Fit by Frank Full Body Blueprint

Fit by Frank

General Fitness, Personal Training, Strength & Conditioning, Functional Training, Functional Fitness, Weightlifting
Frank Arriola

The Fit by Frank Full Body Blueprint (FBB) is a 9 week program that I've compiled based on 8 years of one on one personal fitness training. I have worked with people at all levels of fitness, age, and physical ability, and that experience has helped me develop a comprehensive program for the individual looking for serious improvement in strength, functionality, and appearance. Broken into 3 phases with exercises and modifications that build off of each other, FBB allows you time to learn each movement and see real improvement in 9 weeks.

This program was written for beginners to intermediates, with access to a fully equipped gym, whether commercial, boutique or your own home gym. At about an hour per workout, the FBB will help you stay fit even when done at a moderate level, but optimal results are directly related to the degree to which you challenge yourself. Results occur when skilled programming is met with an equal level of intensity.

Whether you're new to strength training, want to jump back in the gym after some time away, or are looking to accelerate the level of your established training, the FBB can help you get the results you're looking for.

I used to be over 300 lbs. I've been out of shape, I've been told I was obese, that my health was at risk. In 2012, I lost 100 lbs and that transformation jump started my career as a personal trainer. There is no greater feeling than passing on my knowledge and expertise so that my clients reap the life changing benefits that fitness has to offer.
Most of us don't have unlimited time to train. We have jobs, families, and commitments that don't allow us unlimited time to train. The FBB was designed with that in mind. When I'm training people 2-3x per week for 60 minutes, there is no time to mess around! My strength workouts are designed to make the most of your time in the gym, and will only require around 3 hours per week.
I've been in the trenches. This program is the product of 8 years of work with real people. 8 years of trial, testing, and modifying what's best for the client. I've worked with clients with varied medical history, injuries, athletic backgrounds, and some who've never stepped foot inside a gym. This experience paired with continued education has enabled me to provide you the best results possible.
Programming 3 days per week
3 strength workouts per week. Separated in 3, 3 week cycles each more challenging than the last. 90 min of aerobic work a week is strongly encouraged
Exercise Video Guidance
Every exercise in this program has been demonstrated by me, with my own personal coaching points in text.
Detailed, expert instruction
I've included text instruction with detail and specific cues for every exercise in this program. Including tempo, rest periods, and sets/reps.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Thanks to TrainHeroic, programming has never been easier. You'll be able to track your lifts, volume and other variables with ease.
Dumbbells // Barbells // Kettlebells // Squat Rack // Suspension Trainer // Resistance Bands // Adjustable Bench // Cable Machine
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 9-week program
Week 1 Workout #1


Fit by Frank Warm Up

1 x 10


Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift

4 x 12


Dumbbell Step Up

3 x 12


Single Arm Dumbbell Row

4 x 12


Push Up (FBF)

3 x 12


Dumbbell Hammer Curls

3 x 12


Bodyweight Mountain Climber

3 x 30

Week 1 Workout #2


Fit by Frank Warm Up

1 x 10


Dumbbell Goblet Squat

4 x 12


Ipsilateral Single Leg RDL

3 x 12


Flat DB Bench Press

4 x 12


Seated Cable Row (neutral grip)

3 x 12


Lying DB Tricep Extension

3 x 12


Plank + Side plank

3 x 00:60

Week 1 Workout #3


Fit by Frank Warm Up

1 x 10


DB stationary Split Squat

3 x 12


Dumbbell Glute Bridge

3 x 12


Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press

4 x 12


Suspension Inverted Row

3 x 12


Banded Face Pull

3 x 15


Lying Leg Raise on flat bench

3 x 12

coach-avatar Frank Arriola

My name is Frank Arriola and I am a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist, with 8 years of coaching experience in Newport Beach, CA. Strength training is the cornerstone of who I am, and its my mission to help others incorporate this into their daily life. Becoming physically strong and capable is the best thing one can do for longevity, resilience, & overall health.

The time is now.

I've always said you can't go wrong getting strong. It's not uncommon for the aches and pains we face to be resolved or severely reduced by getting STRONG. 9 weeks from now I guarantee you'll be more muscular, stronger, and more confident than before!

Get Fit by Frank Full Body Blueprint
How long is each workout?
Each workout is approximately 1 hour.
What if I have injuries that prevent me from doing an exercise?
You know YOUR BODY best so if something doesn't feel right - don't do it! Any good trainer will tell you no exercise is mandatory. With that said, there are alternatives in the program and on my YouTube channel. If you need a more specific plan, reach out to me for 1:1 online coaching.
Can I do this program if I've never lifted weights before?
Yes! Most of my clientele has never strength trained. I've taken these clients through very similar workouts (within their parameters) like those you'll find in the Full Body Blueprint.
Do I need to have a gym membership?
You will need access to a gym to complete this program in its entirety. This includes private style boutique gyms, commercial gyms, or housing complex gyms. Nowadays many offices have equipped gyms onsite as well!
How does this program progress?
In the first week of each phase, we perform exercises in the 12 rep range for 3 sets. The 2nd week we increase the weight and drop to 10 reps. And in the final week we push for 3 sets of 8 reps at our most intense weight. We then cycle out the old exercises for new, and start from the top!
Is nutrition guidance included?
No, nutritional guidance is not included in the program.The duty of a professional is to stay within their scope. While I have earned a nutrition coach certification, I'm not qualified to provide large scale nutritional advice. Strength & Conditioning is my deal.
Is cardio included?
Conditioning or "Cardio" is not written in the program, but it is HIGHLY encouraged. My goal is to get you strong, and cardio will only help our efforts, and overall health. I advise 90 min or more per week of low intensity cardio (Walking, cycling, etc)
Is this program geared toward Men or Women?
Both. The exercises programmed in the FBB cover the bases to get both Men and Women strong as hell.
Can I run this program more than once?
Yes! You can run it more than once and beat your previous records on your lifts.
The Proof
verified-athlete-avatar Natalia A

Lost 87 lbs from 2020-2022

Verified Athlete

"I am so thankful for his motivation and support! He is genuinely interested in my success, and he pushes me to be my best! I have never felt more motivated to change, be consistent, and work hard to get where I want to be and feel HEALTHY!"

verified-athlete-avatar Rob V

49 yrs young, in best shape of his life

Verified Athlete

"I would refer to Frank as a Master Sculptor. I came to him tired and overweight. He transformed by body in a short period of time. When those results kick in you start eating right and everything starts rolling the right direction. Thank you brother Frank"

verified-athlete-avatar Steven C

Lost 60 lbs, lowered HbA1C from 9 to 5.5

Verified Athlete

"I've been able to decrease my A1C from 9, which is very high to 5.5 in less than a year, build muscle that I've never had before and reduce fat. Still have a ways to go, but I know my progress would not be possible without Frank."

verified-athlete-avatar Joel S

Lost 35 lbs and became strong as hell!

Verified Athlete

"Can't believe its been almost 3 years since my original review. Still working out with Frank and I have increased my strength tremendously! Deadlift (trapbar) - 515lbs; Squat - 350lbs; Bench-press - 295lbs (working on 300!). All this coming from an over-the-hill 55 year old."

Fit by Frank Full Body Blueprint