Are you looking to take yourself to the next level with your fitness? With my monthly Subscription, my teams members will get 4-5 down and dirty workouts EVERY single week. This program is perfect if you are looking to spice up your training. If you are a beginner, I offer modifications and tips about your form, and if you are a PRO- this split of strength and circuit training is EXACTLY what you need to progress. I'm trimming the fat (pun intended) when it comes to your training. No frills, hard work.
Push Cardio Warm Up
Plank Shoulder Touches :30s Inchworms :30s Plank Jacks :30s Rest :30s x3 Notes: 1. Plank shoulder touches: - In high plank position, make sure your joints are all stacked properly, one right on top of the other- (shoulder, elbow, wrist) your bones are stronger than your muscles, so USE THEM TO HELP YOU! - Draw your bellybutton in towards your spine, and keep your hips rotated forward, back flat. - PRO TIP: Keep your torso as still as possible, Hips and shoulders square towards the floor for MAX benefit! 2. Inchworms - A stretch AND a strengthen! - Make sure when you are walking your feet towards your hands from high plank to standing, keep your legs straight for as long as you can! Stretch those hamstrings! - Modification: Bend legs to come to standing. - Draw bellybutton in towards spine, and roll up to standing SLOWLY. 3. Plank Jacks - PRO TIP: Keep the distance between your feet smaller rather than wider, this way you will have more control of the movement keeping it closer to your center. - Keep your hips up! *Keep Watching to the end of each video for Modifications.
PVC Upper Body Warmup
PVC Pass through x10 PVC Alternating Around the World x10 PVC Overhead Press x10 Rest :30s- 1:00 x2 Notes: 1. PVC Pass Through & Around the World - Make sure you are relaxing your shoulders, pulling your scapula together (shoulder blades), and wrapping the muscles of your back around your spine! - Actively pull the PVC pipe forward into neutral position (don't let Gravity take over!) stay engaged. - These exercises should feel like a stretch for your armpits! Don't Bend your arms for the sake of getting to that full range of motion. Better to keep the arms straight, and have less of a range of motion, more of a stretch. 2. PVC OHP - USE YOUR BREATHING! Exhale to the top of the motion, big deep inhale to the bottom - Actively pull your elbows forward in a corkscrew motion to keep the PVC as close to your body as possible. - Lock your elbows in overhead, biceps next to the ears! That way the PVC will stay in line with your shoulder, hip, knee, and ankle. (should be a STRAIGHT LINE!)
RB Pull Apart (ad)
2 x 12
Scap Push Ups
2 x 10
DB Chest Press (ad)
3 x 10
Plate Front Raise (ad)
3 x 10
DB French Press
3 x 10
Dumbbell shoulder press
3 x 10
DB Chest Fly (ad)
3 x 10
DB Lateral Raise (ad)
3 x 10
Push Circuit!
Incline Pushups x8-10 reps Incline Mountain Climbers x :30s Tricep Dips x8-10 reps Rest 1-2 minutes x3 *Beginners: Watch full video for modifications of each exercise
Push Cool Down
Elbow to floor Rotations x8-10 each side Thread the Needle Stretch :15- :30s each side Tricep Overhead Stretch :15- :30s each side
Leg Day Cardio Warmup
High Knees 30s Glute Kicks 30s Rest 30s x3 Let's Get the blood pumping, before we move stretch the muscle! Advanced/intermediate: Keep your tempo up and BOUNCY! Beginner/lower body joint injuries: Keep it low impact. Taking out the bounce from side to side will be easier on your joints *Watch whole video for modification
PVC Leg Warmup
PVC Goodmorning x10 PVC Squat x10 PVC Shifts x10 Rest :30s- 1:00m x2-3 PRO TIP: IF YOU ARE WORKING AT HOME, USE A BROOM! - Move slowly through these movements, stay connected to your breath, this circuit is the most important to get you connected to the muscles we will be utilizing today! 1. Good morning: - The "good morning" is a HIP HINGE! meaning-- lead with the hips towards the back of the room at the beginning of the motion. Keep a soft knee, but not a bend- you SHOULD feel a stretch in your hamstrings at the bottom of the motion as you come parallel to the floor. SQUEEZE THE GLUTES TO STAND, and push through the heels. 2. MECHANICS OF A SQUAT - Lead with your hips, while keeping the natural "s curve" of your spine by keeping your chest up nice and high. - Your knees should be directly above your ankles at the bottom of the motion at a 90 degree angle. - Use your core stabilizers! - To avoid your knees coming too close together (knock knee) keep actively pushing your knees out over your pinky toes to keep your inner thigh engaged ! 3. PVC shifts - This is a hip opener! - Shift your weight back and forth between each heel, keeping both heels planted through the ground the whole time. - If the depth shown in the video is too advanced, forgo the PVC and use your hands to push your knees to the back of the room.
Elevated Runners Lunge Sequence
1 x 30
KB Back Lunge (ad)
@ 10
KB Goodmorning (ad)
@ 10
KB swing (ad)
@ 0:30
RB Monster Walk (ad)
3 x 40
Close stance Goblet Squat (ad)
3 x 10
Neutral Stance Goblet Squat (ad)
@ 10
Wall Sit (ad)
Leg Day Cool Down
Supine Hamstring Stretch :30s Supine Figure 4 :30s Happy Baby :30s x1-2 rounds each leg!
HIIT Cardio Warmup
Lateral hops :30s 123s :30s Jump Squats :30s Rest :30s (advanced/intermediate)- 1:00m (beginner) x3 rounds
HIIT Stretch Circuit!
Alternating Groiners :30s Spiderman Crawl :30s Hip Swings :15s each side Rest :30s (advanced/intermediate)- 1:00m (beginner) x3 rounds
Circuit 1
Box Runs :30s Lateral Raise :30s (choose DB weight) Box Hop Overs :30s Rest :30s (advanced/intermediate)- 1:00m (beginner) x3 rounds
Circuit 2
Jump Squat :30s Ladder Shoulder Press :30s Mountain Climbers :30s Rest :30s (advanced/intermediate)- 1:00m (beginner) x3 rounds
Circuit 3
MB Slam :30s KB Curl to Press :30s MB Thrusters :30s Rest :30s (advanced/intermediate)- 1:00m (beginner) x3 rounds *Pick your working weight for your Medicine Ball & Kettlebell! (you can also use a dumbbell for the curl to press)
HIIT Cool Down
Down dog Shifts :30s Down dog to Cobra FLOW x5-8 Spiderman To hamstring Stretch FLOW x8-10 each side
Pull Cardio Warmup
Jumping Jacks :30s High Plank Body Weight Row :30s Skater Taps :30s Rest :30s- 1:00m x3 *Low impact modifications at the end of each video
RB Pull Warmup
Resistance Band Isolated Neutral Row 10-12 each arm Resistance Band Upright Row 10-12 reps Resistance Band Cross Body Pull Apart 8-10 reps Rest :30s- 1:00m x2 PRO TIP * For your isolated row: - If you are at home, put your resistance band around the doorknob on the opposite side, and close the door! - Make sure you keep your shoulders and hips square to the band. - Keep your shoulder blades pulling together! SCAPULAR RETRACTION!
Plate Lateral Crossover (ad)
3 x 10
Plate Back Stroke (ad)
Isolated KB Row
@ 10
DB Close Curl
@ 10
Supinated Bent over row (ad)
@ 10
Hammer Curl (ad)
@ 10
DB Renegade rows (ad)
@ 10
Bent Over Rear Delt Fly (ad)
Pull Cool Down
Down Dog to Cobra :30s Elbow to floor Rotations :30s Childs Pose Rib Openers :30s Rest :30s x2-3 rounds
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