivered through TrainHeroic
All workouts delivered through an app.
Full Equipment: Functional Fitness Equipment
Minimal Equipment: Dumbbell, Box, Pull-up Bar
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 4-week program
Week 1 Day 1 - 1. Programming Overview 
Week 1 Day 1 - 2. Warm Up (ALL PROGRAMS)
Week 1 Day 1 - 3. Strength

Full Equipment


Barbell Squat 5 x 8-10 (last 2 reps should be tough) - rest 2 to 3 Minutes between sets - Barbell Glute Bridge 5 x 15-20 (last 5 reps should burn!) - rest 1 to 2 Minutes between sets -

Minimal Equipment


Every 2:00 x 5 (10:00) 10 Dumbbell Box Step Ups Tempo Single Leg Lying Dumbbell Glute Bridge 5 x 15 - rest 1 to 2 Minutes between sets -

Body Weight


No Strength Work

Week 1 Day 1 - 4. Metabolic Conditioning

Full Equipment


EMOM x 30:00 (5 Sets) Minutes 1+2) 1:45 Max Meter Row Minute 3) :30s of Max Rep Power Cleans (Choose a load that allows you to get 8-10 reps) Minute 4) :45s of Max Rep Box Jumps @ 24/20" (Step down not rebound) Minutes 5+6) Rest Key Workout Notes: -In this workout, your Row is prescribed over 2 working minutes for a total of 1:45. This should be done at a sustained pace for a number of calories you feel confident repeating or beating each new round -The power cleans are prescribed for just 30 seconds of work (1/2 the interval) because it will be more intense! Keep an eye on how many reps you are accumulating each round so you begin to get familiar with what is attainable. Expect this to spike your heart rate, but you'll have 30 seconds to recover your HR after. -Box jumps should feel somewhere in-between how the row and the power clean feel. Not quite a smooth aerobic movement, but also not a pure power movement. Aim to move consistently in your :45sec, which should yield ~12 reps +/- a few. **REMEMBER, keeping an eye on how many reps you can sustain in your time intervals will help you learn which level to choose later on!

Minimal Equipment


EMOM x 30:00 (5 Sets) Minutes 1+2) 90 Seconds of "Cardio" @ 80% intensity Minute 3) :30s of Max Rep Kettlebell Swings @ 53/35lbs Minute 4) :45s of Max Rep Box Jumps @ 24/20" (Step down not rebound) Minutes 5+6) Rest ** "Cardio" can be running, rowing, biking, etc. 90sec Run Options: 1. Air Runner x 90 seconds 2. Out & back run (45sec out + back) 3. Shuttle Run (25ft down + back for the entire 90 second duration, roughly 10-15 reps) Key Workout Notes: -In this workout, your cardio is prescribed over 2 working minutes for a total of 1:30 and we provided a few options for how to accomplish this. This should be done at a sustained pace for a number of calories or distance you feel confident repeating or beating each new round -The Kettlebell Swings are prescribed for just 30 seconds of work (1/2 the interval) because it will be more intense! Keep an eye on how many reps you are accumulating each round so you begin to get familiar with what is attainable. Expect this to spike your heart rate, but you'll have 30 seconds to recover your HR after. -Box jumps should feel somewhere in-between how the cardio and the KB Swing feel. Not quite a smooth aerobic movement, but also not a pure power movement. Aim to move consistently in your :45sec, which should yield ~12 reps +/- a few. **REMEMBER, keeping an eye on how many reps you can sustain in your time intervals will help you learn which level to choose later on!

Body Weight


EMOM x 30:00 (5 Sets) Minutes 1+2) 90 Seconds of "Cardio" @ 80% intensity Minute 3) :45s of Max Rep Burpees Minute 4) :45s of Max Rep Stationary Lunges Minutes 5+6) Rest ** "Cardio" can be running, rowing, biking, etc. 90sec Run Options: 1. Air Runner x 90 seconds 2. Out & back run (45sec out + back) 3. Shuttle Run (25ft down + back for the entire 90 second duration, roughly 10-15 reps) Key Workout Notes: -In this workout, your cardio is prescribed over 2 working minutes for a total of 1:30 and we provided a few options for how to accomplish this. This should be done at a sustained pace for a number of calories or distance you feel confident repeating or beating each new round -The burpees are prescribed for just 30 seconds of work (1/2 the interval) because it will be more intense! Keep an eye on how many reps you are accumulating each round so you begin to get familiar with what is attainable. Expect this to spike your heart rate, but you'll have 30 seconds to recover your HR after. -Lunges should feel somewhere in-between how the cardio and the burpee feel. Not quite a smooth aerobic movement, but also not a pure power movement. Aim to move consistently in your :45sec, which should yield ~12 reps +/- a few. **REMEMBER, keeping an eye on how many reps you can sustain in your time intervals will help you learn which level to choose later on!

Week 1 Day 2 - 1. Warm Up (ALL PROGRAMS)
Week 1 Day 2 - 2. Metabolic Conditioning

Full Equipment


28:00 Alternating EMOM Minute 1 - 50sec Run *air run, out & back or shuttles (see below) Minute 2 - 50sec Fan Bike Minute 3 - 50sec Ski Minute 4 - Rest Minute **50sec Run Options: 1. Air Runner x 50 seconds 2. Out & back run (25sec out + back) 3. Shuttle Run (25ft down + back for the entire 50 second duration, roughly 5-8 reps)

Minimal Equipment


28:00 Alternating EMOM Minute 1 - 50sec Run *air run, out & back or shuttles (see below) Minute 2 - 50sec Burpee over Dumbbell Minute 3 - 40sec Alt. DB Snatch @ 1x50/35lbs Minute 4 - Rest Minute For your non-machine movements (burpees and dumbbell), plan to pace slightly slower than you might think and breathe through the movements to stay calm and keep this as a more aerobic, lower intensity piece. **50sec Run Options: 1. Air Runner x 50 seconds 2. Out & back run (25sec out + back) 3. Shuttle Run (25ft down + back for the entire 50 second duration, roughly 5-8 reps)

Body Weight


28:00 Alternating EMOM Minute 1 - 50sec Run *air run, out & back or shuttles (see below) Minute 2 - 50sec Burpees *Finish arms overhead with a jump Minute 3 - 40sec Alt. Lunge Jumps Minute 4 - Rest Minute **50sec Run Options: 1. Air Runner x 50 seconds 2. Out & back run (25sec out + back) 3. Shuttle Run (25ft down + back for the entire 50 second duration, roughly 5-8 reps)

Week 1 Day 3 - 1. Warm Up (ALL PROGRAMS)
Week 1 Day 3 - 3. Metabolic Conditioning

Full Equipment


EMOM x 25:00 (5 Sets) Minute 1) :45s Wall Walks Minute 2) :45s Toes To Bar or Hanging Knees to Chest Minute 3) :45s Devil's Press @ 2x50/35lbs Min 4+5) Rest full 2 Minutes **REMEMBER, keeping an eye on how many reps you can sustain in your time intervals will help you learn which level to choose later on!

Minimal Equipment


EMOM x 25:00 (5 Sets) Minute 1) :45s Wall Walks Minute 2) :45s V-ups Minute 3) :45s Devil's Press @ 2x50/35lbs Min 4+5) Rest full 2 Minutes **REMEMBER, keeping an eye on how many reps you can sustain in your time intervals will help you learn which level to choose later on!

Body Weight


EMOM x 25:00 (5 Sets) Minute 1) :45s Inchworm Walkout + Push-up Minute 2) :45s V-ups Minute 3) :45s Burpees *finish with arms overhead and jumping off the ground Min 4+5) Rest full 2 Minutes **REMEMBER, keeping an eye on how many reps you can sustain in your time intervals will help you learn which level to choose later on!

Week 1 Day 3 - 2. Strength

Full Equipment


Barbell Bench Press Build to a heavy single for the day Then, Every 2:00 for 10:00 5 x 8 @ 60% of today's sinlge Seated Dumbbell Z Press 4 x 10 (build) - rest 1 to 2min between sets -

Minimal Equipment


Dumbbell Floor Press Every 2:00 for 10:00 5 x 8 to 15 Reps Seated Dumbbell Z Press 4 x 10 (build) - rest 1 to 2 minutes between sets -

Body Weight


10:00 EMOM 30sec Max Effort Hand Release Pushups

Week 1 Day 4
Week 1 Day 5 - 1. Warm Up (ALL PROGRAMS)
Week 1 Day 5 - 2. Strength

Full Equipment


Deadlift 5 x 5 (build) - last set should be 9/10 effort - rest 2 to 3 minutes between sets - Strict Pullups 10:00 EMOM 3-6 Reps - if needed, use a band for assistance if you want to add a vest/load, do so

Minimal Equipment


Single Leg / Opposite Arm Kettlebell Romanian Deadlift 5 x 8/8 - rest 2:00 between sets - Bent Over Kettlebell Gorilla Rows 5 x 6/6 every 2:00 (go heavy if you can!)



Tempo Strict Pullups (3sec down) Every 2:00 for 10:00 4-10 reps (should have about 1 to 2 more reps in the tank)

Week 1 Day 5 - 3. Metabolic Conditioning

Full Equipment


15:00 Alternating EMOM Minute 1: 40 Seconds of Max Rep Pull-Ups (Strict, Kipping, Or Butterfly) (No more than 20 reps) Minute 2: 50 Seconds Max Rep Alternating Dumbbell Snatches @ 50/35lbs Minute 3: 50 Seconds of Max Rep Double Unders/Single Unders (No more than 75 reps) Key Workout Note: You'll often see movements like pull-ups programmed with a cap on the number of reps. This is to make sure we don't do an excessive volume and cause too much fatigue for subsequent workouts. **REMEMBER, keeping an eye on how many reps you can sustain in your time intervals will help you learn which level to choose later on!

Minimal Equipment


15:00 Alternating EMOM Minute 1: 40 Seconds of Max Rep Pull-Ups (Strict, Kipping, Or Butterfly) (No more than 20 reps) Minute 2: 50 Seconds Max Rep Alternating Dumbbell Snatches @ 50/35lbs Minute 3: 50 Seconds of Max Rep Double Unders/Single Unders (No more than 75 reps) *See notes under full equipment version for session direction! **REMEMBER, keeping an eye on how many reps you can sustain in your time intervals will help you learn which level to choose later on!



15:00 Alternating EMOM Minute 1: 40 Seconds of Max Rep Pull-Ups (Strict, Kipping, Or Butterfly) (No more than 20 reps) Minute 2: 40 Seconds Max Rep V-Ups Minute 3: 50 Seconds of Max Rep Double Unders/Single Unders (No more than 75 reps) *See notes under full equipment version for session direction! **REMEMBER, keeping an eye on how many reps you can sustain in your time intervals will help you learn which level to choose later on!

Week 1 Day 6 - 1. Warm Up (ALL PROGRAMS)
Week 1 Day 6 - 2. Metabolic Conditioning

Option 1: Machine Based Option


*We recommend a Concept 2 Spin Bike, Fan Bike, or a Row or Ski Machine Machine Intervals (Bike, Row, Ski) 10:00 Easy bike, row, or ski as warm-up Rest / Stretch x 2-3:00 then, 6 Rounds: (24:00 Total) 3:00 at Threshold Effort (7-8/10, moderate intensity) 1:00 Rest and Recovery (continue easy movement during this time) then, 5:00 Cool Down effort

Option 2: Running Based Option


Running Intervals 10:00 Easy Jog or mixed aerobic movement between jogging and machines Rest / Stretch x 2-3:00 then, 6 Rounds: (24:00 Total) 3:00 at 10K Pace (8/10 effort) 1:00 Rest then, 5:00 Cool Down Jog or Walk

Week 2 Day 0
Unleash Your Potential with The Primer

Discover fitness made simple with The Primer! In just 4 weeks, sample our diverse programs and master the EMOM method. Ideal for any level, you'll find your perfect workout and gain confidence. Start your transformation journey with The Primer today!

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The EMOM Co. Primer