6 Weeks to Strict Pull-Ups

1 Zero 1 Performance

Functional Fitness
Tim Butler

Training hard but stuck with your pull-up strength?

This program has been designed to take you from ZERO pull-ups to getting your first pull-up and beyond in 6 weeks.

There are two sessions per week to complete and can either be hit as stand alone sessions or added onto the end of your training session for the day.

The sessions are designed with minimal equipment and can be completed with no substitutes at a CrossFit Box or functional fitness style gym.

Each session will take approximately 25-30 minutes.

Structured Progression
Build the strength and work capacity in the muscles and movement patterns required to complete 1+ Strict Pull-Up
Short, Sweet and to the Point
The sessions are designed to fit seamlessly around your current training. Each session can be added onto the end of your standard training for the day.
Access to your coaches
Coaches who will hold you accountable and provide the feedback you need to grow
Programming 2 days per week
Two structured sessions per week that you can hit as a stand alone session or after any of your training
Exercise Video Guidance
Instructional videos to guide your practice and make execution easy
Detailed, expert instruction
Coaches who will hold you accountable and provide the feedback you need to grow
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Sweating over a lifeless PDF is so last year. Your coaches and team will push you harder and keep you going longer, all through an app.
pull-up bar // gymnastic rings // plyo box // barbell // dumbbells // resistance bands // adjustable bench
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 6-week program
Week 1 Day 1


Powell raise

2 x 12



Pull-Up Isometric & Eccentric circuit

4 Rounds complete a max effort hold with chin above the bar once fatigued take 10s to lower to fully extended rest 30s move into a max effort set of ring rows or inverted rows (2-0-1-0 tempo) rest 90s at the end of each round aim for 20+ seconds in hold with chin above the bar use a supinated (reverse grip) for hold and lowering on pull-up bar set up a box to start with chin above the bar like video demonstrates


Banded Pull-Up

3 x MAX


Reverse Barbell Curl

3 x 12

Week 1 Day 3


Powell raise

2 x 12


Chin-Up Eccentric

4 x MAX


Hinge Row

3 x MAX


Single Arm DB Row (Elbow Out)

3 x 10


Prone Incline Dumbbell Fly

3 x 12

coach-avatar Tim Butler

An enthusiast for pushing the needle to get as strong and fit as possible. I've been in the industry for 10 years, coached literally thousands of individuals in their pursuit to get fitter, stronger, leaner & enjoy their training more!

Make banded pull-ups a thing of the past!

We know it sucks having to pull the resistance bands out every time there are pull-ups on the menu. This program will make sure you no longer need to hit your pull-ups with training wheels any longer!

Get 6 Weeks to Strict Pull-Ups
Will I need to change any of my training to do this?
No, it can easily be added in on top of your current training. There are two sessions per week probably best added in along side a lower body or conditioning focused day.
How strong do I need to still be to start this?
This is designed for someone who would say they have "very limited" upper body pulling strength. The sessions are designed to build the strength for you over the next 6 weeks.
How long will each session take?
The sessions are designed to be completed within a 30 minute time period.
Is their any coaching provided with this?
All comments, notes and questions made through the app will be responded to by us. You can even send through videos for review if needed.
6 Weeks to Strict Pull-Ups