"The Puncher" 4-Week Punching Power Program by GC Performance Training

GC Performance Training

Boxing, Combat Sports, Martial Arts
Geoffrey Chiu

"The Puncher" is a specialized 4-week program that develops the physical underpinnings required for being a knockout puncher, and also incorporates specific heavy bag punching intervals to help you practice and utilize those physical abilities.

This punching power program consists of specifically-selected exercises and drills that address the most important physical and skill-related variables when it comes to punching ability:

1. Stiffness/effective body mass upon impact - The hardest punchers in the world are able put a larger percentage of their bodyweight behind each punch and stiffen the relevant musculature upon impact.

2. Core rotational ability/velocity of the striking limb - The faster we're able to rotate at our core, the harder we can punch and the faster we can punch successively.

3. Ground reaction force - How much force we put into the floor with our feet and how fast that happens.

4. Power punching entry and set-up strategies - Incredible physical abilities are of no use without the right application, boxers must practice their counters, entries and set-ups in order to land their power punches.

Leave Out The Guess Work.
From plyometric jumps, to medicine ball punches and robustness circuits for the hands and elbows, every exercise in this program serves a purpose in developing the athleticism and kinetic chain needed to punch hard and fast.
Train Like My Team of Pros
Building the physicality and mechanics of punching power carries into various combat sports. Use the same exercises that have helped my team of professional boxing, Muay Thai and MMA fighters punch through their competition.
Application Is King.
This is the only S&C program on the market right now that blends together a power development program with specific conditioning protocols. Video tutorials are also included to give you real examples of the heavy bag drills designed to improve your power punching entries and set-ups.
Programming 3 days per week
2x power and speed focused sessions, 1x robustness and skills conditioning session are provided.
Complementary To Your Boxing Training
Program designed to compliment your boxing training, not take away from it. It's the only S&C program on the market to include skill conditioning.
Exercise Video Guidance
Each of the exercises, as well as the boxing rounds, have tutorial videos attached to make sure you get the most out of each training session.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
No complicated spreadsheets. The TrainHeroic interface will lead you through each training session.
Medicine/Slam Balls // Resistance Bands // Dumbbells // Cable Machine // Heavy Bag
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 4-week program
[Phase 1 - Week 1] - Punching Power Session #1


GCPT "Ready Under 10" Warm Up

1 x 8:00


Medicine Ball "Figure 8" Punch

2 x 5 @ 6.61 kg


Broad Jump

2 x 6


Plyo Pogo Jumps (Staggered Stance)

2 x 12


Continuous Med Ball Rotational Wall Slams

2 x 15 @ 11.02 kg


Whipping Halo Trunk Rotations (Neutral Stance)

2 x 20


Cable Woodchopper (Neutral Stance)

2 x 10


Single Arm Serratus Anterior Ball Plank

2 x 0:30


DB Standing QL Extension

2 x 10


Elbows Out DB Tricep Press

2 x 12

[Phase 1 - Week 1] - Punching Power Session #2


GCPT "Ready Under 10" Warm Up

1 x 8:00


DB Staggered Stance Jump

3 x 2 @ 25 %


Half-Kneeling Med Ball Punch

3 x 3 @ 6.61 kg


Staggered Stance KB Swing

3 x 8


Wrap Around Med Ball Rotation Slam

2 x 5 @ 11.02 kg


Low-to-High Banded Woodchoppers (Explosive-Hold)

2 x 10


Split Stance 1-Arm Cable Row (Same-Side)

2 x 10


Claw-Grip Dumbbell Curl Raise Combo

2 x 12


Tibialis Toe Raise

2 x 15


Prone Shoulder Press Swimmers

2 x 8

[Phase 1 - Week 1] Skills Conditioning (Heavy Bag Punching Power Session)

Heavy Bag - Catch & Power Counter Series


3-4 ROUNDS TOTAL (2 min rest in between) Each round = (4 reps x 30s ON//30s OFF) ON Round Parameters: @ RPE10 intensity Catch 1 to 2 shots and COUNTER with 1 to 2 POWER punches. Keep a high pace, full intent into each power punch. OFF Round Parameters: Stay defensively active with head movement, parries. Fire sharp single shots.

Heavy Bag - Frame & Double Up Series


3-4 ROUNDS TOTAL (2 min rest in between) Each round = (4 reps x 30s ON//30s OFF) ON Round Parameters: @ RPE10 intensity A strong frame with forearm or hand, throw 2 POWER punches with the "free" hand. Immediately frame again and look for another opening. Chain your frames and 2 power shots together. OFF Round Parameters: Lean against the bag, switch head slots, push off the bag and take angles. Breathe and recover heart rate. No punches.

Heavy Bag - Tick, Tick, Boom Series


5 REP TOTAL Each rep = 1 min ON // 1 min OFF ON Round Parameters: @ RPE10 intensity Use 2-4 light taps/punches to distract the opponent's guard, look for the opening and finish with 1 full intentioned power shot. Dig into the bag with this shot, maintain slightly longer contact time with the bag and put your bodyweight into it. We are training "stiffness upon impact". Use various power punches (head, body, hooks, straights, etc) over the several rounds. OFF Round Parameters: Shadowboxing round, mix in defensive tactics, frames and feints.


DB Wrist Curls

3 x 15


DB Wrist Extension

3 x 15

coach-avatar Geoffrey Chiu

Coach Geoffrey works with national champion/elite boxers, kickboxers, MMA and Muay Thai fighters from around the world. He is also the performance coach at Quinit Boxing where he oversees the physical preparation program for the amateur and professional team.

Step Into The Time Chamber.

And walk out a more dangerous puncher. You're a short, 4-week commitment away from developing serious punching power.

Get "The Puncher" 4-Week Punching Power Program by GC Performance Training
How long should I expect each training session to be?
Boxers will finish the sessions in about 1 hour on average, sometimes pushing it to 1.5 hours depending on the training phase, length of their warm-up and rest times in between sets/circuits (which are all outlined for you).
Can I use this program to prepare for a fight?
This is not the ideal S&C program to prepare for a boxing match. Instead, I have a full 8-week program: "The Complete Boxer" that is more well-rounded and addresses all facets of boxing performance. Check it out at the bottom of the page.
Can I pick and choose exercises?
I encourage everyone to run the program in its entirety, at least once. You can select the exercises that you like best and incorporate them into a more well-rounded boxing S&C program after that.
The Proof
verified-athlete-avatar Eric Basran

3-0 Pro Boxer, 4x Amateur National Champ

Verified Athlete

"The coaching makes me bigger, faster, stronger and it all translates to the fight."

verified-athlete-avatar Chaiyapruk "Boss" Chainikom

5-0 Pro Boxer, Thai Champion

Verified Athlete

"Few weeks into training, my core and punches already feel stronger."

verified-athlete-avatar Ricardo Alvarez

Pro Muay Thai Fighter

Verified Athlete

"The sessions coach Geoff prescribes are always dynamic and specific to the sport. The training carries over to my performance in the ring."

verified-athlete-avatar Shauna O'Callaghan

9x Irish National Champ, European Silver

Verified Athlete

"Same training methods used with our amateur and professional boxing team!"

Customer Reviews

Overall Rating

5 out of 5.0

5 Total Ratings

"The Puncher" 4-Week Punching Power Program by GC Performance Training