Better Shoulder Mobility for BJJ

Victory Submission Strength

Jiu Jitsu, Mobility, Combat Sports
Matt Guffey

Were you led to believe that training BJJ means you’ll always be in pain?

That the more sore you are after a workout, the more effective it was?

Or that you can’t get stronger or more mobile without sacrificing too much mat time?

You’re not the only one. These damaging ideas have been floating around for decades, accepted as common sense. They keep us running ourselves into the ground only to end up stuck, exhausted, and not reaching our full potential. They keep us working way harder than we have to to end up right back where we started: unsatisfied with our progress and still losing matches.

But we know better now. All of that is total bullsh*t.

It IS possible to get stronger and more mobile than ever and heal those old injuries without giving up valuable time training BJJ. And it’s possible to do this with only two sessions per week. Sessions that WON’T leave you too sore to sit on the toilet for the next 3 days.

I know because I’ve done this for myself and shown hundreds of others how to successfully do the same.

If you’re going to spend time away from the mats, you better make sure it’s time well spent.

Spend More Time on the Mats
The name of the game is *literally* to break joints. Getting stronger and more mobile at end ranges ensures you're less likely to get injured as you train harder. Better mobility = More BJJ.
Programming 2 days per week
Two workouts per week. 45 minutes each. Little to no equipment required. Couldn't be easier to improve your mobility.
Exercise Video Guidance
Instructional videos to guide your practice and make execution easy
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Sweating over a lifeless PDF is so last year. Your coaches and team will push you harder, know you better, and keep you going longer.
Tennis Balls // Airex Pads // Box // Dowel or Rack
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 4-week program
Week 1 Day 1




2-3x each direction for each joint - Neck - Spine - Shoulder Blades - Shoulders - Elbows - Wrists - Hips - Knees - Ankles - Toes



VHP Shoulder Mobility Circuit (Rotational Focus)

Tap the video to follow along with Brendan as Matt coaches him through the following: 1. Collapsed kneel shoulder CARs 2x ea 2. Collapsed kneel scapular CARs 5x ea 3. Side lying shoulder internal rotation PAILs/RAILs 1x 4. Side lying shoulder internal rotation PRLOs 10x 5. Repeat 3-4 on the other shoulder 6. Prone shoulder external rotation PAILs/RAILs 1x 7. Prone shoulder external rotation PRLOs 10x 8. Repeat 6-7 on the other shoulder 9. Collapsed kneel swimmers 5x 10. Collapsed kneel shoulder CARs 2x ea 11. Collapsed kneel scapular CARs 5x ea

Week 1 Day 4




2-3x each direction for each joint - Neck - Spine - Shoulder Blades - Shoulders - Elbows - Wrists - Hips - Knees - Ankles - Toes



VHP Shoulder Mobility Circuit (Linear Focus)

Tap the video to follow along with Brendan as Matt coaches him through the following: 1. Standing shoulder CARs 2x ea 2. Quadruped axial CARs 5x ea 3. Quadruped shoulder flexion PAILs/RAILs 1x ea 4. Quadruped shoulder flexion PRLOs 10x ea 5. Collapsed kneel shoulder extension PAILs/RAILs 1x ea 6. Collapsed kneel shoulder extension PRLOs 10x ea 7. Collapsed kneel shoulder horizontal adduction PAILs/RAILs 1x ea 8. Prone swimmers 5x 9. Standing shoulder CARs 2x ea

Can You Afford to Do Nothing?

What if your opponent joins and you don't? Are you willing to test yourself against someone who's stronger and more mobile than you?

Get Better Shoulder Mobility for BJJ
What happens if I don't have any equipment?
No worries! All of the mobility work can be done from the comfort of your own home. You may need to improvise and use the couch, a chair, wall, a pillow, etc. but there is ZERO equipment requirement.
What happens at the end of the 4 weeks?
You have access to the program for LIFE, so you can continue to add copies of the program month after month to keep up your mobility practice. You might also check out some of our other mobility programs!
How long is each workout?
Roughly 45 minutes. Follow along with the coaching videos for cues and timing ⏱️
Better Shoulder Mobility for BJJ