Pregnancy Fitness Program: MomStrong by MINT Trimester 2

The MINT Prjct

Strength & Conditioning, Women's Training
Cara Forrester

We designed this program with the intent to help you maintain your strength (within reason), keep you moving, clear the confusion around what exercises you should be performing and gradually reduce, then eliminate movements that place extra pressure on the core and pelvic floor during the second and third trimesters of your pregnancy so that you can be confident in your movement during this already challenging time.

This program takes the guesswork out of when and how to modify your exercise with workouts that you can feel comfortable performing as your pregnancy progresses.

There are 3 days of workouts each week with a lower body, upper body and mixed day focus. Each day consists of a warm-up, 2-3 lifting supersets and finishes with a fun, conditioning workout. You’ll also get access to our MINT Mamas Facebook group where you can ask questions and share wins!

note you should be cleared by your doctor before beginning any exercise program*

Strength + Conditioning for Pregnancy
The full 2nd and 3rd trimester program consists of two, 8-week blocks, one 6-week block and one 4-week block. Throughout the entire program exercises will alternate every other week, with the exercises and intent of the workouts changing with each block. The program modifies and progresses, so you don't have to guess what exercises you should be or shouldn't be doing in pregnancy.
Modifications for Common Pains
From week 28 (start of 3rd trimester) through week 40 of the program, modifications for diastasis symphysis pubis are given in case of pain with certain exercises. We also have recommended mobility work to help you feel your best and ease common pregnancy aches and pains.
Full Body Work
There are 3 days of workouts each week with a lower body, upper body and mixed day focus. Each day consists of a warm-up, 2-3 lifting supersets and finishes with a fun, conditioning workout! We also have recommended mobility work through our partners at pliability (note this is a separate subscription via their app).
This program includes professional demonstration videos as well as access to our MINT Mamas Facebook group where you’ll have access to our experts for questions and guidance. You can also message us at any time with questions or guidance on moving to the next phase.
Core & Pelvic Floor Considerations
You’ll learn breath and posture strategies that will be important to continue through pregnancy and early postpartum. This program reduces, then eliminates movements that place extra pressure on the core and pelvic floor during the second and third trimesters of your pregnancy so that you can be confident in your movement during this already challenging time.
Access to your coaches
This is a challenging time. Our coaches are here for guidance, support, and to help you the entire time.
Programming 3 days per week
Each day consists of a warm-up, 2-3 lifting supersets and finishes with conditioning. There's also recommended mobility days throughout the week.
Mindset Support
Pregnancy mindset can be challenging. Our coaches and community have been there and are here for you with tips and tricks to help you feel your best.
Exercise Video Guidance
Instructional videos to guide your movement, breath, and make execution easy.
An Amazing MINT Community
The MINT Mama community is the most supportive group of like-minded Mamas who will support you, & help you get where you want to be.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Delivered through a convenient app so you can go through the program whenever, wherever!
Dumbbells &/or Kettlebells // Long Resistance Bands // Mini Band // Medicine Ball / Wall Ball // Bench // Box
Barbell + Plates // Cardio option (bike, rower, treadmill, sled, etc.)
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 14-week program
14 Weeks Day 1: Lower Body


MINT Pregnancy Breathing Introduction



MINT Lower Body Pregnancy Warm-Up

3 min bike THEN 2 rounds: -10 bodyweight squat -10 bodyweight good morning (video shows a KB, dont hold a weight during the warm-up) -10/side walking lunges -5/side eccentric calf stretch


MINT Barbell Front Squat

4 x 8


MINT Double Dumbbell Step Up

4 x 8


MINT Barbell Single Leg Romanian Deadlift

4 x 8


MINT Power Kettlebell Swing

4 x 15



3 rounds: 10 cal bike 12 elevated box burpee step- ups (or regular burpee box step ups) 14 bodyweight squat 16 single arm DB snatch (8/arm)

Trimester 2 Mobility Day 1 (please note this is simply a recommendation and a separate subscription via the pliability app).
14 Weeks Day 2: Upper Body



MINT Pregnancy Program Upper Body Warm Up

3 min row THEN 2 rounds: -10 banded pass throughs -50 steps on each side light weight single arm overhead carry -20 band pull-aparts


MINT Barbell Overhead Press

4 x 8


MINT Half Kneeling Single Arm DB Press

4 x 6


MINT Single Arm High Pull

4 x 6


MINT Pull Up

4 x 6



10-1, 1-10 for time (you'll start with 10 of each exercise, then drop by 1 rep each round until you reach 1 rep of each. If you have time, climb back up the ladder to 10 reps from 1) ex: Round 1: 10 ring rows, 10 pushups, 10 plate GTO. Round 2: 9 ring rows, 9 pushups, 9 plate GTO... Ring rows Elevated/knee/regular pushups Plate ground to overhead

Trimester 2 Mobility Day 2
14 Weeks Day 3: Full Body



MINT Pregnancy Program Full Body Day Warm Up

3 min bike THEN 2 rounds: -10 bodyweight good mornings -10 bodyweight squats -10 band pull aparts -10 arm circles (10 forward and 10 backward)


MINT Double Kettlebell Hip Thrust

4 x 8


Alternating Dumbbell Curtsy Lunge

4 x 6


MINT Barbell Bicep Curl

4 x 8


MINT Tricep Dips

4 x 12



15 Minute AMRAP (get in as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes): 2,4,6,8... (start with 2 reps of everything and increase by 2 each round) Double Dumbbell Front Squat Dumbbell Push Press Double Dumbbell Sumo Deadlift Calorie Row

Trimester 2 Mobility Day 3
coach-avatar Cara Forrester

Cara has a Master’s degree in Sports Conditioning and Performance, a Bachelor’s degree in Exercise and Wellness, holds a CF-L1 certificate and is an ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist. She also has her Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism Coach certification and is an Active Life Rx Immersion & Pro Path grad. She is also a former gym owner and proud mama of 3!

Motherhood In New Terms

Join the army of women who are getting strong, embracing the journey, and setting the example!

Get Pregnancy Fitness Program: MomStrong by MINT Trimester 2
Who is this program for?
This program is designed for any pregnant mama wanting to continue training in ways that are similar to the following: Strength training / bodybuilding style training, Strength & conditioning, Functional fitness, CrossFit
Do I need access to a gym?
We do program several barbell movements, but these can also be done with dumbbells or kettlebells. This program could be modified to an at home program with dumbbells, bands and a bench or box.
What's next?
After you deliver (yay!), and are cleared for exercise, you can utilize our 6 Phase Postpartum exercise program to safely and effectively return to your exercise routine. Then, you can join us in our MomStrong Strength & Conditioning program!
The Proof
verified-athlete-avatar Hannah B.

MomStrong Client

Verified Athlete

"It was the perfect balance between staying fit and toning down my workouts to keep my body and baby safe. I loved the exercises and overall organization of the work outs. It made it so easy and stress free. I can’t recommend it enough!"

verified-athlete-avatar Cassie L.

MomStrong Client

Verified Athlete

"A great program for moms and soon to be moms that helped me keep moving during pregnancy and helped me feel confident in the movements!"

verified-athlete-avatar Becky L

MomStrong Client

Verified Athlete

"When I go to the gym, the last thing I wanted to do was think about pregnancy safe modifications for my workouts. Last pregnancy I would often skip movements because I didn’t feel like finding the correct modifications. I honestly can say I am working out more this pregnancy and feeling great!"

Pregnancy Fitness Program: MomStrong by MINT Trimester 2