
Stronghold Weightlifting & Powerlifting Team

Stronghold Health & Performance

Weightlifting, Powerlifting
Logan Allen

This program is designed for athletes who aim to excel in both Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting. It combines power and strength training to develop both maximal power in snatches and cleans and maximal strength in the squat, deadlift, and bench press. By integrating strength and power, the program helps build a robust foundation that can optimize performance in both disciplines. The goal is to build the raw power needed for weightlifitng while enhancing the strength required for powerlifitng.

This hybrid training program helps ensure that both your maximal strength for powerlifting and your maximal power for weitghtifting develop in parallel, making you a well-rounded athlete prepared for both disciplines.

Hybrid Program
Ever want to work on both Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting in the same program? Now you can!
Access to your coaches
Coaches who will hold you accountable and provide the feedback you need to grow
Programming 5 days per week
Daily strength, conditioning, and skill training that’s accessible and challenging for athletes of any level or background
Exercise Video Guidance
Instructional videos to guide your practice and make execution easy
Detailed, expert instruction
Coaches who will hold you accountable and provide the feedback you need to grow
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Sweating over a PDF is so last year. Your coaches and team will push you harder, know you better, and keep you going longer, all through an app.
Barbell // Dumbbells
Cable Machine // Bands
sample week banner image
Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready
coach-avatar Logan Allen

I specialize in athletic performance and hybrid training. Coaching many hybrid athletes and being a hybrid athlete myself has refined my ability to create effective training programs. Nothing that I program is anything that I would not do myself. I am currently a Masters student studying Human Performance: Strength and Conditioning and plan on graduating May 2025.

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Stronghold Weightlifting & Powerlifting Team
Stronghold Weightlifting & Powerlifting Team
Stronghold Weightlifting & Powerlifting Team
Stronghold Weightlifting & Powerlifting Team