Valhalla Jacked
Valhalla - a splendid palace, roofed with shields, where the warriors feast on the flesh of a boar slaughtered daily and made whole again each evening.
Jacked - lean, muscular, proportionate, and a head-turning physique.
Why did I choose this name to describe this program?
Simple, it is catchy and grabs your attention.
The program and results will keep you.
Hypertrophy training is the lifeblood of why the vast majority of us go into a gym. We want to grow muscle, look good, feel good, and move well.
The issue is you get stuck in a rut with your routine, program selection and forget the core concepts of:
A. Smart programming B. Training without pain C. Training with the intent to progress D. Training with selective intensity
Valhalla Jacked is a program with a comprehensive warmup, focus on using dumbbells over barbells, and plenty of machine work.
If your goal is a bigger squat, bench, or DL, you will want to look elsewhere. I suggest Team Panora for that purpose.
If your goal is to put on quality muscle, train in a pain-free way, feel better, move better, and look great... let's do this.
Strap up, and let's battle the weights like you're trying to earn a seat at the table.
Understanding RIR is crucial, especially if you're used to thinking in sets x reps. It's time to shift your focus and get a better grasp of this concept. It's a new concept for many of you and once you have that "oh I get it now," moment, it will make your training a lot more fun and open to think more in terms of EFFORT rather than a set number of reps. work to 12 reps at 2 RIR set 2 - 1 RIR set 3 - 0 RIR Above is a sample notation of what I will write. This is how it is done: You will warm up to 12 reps at 2 RIR. This means you could do two more reps with it, but no more. This is where you will learn to judge how hard you work and not just think of getting reps wondering if you could go heavier. You may still wonder about that for a bit, but this system will self-correct it as you go. Now, where some of you will do it incorrectly is you will think of INCREASING the weight for the next two sets and thinking in terms of "oh I must get 12 reps," or "that was easy, I will add more weight." A. If it was easy, your first set it too light. Not saying it should be hard if we are using 2 RIR, but if its easy, your next two sets will be a lot more reps than you bargained for. B. No, you don't add more weight, now you base your work off of how HARD the weight was with the prescribed RIR. 1 RIR means you can do one more rep. That is all. So for the first working set of 12 reps at 2 RIR you got your 12 reps in using 40 pounds. The SECOND set you will use the SAME WEIGHT and go until you can't do one more rep. Maybe that is 12 reps, maybe 10 reps, maybe 15 reps. If you got MORE reps than set one, it means you went too light on set one and you will know to work a little more on the RIR for set one going forward. For the sake of discussion, you got 10 reps at 40 pounds. Set 1: 40 x 12 Set 2: 40 x 10 Set 3 is at 0 RIR. This means you will do the reps until you CANNOT do one more rep. This means max reps. For some of you this means you have a spotter and you can push an extra rep or two with a little assistance. For some of you who do not have a spotter, you can go until the last rep is VERY difficult and then stop. Use your discretion and brain to be safe with it. Let's say you get 9 reps for set three. Set 1: 40 x 12 Set 2: 40 x 10 Set 3: 40 x 9 Effort is important as challenging reps elicit growth in both muscle and strength. The RIR concept will help you to think about your training in terms of effort over sets x reps. You will then start to see progress in a better light knowing how much effort you put forth, the reps you increased, the more pounds you can lift, and we all love progress, don't we? Bodyweight work and RIR The notation will not have reps but instead, look like this: 3 sets x 2 RIR each set When you see this, know that you need to push each set to the prescribed RIR and track the number of reps you achieve. If you have ANY questions, I fully expect them. Please, ask anything. I am your coach, and there's no question that I will not help you with. Capiche? Cool. Hit me with them at or join the FB group at
7 Position Total Warmup
Knee Hugs x10/10 Leg Swings x10/10 Shin Box x10/10 Hip/Quad Couch Stretch x60s/60s Foam Roll Thoracic Spine x90s Kneeling Thoracic Extension x10/10 KB Halo x10/10
Leg Press
Sternal Cable Fly
Plate Front Raise
Goblet Step-up
Goblet Step-up
1.5 DB Laterals
Upper Body Post Workout Stretching
Chest Stretching: 30-40s Shoulder Stretching: 30-40s Tricep Stretching: 30-40s per side
7 Position Total Warmup
Knee Hugs x10/10 Leg Swings x10/10 Shin Box x10/10 Hip/Quad Couch Stretch x60s/60s Foam Roll Thoracic Spine x90s Kneeling Thoracic Extension x10/10 KB Halo x10/10
Romanian Deadlift
Half Kneeling Lat Pulldown
Elevated Plank Row
Seated Machine Row
Lying Leg Curl
Zottman Curls
Lower Body Post Workout Stretching
Lat Stretching: 30-40s per side Bicep Stretching: 30-40s Hip Flexor Stretching: 30-40s per side
7 Position Total Warmup
Knee Hugs x10/10 Leg Swings x10/10 Shin Box x10/10 Hip/Quad Couch Stretch x60s/60s Foam Roll Thoracic Spine x90s Kneeling Thoracic Extension x10/10 KB Halo x10/10
Leg Extension
DB Bench Press
DB Fly
Seated Smith Machine Shoulder Press
Overhead Rope Triceps Extension
Bus Drivers
3 x 0:30
Upper Body Post Workout Stretching
Chest Stretching: 30-40s Shoulder Stretching: 30-40s Tricep Stretching: 30-40s per side
7 Position Total Warmup
Knee Hugs x10/10 Leg Swings x10/10 Shin Box x10/10 Hip/Quad Couch Stretch x60s/60s Foam Roll Thoracic Spine x90s Kneeling Thoracic Extension x10/10 KB Halo x10/10
Single Leg Hip Thrust
Heavy Explosive KB Swings
Single Arm Standing Cable Row
Supinated Grip Inverted Row
Standing Cable Curl
Lower Body Post Workout Stretching
Lat Stretching: 30-40s per side Bicep Stretching: 30-40s Hip Flexor Stretching: 30-40s per side
God of Thunder Gym Owner Strength Coach Published writer, public speaker, and BMF
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