Abs & Core for Everyday Life

Homegrown Fit Menopause Body Blueprint Coaching

Mobility, Strength & Conditioning, Functional Fitness
Anne Koski

This program will help you gain more movement freedom, control, and space to move (range of motion)! Also: a stronger/bumpier & better-connected middle body.

Don't waste your time & energy with another X-Minute, 300-rep core Workouts!

Specifically, THOSE mini-workouts that highlight high-volume, low resistance, and little-to-no rest.

These workouts ignore the fact that:

-- Spot reduction is a myth

-- A bajillion low-resistance reps won't build strength or tone us up

-- If you already work out, doing more of the same won't fix your low back pain

–- Lengthy Ab workouts are so popular simply because of these myths and hype that surround them

Those workouts are clickbait! And they are not necessary or effective to get the results you want: more mobility/less stiffness, more muscle, and less time spent getting there.

📣 My Abs & Core Program is different than that clickbait stuff! Join up to find out.

Big GainZ Await You
Finish with more strength than you started, and gain more muscly contour under your skin.
Gain Movement Freedom
Build a bigger range of motion, more strength around the edges, and better control of the joints that your abs help manage.
Feel Better Connected
Rebuild any disconnect in control and strength within your mid-body: nervous system to joints connection, and rib cage to pelvis connection.
Programming 5 days per week
Two Days on, One Day off rotation, covering Spine + Ribcage Mobility and strength, on each Work day. Expect to spend 10-20 minutes on each workout.
Exercise Video Guidance
Instructional videos to make sure you have the tools and practice to make execution easy.
Detailed, expert instruction
Coaches who will hold you accountable and provide the feedback you need to grow
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Sweating over a lifeless Spreadsheet is so 20th century. Your coach will push you harder, know you better, and keep you going longer.
Yoga Block // Dumbbells or Weight Plates
Wall Ball or other Ball // Mat // Pull-Up Bar // Bands
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 4-week program
Benchmark, Breathing, & Thoracic Spine


Breathing 101, Supine

1 x 2:00

Sit-up Benchmark


Benchmark: Overhead Sit-ups + Max Reps Choose whether you will anchor your feet or not, and plan to duplicate that method when you do this again in your final workout. 6-10 Overhead Sit-ups, weight of your choice Rest 20 Seconds 6-10 Overhead Sit-ups, holding the same weight again Rest 20 Seconds Maximum Rep Sit-ups (no weight) to failure -- Taking a sec. to rest = failure. In other words, don't stop moving until you absolutely cannot sit up again! Take good notes: - Record the amount of weight you used + number of reps you did for your overhead sit-up sets. - Note whether you anchored your feet or not. - Rate your overall rested and readiness, on a scale from 1-10 To get the most accurate assessment of your strength progress at the end of these 4 weeks, plan to duplicate your set-up and workload for your overhead sit-ups.

Thoracic Mobility Benchmark


FILM yourself (from the side) doing this drill. Play your video back and take Screen Shots of each end of the movement: 1. Maximum Flexion (crunching) 2. Maximum Extension (lifting sternum up & out) Note from the video play-back and your screen shots: - Presence/Absence of Compensation Strategies: does any other part of your spine - outside of your thoracic spine/upper back - try to help? - Actual Range of motion/Space Covered: DOES your thoracic spine extend? Is it able to leave flexion? - Can you segment, meaning can each vertebral joint move mostly independent of the joints above and below it, or does your entire thoracic spine move as a single chunk? Or something in-between? This is also a legit Mobility Drill that will help you get more from your strength work, and help you move better everywhere else in life! Plan to do this one again.



Rock Back Breathing

1 x 2:00


Half Kneeling Block Rotations

3 x 10


Russian Twist, Heavy

3 x 12

Essential Rest Day



Spinal Movement


Bear Breathing

1 x 2:00



1 x 5


Spinal Segmentation

1 x 10

Tuck-up EMOM


Tuck-ups: Bench or Hanging (or some of each) -- Every Minute on the Minute for Six Minutes (EMOM6), complete 6-12 reps -- If it takes >30 seconds per minute to complete each set, pick one of the more challenging set-ups/methods or add Dumbbell Resistance to your existing set-up -- Select and adjust your set-up as you move through all 6 rounds -- Record your Total Reps

Rotation/Lateral Flexion Work


Half Kneeling Block Rotations

2 x 1:00


Thoracic CARs, How To

1 x 6:00

Rotational SuperSet


1 warm-up Sets 2 Working Sets 8-12/side Side Bends 12-20/side Half kneeling Rotational Throw/Slam

Spine & Sit-ups


Spinal Segmentation

1 x 5

Lumbar Strength & Mobility


2 x 3-6 Lumbar Flexion Eccentric Neural Groove (ENG) Options, most-challenging last: 1. Seated Roll-Down 2. Supine Eccentric Tuck 3. Supine DECLINE Eccentric Tuck


Sit-up, weighted

4 x 10

coach-avatar Anne Koski

Anne has 25 years of experience working directly with people who want to stop feeling stuck, tight, and physically vulnerable, and start feeling, moving, and looking better.

Check ALL the boxes with this Program:

Gain range of motion, connection, strength around the edges, and more muscle!

Get Abs & Core for Everyday Life
Is this program meant for my fitness level?
This program is listed as an Intermediate-level workout, however, most-to-all exercises include multiple set-up options, which are all demonstrated in the demo videos.
How long does each workout take?
Expect to spend 10-15 minutes on each workout. This training is meant to fit in with the other workouts you may already be doing. But if this program is the extent of your exercise plan right now, that's okay too.
How will I know if this Program is *Working*
I WANT to boast that you will feel, look, and move through + interact with the world in an entirely new and amazing✨ way, but this program is only 4 weeks long! I suggest you give yourself 4 weeks to learn the stuff, a second 4 weeks to get better at it and begin to witness your evolution.
Can I expect to see some swole abs by the end of this 4-week program?
Again, growth takes time. Besides, whether we see 👀 our six pack or not, it's in there doing work for us! Plus, whether it's visible or not is 85% contingent on how much body fat we have, determined by years of diet, movement habits (like, taking walks & stuff), and genetics (<10% influence).
Are Demonstration Videos Included?
Yes, every exercise includes a demonstration video, with multiple equipment and set-up options.
Does this program require access to a gym?
No gym, no problem! With some creative MacGyvering, this program can be done in your home or apartment.
Abs & Core for Everyday Life