In general terms, the "Will to Fight" is the disposition and decision to fight, to keep fighting, and to win. Arguably, will to fight is the single most important factor in war.
The primary focus of this team is geared toward excelling on the ACFT. This battery of tests requires power, strength, and endurance, built on a foundation of movement competency. These are the same underlying physical characteristics that likely support the success of the unit mission-essential task listings.
Our focus will improve both aerobic and muscular endurance to include a focus on other components to create a well-rounded tactical athlete.
There will be 4 training days per week and a recovery session. 2 days with weight training development, 1 run day, and 1 ruck day. Although ruck marching is not part of the ACFT, it is essential to prepare the warfighter for job-essential tasks.
(ESD) Warm up
Breathing: Pullover with hamstrings 2x5 Supine Arm Bar with Hip Flexion: x5 each side Hooklying Trunk Rotation: x5 each side Supine Band PNF: x5 each side Push-up Position to Downward Dog: x8-10 Groiner with Overhead Reach: x5 each side Lateral Split-Squat with Cross Connect: x5 each side Plate Squat: 2x5
Vertical Jump
2 x 5
DB Lunges
4 x 10
DB Shoulder Press
5, 10, 10, 10
Ab Wheel
4 x 10
MAX, 0.5, 0.5
Physioball Leg Curl
3 x 12
Front Plank on Elbows
3 x 0:30
Shuttle Run
6 x 1
(ESD) Warm up
Breathing: Pullover with hamstrings 2x5 Supine Arm Bar with Hip Flexion: x5 each side Hooklying Trunk Rotation: x5 each side Supine Band PNF: x5 each side Push-up Position to Downward Dog: x8-10 Groiner with Overhead Reach: x5 each side Lateral Split-Squat with Cross Connect: x5 each side
High Pogo
2 x 10
Power Skip
2 x 10
Build Ups
1 x 40
(ESD) Cardiac Output
70-80% max HR 3-5 mile run Runs and rucks for distance are a staple in traditional military training. While the program intends to reduce the running volumes typically included within PT, these are still an effective way to build capacity while incorporating specificity. The ruck is less specific to the AFT but still specific to soldiering, so it is also included as an option for building capacity. These runs and rucks should be performed at a steady pace. Once you have found your groove, limit variability in intensity and pace. These should be performed fast enough that you can only string together one or two consecutive sentences. If you are unable to do so, you are going too fast; if you can hold a continuous conversation, you are going too slow. A more precise tool to monitor intensity during training is exercise heart rate which is based on a percent of maximum heart rate (MHR). A simple formula to estimate MHR is 220 - age (e.g., if you are 20 years old, your MHR is 200 beats per minute). Commonly, exercise heart rate is targeted to be between 70 percent and 80 percent or 75 percent and 85 percent of MHR.
(ESD) Warm up
Breathing: Pullover with hamstrings 2x5 Supine Arm Bar with Hip Flexion: x5 each side Hooklying Trunk Rotation: x5 each side Supine Band PNF: x5 each side Push-up Position to Downward Dog: x8-10 Groiner with Overhead Reach: x5 each side Lateral Split-Squat with Cross Connect: x5 each side Plate Squat: 2x5
Vertical Jump
2 x 5
Trap Bar Deadlift
2 x 5
2 x 10
15 Minute EMOM Every minute on the minute complete the following: 1) Deadlift x2 @ 70-75% of Max ACFT weight 2) Push-ups x8 OR 15% of ACFT Hand Release Push-up rep per individual
Inverted Row
3 x 12
Reverse Crunch
3 x 12
Banded Face Pull
3 x 12
DB Side Bend
3 x 12
(ESD) Warm up
Breathing: Pullover with hamstrings 2x5 Supine Arm Bar with Hip Flexion: x5 each side Hooklying Trunk Rotation: x5 each side Supine Band PNF: x5 each side Push-up Position to Downward Dog: x8-10 Groiner with Overhead Reach: x5 each side Lateral Split-Squat with Cross Connect: x5 each side Plate Squat: 2x5
Ruck March
1 x 5
After separating from service, I pursued my life-long passion for fitness. Over the years I have developed a unique skillset in the strength and conditioning space by attaining formal education and experience through pursuing a bachelors in exercise science, military service, FitOps, and coaching at the University of Health and Performance.
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