The Standard

The Athletic You

Christopher Campbell

You are the architect of your own success and the Standard which you aim to reach. The Standard is a program that helps guide you in attaining those goals by providing a creative way to periodize various sessions and explore concepts such as strength, capacity, power, speed, hypertrophy, and mobility. Each day is carefully planned out with a specific objective that builds upon sessions from the past while also looking forward to future objectives. The result is an ever-evolving process that can help push you towards reaching higher standards both physically and mentally.

-Functional Patterns -Fun is the point -Challenge is what we seek -Growth is the result.

Develop True Strength
Designed to challenge your standards of strength. We define strength through our database of standards and monthly we shift our focus to always challenge you to improve your relative strength. 2.5x BW Deadlift, 2x BW Back Squat, 1.5x BW Bench Press, 1.25x Overhead Squat are just a few of our standards.
Get Leaner & Healthier
Build a body that looks like a bodybuilder but moves like an athlete. Follow our formula with macro prescriptions set for each training phase guaranteed to re-shape your body while providing you the fuel you need.
Experience a true challenge
Are you tired of the same exercises, done the same way, over and over. Yes, sometimes we need to master a movement but we also need to challenge that same movement in ways we have never done before. Prepare for the most creative training that provides the greatest results.
Programming 7 days per week
Daily strength, conditioning, and skill training that’s accessible and challenging for athletes of any level or background
Exercise Video Guidance
Instructional videos to guide your practice and make execution easy
Detailed, expert instruction
Coaches who will hold you accountable and provide the feedback you need to grow
Committed Teammates
A vibrant community that will keep you pushing to unlock your best
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Sweating over a PDF is so last year. Your coaches and team will push you harder, know you better, and keep you going longer, all through an app.
Barbell // Dumbbells // Bench // Bands // Squat Rack
Cardio Option (bike, row, skipping rope, or tread) // Box // Kettlebells // Cables
sample week banner image
Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready
001 Upper Body (vertical press): Foundational Hulk

Optional Warm Up


Quick Barbell Warm-Up

Cardio of your Choice x 3 Minutes Foam roll/mobilize any tight areas x 2-3 minutes 2 Sets: Barbell DL x 5 reps Barbell Press x 5 reps Barbell Front Squat x 5 reps Barbell Row x 5 reps


Barbell Overhead Strict Press

5, 3, 1, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 @ 50, 65, 75, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81 %


Seated Pin Press

3 x 6


Pronated to Supinated Ring Row

3 x 16



20x each with an empty barbell: -Play with these positions: olympic lifting demands an incredible skill set on both movement and timing. Performing these movements with an empty barbell reduces our risk, but allows us to explore movement patterns and challenge our capabilities. Only add weight to the bar if you feel comfortable in your positions - there is no ego here. D1) stiff legged snatch grip deadlift D2) snatch hi pull (no leg movement, hold for up to 10 seconds at the top after the 20th rep – focus on pulling elbows high) D3) tall muscle snatch (no leg movement – focus on bar turnover and speed + lockout at the top) D4) snatch grip behind the neck strict press (focus on shoulder stability, think of pulling the bar down towards your shoulders and keeping the elbows under the bar, the press up should feel like a relief. dont worry if you cant do full ROM – it will be earned through stability. do NOT relax anything to get the bar to move further) D5) behind the neck sots press (stay squatted the whole time) then: 15 reps each of above complex, add weight to the bar if possible. rest plenty, 10 reps each of above complex, add weight to the bar if possible. rest plenty, 5 reps each of above complex, add weight to the bar if possible.

10-1 Biceps Curl


10-1 strict bicep curl with maximal rotation – start like a hammer curl, end trying to touch your pinkie finger to the top of your collarbone on the same side. do one arm at a time and switch arms each time (10x left, 10x right, 9x left, 9x right, etc.) no momentum, no pausing, no rest of any kind. act like there is a bounce at the bottom of the movement as soon as you get full elbow extension. if any of these rules become impossible to follow use your free hand to self spot and keep moving. the proper weight will require a self spot on most every round about halfway through. Record the weight used to the leader board today!


Single Arm Farmer Walk

5 x 30

002 Squats: Fun & Games


Back Squat

5, 3, 5, 5, 5 @ 45, 65, 75, 75, 75 %

Hacky Squat I


1-10 ladder of hacky squat (must be unbroken - 10sec holds between sets) Rest 2:00 - then, 1-10 airsquat ladder (give 5sec rests between sets) Record the weight used for the hack squat *I think everyone remembers hacky sack ... the goal of the game was to keep a small ball in the air with your feet, the game was over when it hit the ground. Same ideas here: un-rack the bar and perform 1 squat, rest at top of squat position with the bar on your back for 10 seconds, and then perform 2 reps of back squat, hold at the top for 10 second with the bar on your back, then 3 reps ... all the way until you complete 10 reps with no rest. This is a challenging set so do not go heavy - you also get a second chance at this ladder at the end of the workout so use this round to understand where your capacity is at.



2-20 reps weighted walking lunge @ 2x 20kg 10cal bike erg between each set Set 1 = 2 reps of Walking Lunge then 10cal bike (1 step each leg) Set 2 = 4 reps of Walking Lunge then 10 cal bike (2 steps each leg) Set 3 = 6 reps of walking lunge then 10 cal bike (3 steps each leg) ... until you hit 20 reps walking lunges Record your total time

Hacky Squat II


1-10 ladder of hacky sack (must be unbroken - 10sec holds between sets) Rest 2:00 - then, 1-10 airsquat ladder (give 5sec rests between sets) Record the weight used for the hack squat *I think everyone remembers hacky sack ... the goal of the game was to keep a small ball in the air with your feet, the game was over when it hit the ground. Same ideas here: un-rack the bar and perform 1 squat, rest at top of squat position with the bar on your back for 10 seconds, and then perform 2 reps of back squat, hold at the top for 10 second with the bar on your back, then 3 reps ... all the way until you complete 10 reps with no rest.

003 Labor: Capacity



Total Body Warm Up 1

2 x 10 each – Jumping Jacks – Regular, Clapping, Cross 2 x 5 each – TGU 2 x 10 – Cuban Press 2 x 10 each – Cossack Squats 2 x 5 each – Explosive Lunge Jumps

Crawl Prep


10m bear crawl forward and backwards 10m sideways bear crawl (each direction) *1 rounds of prep Explore your mobility as you move today

Crawl & Carry


10m weighted (DBs) bear crawl + 10m farmers carry back 10 rounds, rest 1-2 minutes between rounds, as heavy as possible. *record your weight to the leaderboard



floor press + sit-up + z-press with an empty bar or lighter (keep arms extended when transitioning) :30 work, :30 front plank 50 total reps or 10 rounds, whichever comes first. *1 rep = 1x Floor press into 1x Barbell Sit-up, then 1x Z Press, and return back to supine position.


Mini Band Overhead Press

3 x 5

004 Strength/ Endurance: Benched



Athletic Muscle Warm Up

10:00-15:00 Aer of Choice (Bike, Row, Ski, Single Unders, Walk, Jog... or combination of them) + 10 reps per side of each movement in video


Bench Press

5, 3, 1, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 @ 55, 65, 75, 79, 79, 79, 79, 79 %


Pause Bench Press

3 x 6



Cash-in: 100x Gorilla Row @ 16/24kg 1-10 Chin up 20m Farmer carry between Cash-out: 100x seated cable /band row EMOM 5x strict push-ups Record your total time

005 IWT: Deadlift/ Odd Object



Athletic Muscle Warm Up

10:00-15:00 Aer of Choice (Bike, Row, Ski, Single Unders, Walk, Jog... or combination of them) + 10 reps per side of each movement in video



5, 3, 1, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 @ 55, 65, 75, 81, 81, 81, 81, 81 %



Work: working with 3 min on and 3 min off schedule, complete the following: 10-1 of each D-ball deadlift D-ball squat between sets 50x explosive step ups *looks like 10x DL + 10x SQT + 50x step ups, 9x Dl + 9x SQT + 50x step ups … -can use DBs instead of a D-Ball (make sure they are heavy enough; this circuit should take 35-40 min

006: Zone 2 

Zone 2 Cardio


45-60 Minutes of ZONE 2 Cardio This is best done on a bike or elliptical. It can be done with rowing or running, however most people are inefficient rowers and runners, and therefore will often find it difficult to stay within the tight heart rate area required for ZONE 2 The section below will expand on this magic heart rate zone and how to find it. The "Gold Standard" for determining ZONE 2, is to measure lactate. We would want to be between 1.7-2.0 mmol/L Since this is not widely accessible, there are 3 Proxies you can use to determine your ZONE 2 1. The starting point is to use a crude Heart Rate measurement of 180 minus age. If you are in poor cardio shape, you can subtract 5-10 BPM from that. If you are in great cardio shape, add 5-10 BPM to that. 2. A "stressed" conversational level of exertion. This would mean you could be on a call with someone the entire time, but they would know you were exercising. 3. A pace you could hold sustainably for 60 Minutes without decreasing output due to fatigue. A really cool metric to pay attention to is the WATTS that you are able to put into the exercise. Once you know what you can sustain for watts, you won't have to pay attention to heart rate as much anymore. That is to say, until you become more fit, and then you may want to re-check your heart rate to make sure that the watts you're using are still effective. It's like progressive overload for cardio.

coach-avatar Christopher Campbell

Over a decade of experience dealing with Olympic and pro athletes, as well thousands of hours working with weekend warriors Christopher has a great understanding of energy demands and intakes. A love of knowledge and knowledge transfer drives his vision for fitness and health.

Start today and commit to a higher standard!

Beyond functional fitness exists the highest standards. Join a community of driven fitness enthusiasts seeking more than the average. Presence is required. Effort is mandatory. Standards are a choice.

Get The Standard
How many days per week will I need to train?
You can train between 3 to 7 days per week. The week is posted ahead of time on Sunday so you can plan your sessions according to the standards you are working on. Message you coach and they will help you decided which days are best for you.
Are there any prerequisites to this training program?
We only ask that you participate with full effort. Your desire to be better is what drives our community.
The Proof
verified-athlete-avatar Shaun S

Not your average Dad - Full BEAST

Verified Athlete

"Nickname: The Experiment"

verified-athlete-avatar Reg G

Holds himself to the highest standards.

Verified Athlete

"Nickname: Batman"

verified-athlete-avatar Danni G

Strong is an understatement.

Verified Athlete

"Nickname: Ferrari"

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The Standard
The Standard
The Standard
The Standard