Amy Fryt

Functional Fitness, Gymnastics
Amy Fryt

Beginning to intermediate level Toes to Bar program. Work towards your first rep or increase efficiency on current reps. Designed to be used as a supplement for regular training.

3 sessions per week
Must use App app to view and log training
Program Training
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 6-week program
Day 1



EMOM x 9:00-12:00 MINUTE 1. :20 Hollow Body Hold MINUTE 2. 10x Banded Hollow Body Pull Downs MINUTE 3. 3x1 Strict Leg Raises*, with :02 lower, (scale: half leg raise) *Drop after each single rep Notes: Hollow Hold: Focus on pushing belly button to the ground. Squeeze butt to engage core. Scale by pulling arms down by sides or tuck one knee in to chest. Banded Hollow Pull Down: Grip width should be same as grip on bar. Wrap thumbs around, keep pinky knuckle on top. Pull fast, pause at peak of pull, slowly come back to start. Strict Leg Raises: Strict leg raises as high as possible. Lower with :02 SLOW on the way down. Scale movement by completing half leg/ bent leg raises

Day 2



3-4 sets for quality: :20 Superman Hold :15 Active Hang Max (minus :02) L- Sit Hold on parallettes Notes: Superman Hold: Think about a tight body position. Squeeze your feet together and create active shoulders- focus on this being the backside of your movements on the bar. Active Hang: Here we want the shoulders in a strong active position. Start by finding your dead hang position, completely relaxed at the bottom. From here, retract the shoulder blades slightly (not all the way) and hold there. L-Sit Hold: Working core and hip flexor strength in the static hold. The goal with this is to hold with approximately 2 seconds left in the tank, so just before max effort.

Day 3



EMOM 9:00-12:00 MINUTE 1: 20x Hollow Body Rocks MINUTE 2: 10x Banded lat pull-down, :02 pause at hips MINUTE 3: 2-2-1 Strict Leg Raises* with :02 lower (scale: half leg raise) Notes: Hollow Body Rocks: Squeeze butt and push belly button down through the ground. Adjust position to ensure low back is on the ground. Banded Lat Pulldown: Pick a light/medium resistenace to start. Focus on straight arm pulling by engaging the lats to pull PVC to hips Strict Leg Raises: Strict leg raises as high as possible. Lower with :02 SLOW on the way down. Scale movement by completing half leg/ bent leg raises *Drop after each set

Toes to Bar Program