"The Complete Boxer" 8-Week S&C Program by GC Performance Training

GC Performance Training

Boxing, Combat Sports, Martial Arts
Geoffrey Chiu

"The Complete Boxer" is a perfectly balanced S&C program I created for amateur and professional boxers, using my years of experience in high performance combat sports.

These are the exact training methods and conditioning protocols I use with my roster of fighters, which include multiple National champions in boxing, as well as elite kickboxers and Muay Thai fighters. But make no mistake about it, this program is tailored specifically for the boxers and the physical demands that come with a loaded boxing schedule.

If you want to improve your core rotational ability for combination punching, your lower leg plyometric ability for quicker movement in the ring, or simply want a program to strengthen your body and reduce the risk of neck, hand and knee injuries, this is the program for you.

The balance of strength and power exercises, along with the variety of conditioning protocols (running, skip rope, specific heavy bag rounds) makes this program suitable for ALL BOXERS, from the novice amateur, to the competitive professional.

The Perfect Supplement To Your Boxing
This program has been designed by a performance coach that understands the culture, training schedule, physical rigors, and psychological demands of boxing. Don't expect a high volume powerlifting/bodybuilding-type training that will get you sore and stiff. But a well-balanced program that will develop everything from your strength base and plyometric footwork, to your punching power.
Conditioning Specific For Boxing
This is the only S&C program on the market right now that blends together a world class strength and power development program with specific conditioning protocols. Not only will you improve your cardiovascular fitness for boxing, but you'll develop skills and tactics through shadow boxing and heavy bag rounds written by a team of coaches with boxing experience.
No Weak Links - Robustness Circuits
Robustness circuits are something I've popularized for combat sport athletes in the last 2-3 years. These are specific exercises that are programmed for you at the end of each session to strengthen the most vulnerable body parts for a boxer to reduce the risk of injury. You'll find variations that will strengthen your neck, shoulders, wrists and ankles to make sure you have no weak links.
Access to Discord Forum
Get access to a private Discord channel where you'll be able to ask questions about the program and share your progress.
Programming 4 days per week
2x strength and power sessions, 1x general conditioning, 1x skills conditioning sessions are provided weekly to supplement your boxing training.
Complementary To Your Boxing Training
Program designed to compliment your boxing training, not take away from it. It's the only S&C program on the market to include skill conditioning.
Exercise Video Guidance
Each of the exercises, as well as the boxing rounds, have tutorial videos attached to make sure you get the most out of each training session.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
No complicated spreadsheets. The TrainHeroic interface will lead you through each training session.
Barbell // Medicine/Slam Ball // Dumbbells // Pull Up Bar // Resistance Bands // Heavy Bag // Skip Rope
Trapbar/Hexbar // Treadmill
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 8-week program
[Phase 1] Week 1 - Strength & Power Session #1


GCPT "Ready Under 10" Warm Up

1 x 8:00


Plyo Pogo Jumps (Staggered Stance)

2 x 30


Alt. Contin. Med Ball Rotational Wall Slams

2 x 24


Trapbar Deadlift

2 x 8


Incline Close Grip Bench Press

2 x 8


Cable Woodchopper (Neutral Stance)

2 x 12


Staggered Stance DB RDL

2 x 10



3 x 8


Lying Neck Plank (Bench)

2 x 0:40


Neck Flexion Isometric (Banded)

2 x 0:40


DB Zottman Curls

3 x 12


DB Seated Calf Raise (Double Leg)

3 x 12

[Phase 1] Week 1 - Strength & Power Session #2


GCPT "Ready Under 10" Warm Up

1 x 8:00


Deadstop DB Squat Jump

2 x 6 @ 25 %


Medicine Ball "Figure 8" Punch

2 x 5 @ 6.61 kg


Barbell Romanian Deadlift

2 x 8


DB Lateral Lunge

2 x 14


DB Chest Supported Row (1-Arm)

2 x 12


Landmine Side-To-Side Press

2 x 16


Towel Kettlebell Curls

12, 10


Banded Chin Tucks

2 x 16 @ 8


Neck Lateral Isometrics (Banded)

2 x 0:30 @ 8


Elbows Out DB Tricep Press

2 x 12


DB Wrist Extension

2 x 12


Seated DB Tibialis Raise

2 x 15

[Phase 1] Week 1 - Skills Conditioning

Shadowboxing - Jab & Defense Series


4 TOTAL ROUNDS (1 min rest in between) ORTHODOX: 2 x 3 mins rounds @ RPE6-7 Intensity SOUTHPAW: 2 x 3 mins rounds @ RPE6-7 Intensity Round Parameters: - Throw a high volume of jab variations. - Mix in feints and defensive tactics (pivot in, pivot out, frame, step back, pull, roll under, etc). - Always be in your base, don't lose mental focus.

Heavy Bag - Active In & Active Out Series


3 TOTAL ROUNDS (1 min rest in between) 5 min rounds @ RPE6-7 Intensity Round Parameters: Feint your way into range > throw combination > exit out with your feet (step back, pivot out, pivot in & step back, etc) Pick 2-3 variations of feints/combinations/exits to practice for the duration of the round.

Heavy Bag - Catch & Counter Series #1


3 ROUNDS TOTAL (1 min rest in between) Each round = (4 reps x 30s ON//30s OFF) ON Round Parameters: Catch ONE shot and COUNTER with 1-3 power punches, stay defensively active with HEAD MOVEMENT before catching another shot again. Keep a high pace. OFF Round Parameters: Lean & frame against bag, switch head slots, push off the bag and take angles. Breathe and recover heart rate. No punches. But no lazy footwork or breaking your base - stay switched on.

Heavy Bag - Sticky Hand Series


5 REPS TOTAL (no rest) Each rep = (1 min ON//1min OFF) ON Round Parameters @ RPE9 Intensity: Stay within close/medium range at all times. Use frames and controls (either with hand or forearm) in between every combination. "Stick to the bag". I don't want to see unchained combinations. Each combination must start and end with control/frame of the bag. OFF Round Parameters @ Low Intensity*: Same as first shadowboxing rounds (jab & defense series) - High volume of jab variations - mix in feints and defensive tactics (pivot in, pivot out, frame, step back, pull, roll under, etc). * Take the intensity down on these to recover your heart rate, but stay active and mentally sharp. Each step/defensive move and jab has to have a purpose.

[Phase 1] Week 1 - Robustness & General Conditioning


GCPT "Ready Under 10" Warm Up

1 x 8:00


2-1 Low Box Plyo Box Jumpbacks

2 x 20


Adductor Plank Hip Lifts (Bent Knee)

2 x 0:30


DB Standing QL Extension

2 x 12


Split Stance 1-Arm Cable Pulldown

2 x 12


Split-Stance Cable Woodchopper (High to Low)

2 x 12

Long Treadmill Intervals (2-3% Incline)


3 reps of 3 mins ON // 2 mins OFF 3 mins ON @ RPE7 pace (or 85-90% of your maximum 5 min pace) 2 min OFF @Walking pace (Recover as much heart rate as possible) *REST 2 MINUTES BEFORE NEXT SET OF TREADMILL INTERVALS*

Long Treadmill Intervals (2-3% Incline)


2 reps of 2 mins ON // 1.5 min OFF 2 mins ON @ RPE8 pace (or 95-100%+ of your maximum 5 min pace) 1.5 min OFF @ Walking pace (Recover as much heart rate as possible) *REST 2 MINUTES BEFORE SKIP ROPE INTERVALS*

Skip Rope Intervals


2 rounds x 3 reps (1 min full rest in between rounds) Each rep consisting of 30s ON // 30s OFF 30s ON @ RPE8 (Double-unders, rapid skipping) 30s OFF @ RPE1-2 (Slow skipping, recover as much heart rate as possible but continue moving)


Ear-To-Shoulders (Backward Banded)

2 x 15 @ 9


Prone Shoulder Press Swimmers

2 x 8


Split Squat Isometric Hold

2 x 0:30

coach-avatar Geoffrey Chiu

Coach Geoffrey works with national champion/elite boxers, kickboxers, and Muay Thai fighters from around the world. He is also the performance coach at Quinit Boxing where he oversees the physical preparation program for the amateur and professional team.

Look No Further.

This is a program created FOR BOXERS, BY BOXERS. All the guesswork taken out for you. Streamlined exercises to help you develop SERIOUS strength, power and endurance specific to boxing - with no compromises to your skill development.

Get "The Complete Boxer" 8-Week S&C Program by GC Performance Training
How long should I expect each training session to be?
Boxers will finish the sessions in about 1 hour on average, sometimes pushing it to 1.5 hours depending on the training phase, length of their warm-up and rest times in between sets/circuits (which are all outlined for you).
I can't perform all 4 sessions in a week, what if I miss a day?
You should definitely prioritize the 2x strength & power sessions. For the conditioning sessions, choose the skills conditioning session if you're boxing less than 3-4 sessions a week. Perform the high intensity running and skip rope interval session if you're boxing more than 3-4 sessions a week.
I have a fight coming up, how do I adjust the program?
This 8-week program can be performed in full in preparation for a fight, but I would recommend reducing the volume in the last 2 weeks based on your previous experience and your current training load. For shorter fight preps, Phase 2 can be run on it's on as it focuses on high-velocity movements.
I don't have a trapbar, what are my alternatives?
Barbell front squats, or clean deadlifts (conventional deadlifts with more knee bend at the starting position) are good alternatives.
How do I access the private Discord Channel?
Direct message me after you've purchased the program and I'll send you the invitation within 24 hours.
The Proof
verified-athlete-avatar Eric Basran

4x National Champ, Commonwealth Bronze

Verified Athlete

"The coaching makes me bigger, faster, stronger and it all translates to the fight."

verified-athlete-avatar Shauna O'Callaghan

9x Irish National Champ, European Silver

Verified Athlete

"Same training methods used with our amateur and professional boxing team!"

verified-athlete-avatar David Hajiev

National & International Amateur Boxer

Verified Athlete

"Coach Geoff makes sure that boxing is always the priority. The programming keeps me healthy and minimize injuries."

verified-athlete-avatar Austin Dao

Amateur Boxer

Verified Athlete

"Geoff has helped me make significant progress in my boxing through addressing the holes in my strength and conditioning"

Customer Reviews

Overall Rating

5 out of 5.0

5 Total Ratings

"The Complete Boxer" 8-Week S&C Program by GC Performance Training