Concentre-se na Consistência.
Acreditando que o progresso é feito todos os dias, este programa tem como objetivo incentivar todos os atletas a treinar 365 dias por ano.
Ao adoptar esta mentalidade, os atletas podem desenvolver um compromisso inabalável com o seu treino e ver uma melhoria contínua.
Cada sessão de treino do Programa Perform and Compete é cuidadosamente selecionada, levando em consideração os diversos elementos de condicionamento físico necessários para um desempenho ideal. Quer se trate de aumentar a força, aumentar a resistência, esculpir o corpo ou ultrapassar os limites com treinos de alta intensidade, este programa cobre tudo.
Ao incorporar uma variedade de métodos de treinamento, os atletas podem garantir um desenvolvimento completo e evitar estagnações.
Com uma abordagem híbrida, treinos eficientes em termos de tempo e dedicação ao treino todos os dias, este programa oferece uma experiência de condicionamento físico abrangente e transformadora. Comprometa-se com o Perform and Compete e eleve sua capacidade atlética a novos patamares.
AM Warm-Up
5min Row (warm up pace) + 2 Sets: - 5 Prone Shoulder CAR's @3131 - 10 Alternating Box Step Ups @control lowerin - 10 Knee Banded Air Squats *rest if needed + 2 Sets: - 10 Banded Overhead Squat @2111 - 10 Banded Good Morning @21X0 - 15 Supine Grip Band Pull Aparts @1111 *rest if needed
3 Rounds for Time
For 3 Rounds, complete: -20/15cal Row - 2/1 Rope Climb - 6 Push Jerk (60-40kgs) - Rest 2min - Focus on Strong Pulls on the Rowe and breathe. On the rope climb try to limit the rest between reps. We are going heavy on those push jerk, pick a weight you can go unbroken
Acessory Work
Barbell Romanian Deadlift - 6x 10 reps
Every 1min for 10min, complete: min 1: X Bar Muscle Ups min 2: 40sec Slow Bike Nota: pick a number of reps on the muscle ups you can keep across all 10min
Barbell Cycling W1D1
8 x 4 @ 45, _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , _ %
Kettlebell Split Stance Deadlift
3 x 10
Barbell Front Squat
5, 5, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1
Barbell Good Morning CnPerform
4 x 10
Acessory Work
4 Sets: - 5 Yates Row @20X1 rest 45" - 10 Weighted Body Saw RPE 8 Rest 1'30 Coach Notes: do a couple warm-up sets to find the appropriate intensity for each movement before starting the 4 working sets.
Cool Down
1 minute Banded Quad Stretch per Side 1 minute Banded Lat Stretch per Side 1 minute Banded Pigeon Stretch per Side 1 minute Forearm/Wrist Extension Stretch
PM Warm-Up
12 Minutes @Easy Warm-up Effort: 12/9 Calorie Echo Bike 12 Alternating High Box Step-ups 12 Hollow Body Rocks 10 Beat Swings 8 Push-up to Downward Dog 3 Sets: 5 Ring Snap Pulls 15-25 second Ring Dip Lock Out Hold 5 Band Assisted Ring Muscle-up Transitions Rest as needed
5 Rounds for Quality
- 20/15 Cal. Bike - 5 Wall Facing Handstand Push-Ups - 1 Legless Rope Climbe (seated if you can) Coach Notes: Keep a nice sustainable pace on the bike each round and focus on technical improvement on the gymnastics movements.
Ring/Bar Muscle Ups Sets
5 Sets: - 2 TOest to Ring/Bar + 2 Ring/Bar Muscle-Ups + 2 Ring/Bar Dips - 6 Pistols Squats (3+3) - 5 Burpees Box Jump Overs (60cm) 3min Easy Bike (legs only) bt Sets Coach Notes: Move with good quality and positions through these sets.
2351 Air Runner
1000, 500, 250 @ 5, 7, 9
Acessory Work
3 Sets: - 20-30 secs Wall Facing Handstand Hold rest 30" - 20-30secs Hollow Body Flutter Kicks rest 30" - 30" HEAVY Kettlebell Front Rack hold Rest 1'00" Coach Notes: Focus on perfect positions and strong activation through the working muscles.
PM Cool Down
90 second Banded Lat Stretch per Side 90 second Seal Pose 90 second Couch Stretch per Side 90 second Foam Rolling Hip Flexors per Side 90 second Lacrosse Ball Forearms per Side
AM Warm Up
4 Rounds for Quality - 1min Metcon - 25mts Bear Crawl - 5 Push-Up to Downdog - 1 Seated Box Jump + 1 Depth Drop + 1 Vertical Jump
Barbell Push Press
10 x 5
Upper Pressing Acessory
Barbell Bench Press 4 Sets: - 6 @RPE 8 (80%) rest 2-3min Dual Kettlebell Z Press 4 Sets: - 6 Reps @as heavy as possible rest 2-3min Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 4 Sets: - 6 Reps @as heavy as possible rest 2-3min Coach Notes: Lots of pressing volume today. Keep 2 RIR on the bench press then push the weight as heavy as you can for 6 reps on each set of the z press and incline benchpress.
Upper Iso Hold + Pressing Work
3 Sets: Bent Arm Iso Hold - 15" Left Arm @90º rest 10" - 15" Right Arm @90" rest 1min - 15 Bradfor Pres @1X0! Rest 2min Coach Notes: Make this challenging and focus on good activation and positions.
CF Task Core Work
For Time: - 50 Weighted Sit-Ups - 50 Wall Balls - 50" Weighted Sit-Up Coach Notes: Aim for big sets on the GHD - work through the WB as you can without blowing up - then finish strong on the last set of GHD sit-ups.
Bike Work
30-35min Bike Zone1 + Rest as needed + 3 Sets _____ 3 Cals at RPE3 (Arms Only) 7 Cals at RPE8 (Arms Only) 5 Chest to Bar + 5 Bar Facing Burpees 5 Cals at RPE 3 (Legs Only) 10 Cals at RPE9 (Legs Only) 5 Chest to Bar + 5 Bar Facing Burpees 7 Cals at RPE 3 (Arms & Legs) 13 Cals at RPE10 (Arms & Legs) 5 Chest to Bar + 5 Bar Facing Burpees _____ *Rest 2-3 Min between sets.
AM Warm-Up
400 m easy run 20 alternating heel sweeps 20 alternating frankensteins 20 m A skips 20 m B skips 20 m C skips
Running Work
3 Sets: - 12 to 15min Jog/Walk Zone 2 Rest Walk 3min bt Sets Coach Notes: Walk if needed to keep Hr in Zone 2 - heart rate is the focus for these sessions, not the pace/speed.
AM Cool Down
90 second Pigeon Stretch per Side 90 second Couch Stretch per Side 2 minute Foam Roll Thoracic Spine
Gymnastic Skill 1
Accumulate 5min upside down in a handstand hold variation, and 5min hanging from a pullup bar or olympic rings. Do this by alternating between stations. Handstand holds can be done in any of these ways: Knees on a box, feet on a box, body against a wall, or freestanding. Hanging from pullup bar or rings can be done with the assistance of weightlifting straps to reduce grip fatigue as a limiter.
Gymnastics Skill 2
Practice for 10minutes strict ring muscle-ups. You can do banded variations as seen in these videos! Also work on a slow descent after each rep, especially really trying to squeeze the rings hard in the descent from the bottom of the dip into a pullup, slowing down that ring transition phase will build strength.
Gymnastic Skill 3
Handstand practice. 10-20min. Here is your opportunity to work on whatever handstand skills you want to. I (Brent) worked on speeding up my pirouettes, and I also did some handstand walking BACKWARDS. Here is the list you can choose from depending on your skill level: Handstand hold shoulder taps with feet on a box handstand hold shoulder taps with legs on the wall handstand walking handstand walking but for SPEED handstand walk straight, then turn at a 90degree corner handstand walk straight, then turn at 180 degrees and keep walking handstand pirouette handstand walk backwards handstand walk sideways
AM Warm-Up
2 Sets: - 10 Adductor Dip - 10 T-Hip Rotation - 10 Side Lunge to Curtsy Squat - 10 Weighted Box Step Up (light weight, focus on control)
Weighted Pistol Squat
5 x 2
Clean and Jerk Work W1D4
8 x 4 @ 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 70 %
2351 Barbell Front Squat
6 x 6
2351 Barbell Conventional Deadlift
8 x 2
Posterior Acessory Work
3 Sets: - 10 Ring Hamstring Curls into - 15 HEAVY Russian Kettlebell Swing Rest 2min Coach Notes: Focus on perfect positions and strong activation in working muscles for each movement.
Midline Acessory Work
5 Sets: -20-30" Weighted Tuck Hang - as heavy as possible Rest 1'30"
Cool Down
2 minutes Foam Roll Glute and Hamstrings 1 minute Lacrosse Ball QL per Side 1 minute Foam Roll T-Spine 1 minute Scorpion Stretch per Side
Warm Up
12 Minutes @ Warm-up Pace: - 10/7 Calorie Bike - 12 Reverse Lunges with Overhead Reach - 20" Back to Wall Handstand Hold - 12 Hip Thrusts - 20" Hollow Body Rocks (Level 1.)
Kipping Ring or Bar Muscle Ups
3 Sets: - AMRAP Unbroken Ring/Bar Muscle-Ups Rest 2min bt/ sets Record each set and assess your positions throughout the set and establish where the breakdown occurs.
2351 Bar Muscle Ups
Every 1min for 15min min 1: 3-5 Toes to Bar + 3-5 Chest to Bar + 2-3 Muscle Ups min 2: 4-8 Burpee Box Jump Over or Get Overs min 3: 30-40" Sandbag Bear Hold (30kgs) min 4: 10mts Handstand Walk
- 5 Deficit Wall Facing Handstand Push-Ups - 30 Thrusters (34kgs) - 5 Deficit Wall Facing Handstand Push-Ups - 20 Thrusters (44kgs) - 5 Deficit Wall Facing Handstand Push-Ups - 10 Thrusters (54kgs) - 5 Deficit Wall Facing Handstand Push-Up Coach Notes: Adjust WF HSPU as needed to the floor or to an assist if needed. Use lots of legs on the thrusters and break them up in a way that allows you to work though the HSPU efficiently.
Cool Down
90 Second Couch Stretch per Side 1 minute Pec Stretch per Side 1 minute Lacrosse Ball Delts per Side 1 minute Tricep Stretch per Side
Warm Up
3 Sets: - 1min Row (warm up pace) - 1min Freestanding Handstand Hold Practice - 1min Wall Sit Hold
Overhead Work
4-5 Sets: - 5 Touch and Go Shoulder to Overhead @as HEAVY as possible Rest 45" - 3-5 Kipping Parallete Handstand Push-Up @challengind deficit Coach Notes: This is a challenging set up for the shoulders. You may need to adjust the weight on the S2OH (push press/push jerk)and the deficit used for HSPU as you work through these sets to stay unbroken. Rest 2-3min
Gymanastic Work
6 Sets for Quality - 1 Legless Rope Climb - 4-6 Strict Handstand Push-Ups Coach Notes: Move steady through this and focus on perfect positions. Make the legless challenging for you (legless up - feet down, legless up and down, from seated, with vest).
Pull-Push Work
5 Sets: - 12-15 Band Assisted Strtict Chest to Bar Pull-Ups Rest 1min - 6-8 Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press @1-1-1-X-1 into AMRAP Diamond Push-Up Rest 3min Coach Notes: Make the pull-ups and press challenging (keep only 1-2 RIR) and keep 2 reps in the tank on the push-ups (not to failure). 4 Sets: - 8-10 Half Kneeling Landmine Press ea @2-0-1-X Rest 1min - 12-15 Dumbbell Pull-Over @2-1-1-1 Rest as needed Coach Notes: Keep 2 RIR on both movements.
Elbow Flex/Extend Work
3 Sets: - 15-20 Band Tricep Extension Rest 30" - 21 Bicep Curl Rest 1'30"
Cool Down
1 minute Pec Stretch per Side 1 minute Lat Stretch per Side 1 minute Foam Roll T-spine
Running Sesh
35-40min Jog/Walk Zone 2 + 5 Sets: - 75mts Sprint Rest 1min-1'30"