Ricky Garard's REBOOT Program.
This 6 week program I have used numerous times now to get me back on track & performing at my best, snatch and clean & jerking right back near my PR's and performing workouts where you can feel those lungs and gas tank back to 100%.
This program is for you who may have fallen off the rails and created a huge set back, from either injuries or work or family or lack of motivation & or purpose. Me being a victim to a huge set back, I have founded & created this 6 week method that i have used & tested numerous times now to get me right back on track, performing at my best & feeling myself again.
(*And NO! It is not a 6 week PED cycle, it takes hard work & believing in yourself.)
At a one off payment of only $20 for the whole 6 week program you cant miss out on this opportunity on this REBOOT program I am sharing.
FeaturesWarm Up
5 Minutes To Practice: Handstand Holds * Freestanding or *Nose To Wall *GOAL is to improve positioning and timing of how long you can stay up for. * TIPS: weight in your finger tips, squeeze your bum & tuck your pelvic floor in. * Keep Your Arms Long & Stacked Directly Under Your Shoulders * Practice Makes Perfect
Mobility & Activation
Mobility: 10 x Leg swings (forwards & sideways e/leg) 10 x Kip Swings 5 x Up/down Dog Reps 5 x Each Side Hip Opener with Rotations 20sec Pigeon Glute Stretch (each leg) 10 x Back roll outs into Pancake stretch 1 x Candle Stick Roll 10sec Squat Rotation Hold (each arm) 10sec frog pose 10 x Banded Good Mornings Lower Body Activation: 10 x Band Walk Left 10 x Banded Walk Right 10 x Banded Walk Forwards 10 x Banded Walk Backwards 10 x Banded Side Kicks Upper Body Activation: 10 x Banded Lat Twist 10 x Band Pull Aparts 10 x Banded Chest Flys 10 x Banded Strict Press 10 x Banded BTN Strict Press 10 x Banded Rear Delt Pull Aparts
Clean & Jerk
5 x 1 @ 80, 82.5, 85, 87.5, 90 %
Squat Snatch
5 x 2 @ 80, 82.5, 85, 87.5, 90 %
For Time: 3 Rounds Of: 25 x Wall Balls @14/9kg 15 x Toes To Bar Rest 90 Seconds 3 Rounds Of: 12 x OHS @60/40kg 12 x Strict HSPU's Rest 90 Seconds 3 Rounds Of: 15/12 Calorie Row 14 x DB Hang Clean & Jerk @30/22.5kg (7 each arm)
Accessory Work
3 Rounds For Quality: 21 x GHD Sit Ups (unbroken) 15 x GHD Back Extensions (unbroken) 9m Handstand Walk (unbroken) Rest As Needed Between Exercises & Rounds.
Warm Up
5 Minutes To Practice: False Grip Strict Ring Muscle Ups * Warm up & tape up hands if needed before hand, if you dont have strict yet then practice with bands attached to each ring on a carabeena & put your feet into the bands. * No More Then 20 Reps Total. *IF you dont have muscle ups watch the drills video below.
Mobility & Activation
Mobility: 10 x Leg swings (forwards & sideways e/leg) 10 x Kip Swings 5 x Up/down Dog Reps 5 x Each Side Hip Opener with Rotations 20sec Pigeon Glute Stretch (each leg) 10 x Back roll outs into Pancake stretch 1 x Candle Stick Roll 10sec Squat Rotation Hold (each arm) 10sec frog pose 10 x Banded Good Mornings Lower Body Activation: 10 x Band Walk Left 10 x Banded Walk Right 10 x Banded Walk Forwards 10 x Banded Walk Backwards 10 x Banded Side Kicks Upper Body Activation: 10 x Banded Lat Twist 10 x Band Pull Aparts 10 x Banded Chest Flys 10 x Banded Strict Press 10 x Banded BTN Strict Press 10 x Banded Rear Delt Pull Aparts
Front Squat
5 x 2 @ 85 %
"DB DT ish" 5 Rounds Each Round For Time: 12 x DB Deadlifts 9 x DB Hang Cleans 6 x DB Shoulder To Overhead Rest 90 Seconds. Rxd: 2 x 35kg/25kg DB's *Challenge Is to Complete One of The Rounds Unbroken. * Extreme Challenge Complete All Rounds Unbroken.
Every 4 Minutes For 5 Rounds: Run 400m 12 x Thrusters @43/30kg 9 x Burpee Box Jumps @24'/20" 6 x Bar Muscle Ups *Time Each Round & Try To Be As Consistent As Possible *If you don't make the time then record your reps.
Weighted Accessories
3 Sets For Quality Of: 10 x Weighted Chin Ups (under grass grip) 10 x Weighted Dips (dip bar) * Rest as needed between exercises & rounds * Use KB's, DB's or plates attached to a chain belt or similar.
Warm Up
5 Minutes To Practice: Double Under Flight Simulator: 5 reps then stop, then 10, stop, then 15, then 20 etc all the way up to 40 reps * GOAL is to improve consistency of sets by hitting this unbroken up to the 40's * This is an important skill to have. * Practice Makes Perfect
Mobility & Activation
Mobility: 10 x Leg swings (forwards & sideways e/leg) 10 x Kip Swings 5 x Up/down Dog Reps 5 x Each Side Hip Opener with Rotations 20sec Pigeon Glute Stretch (each leg) 10 x Back roll outs into Pancake stretch 1 x Candle Stick Roll 10sec Squat Rotation Hold (each arm) 10sec frog pose 10 x Banded Good Mornings Lower Body Activation: 10 x Band Walk Left 10 x Banded Walk Right 10 x Banded Walk Forwards 10 x Banded Walk Backwards 10 x Banded Side Kicks Upper Body Activation: 10 x Banded Lat Twist 10 x Band Pull Aparts 10 x Banded Chest Flys 10 x Banded Strict Press 10 x Banded BTN Strict Press 10 x Banded Rear Delt Pull Aparts
Power Clean
5 x 2 @ 85 %
Push Jerk
5 x 2 @ 85 %
For Time: "Grace" 30 x Clean & Jerks @61/43kg REST 3 Minutes: 3 Rounds For Time: 40 x Air Squats 30 x Push Ups 20 x Pull Ups 10 x Pistol Squats 5 x Strict HSPU's * Wear A Weighted Vest @9/6kg
Power Intervals
10 Rounds On The Assault Bike Of: 15 Sec ON 45 Sec OFF
Warm Up
5 - 10 Minutes To Practice: DB Squat Snatches * Up to 20 Reps On Each Arm in Total. * Start light before grabbing the bigger weights a good goal is reps at 22.5kg - 35kg & 15kg - 30kg plus for the women. * Practice the range of motion with real light weights if you cant get it or even with 2.5kg change plates.
Mobility & Activation
Mobility: 10 x Leg swings (forwards & sideways e/leg) 10 x Kip Swings 5 x Up/down Dog Reps 5 x Each Side Hip Opener with Rotations 20sec Pigeon Glute Stretch (each leg) 10 x Back roll outs into Pancake stretch 1 x Candle Stick Roll 10sec Squat Rotation Hold (each arm) 10sec frog pose 10 x Banded Good Mornings Lower Body Activation: 10 x Band Walk Left 10 x Banded Walk Right 10 x Banded Walk Forwards 10 x Banded Walk Backwards 10 x Banded Side Kicks Upper Body Activation: 10 x Banded Lat Twist 10 x Band Pull Aparts 10 x Banded Chest Flys 10 x Banded Strict Press 10 x Banded BTN Strict Press 10 x Banded Rear Delt Pull Aparts
Snatch Balance
5 x 2 @ 75, 80, 85, 90, 95 %
3 x 10 @ 75 %
Seated Box Jump
3 x 10 @ 30
For Time: 30 x Single Arm OH DB Lunges @30/22.5kg 100 x DU's 30 x Single DB Overhead Squat @30/22.5kg 10 x Ring Muscle Ups 30 x Single DB Overhead Squat @30/22.5kg 100 x DU's 30 x Single Arm OH DB Lunges @30/22.5kg * Drop DB Weight Back If Needed.
Running Intervals
*At a track or footy oval if possible,if not just at your gym. 2 Rounds Of: Run 800m Rest 60 seconds Run 600m Rest 45 Seconds Run 400m Rest 30 Seconds SPRINT 200m Rest 5 Minutes
Warm Up
5 -10 Minutes To Practice: HSPU's - (Kipping, Strict & or Deficit) * Up to 40 Reps In Total * Practice Which Ever one you would classify as a weakness, may be more then 1 style? * Go For Sets that finish 2-3 Short Of Failure
Mobility & Activation
Mobility: 10 x Leg swings (forwards & sideways e/leg) 10 x Kip Swings 5 x Up/down Dog Reps 5 x Each Side Hip Opener with Rotations 20sec Pigeon Glute Stretch (each leg) 10 x Back roll outs into Pancake stretch 1 x Candle Stick Roll 10sec Squat Rotation Hold (each arm) 10sec frog pose 10 x Banded Good Mornings ** ACTIVATION PIECE below. (sled drag)
Mini Sled Glute March
For Quality: 800m Mini Sled Drag @30/20kg * This is a glute and posterior exercise & we must only walk. * Quarter squat position and marching with heel contact first, not toes. * For extra glute burn & activation add a mini band around the top of the knees. * If you dont have a mini sled order one from ALPHAFIT, but for today you can do our normal glute activation with the band or come up with your own idea for a sled. (maybe a car tyre with a plate on top)
Back Squat
5 x 5 @ 75 %
For Time: 30 x Calorie Row 30 x KB Swings @32/24kg 30 x Box Jump Overs @24"/20" 20 x Calorie Row 20 x KB Swings @32/24kg 20 x Box Jump Overs @24"/20" 10 x Calorie Row 10 x KB Swings @32/24kg 10 x Box Jump Overs @24"/20"
Rope Climb, Peg Board & HS Walk
2 Rounds For Quality: 3 x 15' Rope Climb (with legs) Rest As Needed 2 x Peg Board Climbs Rest As Needed 1 x 15m HS Walk Rest As Needed Before 2nd Round.
Mobility & Activation
Mobility: 10 x Leg swings (forwards & sideways e/leg) 10 x Kip Swings 5 x Up/down Dog Reps 5 x Each Side Hip Opener with Rotations 20sec Pigeon Glute Stretch (each leg) 10 x Back roll outs into Pancake stretch 1 x Candle Stick Roll 10sec Squat Rotation Hold (each arm) 10sec frog pose 10 x Banded Good Mornings Upper Body Activation: 10 x Banded Lat Twist 10 x Band Pull Aparts 10 x Banded Chest Flys 10 x Banded Strict Press 10 x Banded BTN Strict Press 10 x Banded Rear Delt Pull Aparts
Strongman work
For Quality: 200m Deadball Carry @100lbs 400m Yolk Carry @100kg+ 200m Farmers Carry @heavy 100m Deadball Carry @100lbs 200m Overhead Yolk Carry @empty yolk 100m Farmers Carry @heavier *Grab a buddy, make it fun & get strong together. * No Sled - Drag A Old Weight Plate or Plates * No Yolk - Carry Are Barbell With KB's hanging off bands either side * No Farmers Carry Handles - Use Heavy KB's or DB's
In your own time for QUALITY: 5 x 5 Bench Press @As Heavy As Possible 5 x 5 Strict Press @As Heavy As Possible 3 x 10-15 Strict Pull Ups *use weight if possible 3 x 10-15 Strict Ring Dips or Bar Dips *use weight if possible
Active Recovery Piece
15 Minutes Total: 30 Seconds Hard - 30 Seconds Easy 5 Minutes - Assault Bike 5 Minutes - Rower 5 Minutes - Ski Erg ** This week for the active recovery we are only breathing through your nose for the first 2 minutes 30 seconds of each piece.
Rest - Re-Fuel - Sleep & RECOVER!
Prepare To Win Or Prepare to Fail Sundays are for preparation & relaxing.
Started CrossFit in 2012. Fell in love with the methodology & the sport, that same year I opened Benton Gym. Competed at The CrossFit Games Individual in '15. I love coaching & passing on my knowledge to anyone willing to listen and put in the work.