Coached By Cass

Cassie Keeping

Welcome to the new Peachy Keen Program!

The format of the Peachy Keen Program is as follows:
🍑 We will be focusing on strength and hypertrophy across 3 big sessions on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
🍑On Tuesday’s and Thursday’s you have the option to complete an upper body session or a sweat session. You definitely can choose to both the upper body & the sweat session, choose your own adventure today.

If you have any questions, feel free to give me a message. I hope you all enjoy the next 6 weeks and have fun building some seriously big dump trucks!
- Coach Cass 🤜🏼 🍑 🤛🏼

5 sessions per week
Must use App app to view and log training
Team Training
Barbells // dumbbells // kettlebells // mini bands // long resistance bands // boxes or benches // squat racks // weight plates // medicine balls // and some cardio machines.
sample week banner image
Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready
W1: Lower Body 1



Reps in Reserve (RIR)

For this program, we’ll be using the RIR tool, aka "Reps in Reserve" to progress each week and to set the expectations and intentions with intensity and how each movement should feel. Your training sessions should feel challenging, and you should also be focusing on feeling like the intended muscle/muscle group has been worked and is a bit fatigued or pumped. It’s important to understand that your training intensity across this next cycle will be a vital influence on building and reshaping your muscles. You want to be taking all working sets across the strength & hypertrophy sessions to within 1-3 reps of technical failure. There will be specific ranges prescribed each week that you’re intended to focus on and follow. Training within 1-3 reps in reserve of technical failure will stimulate a hypertrophic response, aka muscle growth. WHAT IS RIR? RIR is Repetitions In Reserve (RIR). RIR is a tool used to describe how challenging an exercise is supposed to feel by the number of reps you have left in the tank after completing a set with the weight/load you're using, or in other words, how many more reps could you have done before reaching failure on a set. RIR 0 - maximal effort RIR 1 - 1 repetition left RIR 2 - 2 repetitions left RIR 3 - 3 repetitions left RIR 4-6 repetitions left RIR 6-8 - light effort RIR 8-10 - no effort



Understanding Prescribed Tempo

Tempo is a great way to ensure there is time spent under muscle tension, this is a big component in hypertrophy training. If you’re not sure of how a tempo reads, please message me to double check. The tempo speeds are programmed with intention and will greatly affect how a movement feels and the stimulus of the movement; please never assume and just ask :) Tempo will always read in the following way. First number = the eccentric/lowering/ descent of a movement (this is movement dependent, for example a back squat will start with the eccentric/lowering, but a deadlift will start with the concentric/raising). Second number = the time spent in the bottom position of the movement/lift. Third number = the concentric/raising part of the movement, or the time it takes to get to the top of the lift. Fourth number = the contracted/pause at the top of the movement/lift before initing the next rep.



Take 5 minutes to flow through the following, complete as many quality rounds as possible: 5/ea. Forward & Backward Leg Swings 5/ea. Lateral Leg Swings 5 Bodyweight Good Mornings 5/ea. Lizard Lunge with Rotation 5 Banded Glute Bridge March (right + left = 1 rep) 5 Banded Glute Bridges (2-second hold at the top of each rep)


Barbell RDL


Barbell Hip Thrust


Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat


Standing Banded Hip Abduction (Mini Band)


Glute Focused Hip Extension (In Squat Rack)


Sprinter Crunch

3 x MAX


Med-Ball Russin Twist

Booty Burner


In a 5-10 minute working window, complete as many rounds as possible of: 10 Air Squats 10 Jump Squats 10/ea. Alternating Forward Lunges (Stationary) 10/ea. Alternating Reverse Lunges 20 Sprinter Crunch (right+left=1 rep) Record total rounds completed across desired sweat time. Record how long you sweat for.



If you have the extra time after your training session, take 5-10 minutes to walk on the treadmill before stretching. Spend between 5-15 minutes flowing through the following stretches: - Supine Banded Hamstring Stretch - Supine Banded Adductor Stretch - Supine Banded Abductor Stretch - `Supine Pigeon Stretch - Aim to hold each stretch/side for 30-60s before switching.

W1: Sweat Session 1



Take 5 minutes to flow through the following, complete as many quality rounds as possible: 30s on Machine of Choice at a warm-up pace 5 Air Squats 5 Scap Push-ups (from knees) 5 Tall Plank Alternating Toe Taps (right + left = 1 rep)

Sweat Session 1


On a 25 to 35-minute running clock, accumulate as many rounds as possible of: 1:00 on Cardio Machine of Choice @ challenging effort 15 DB Goblet Squats 30s DB Goblet Squat Hold 10 Plank Shoulder Taps, choose from variation one or two (right + left = 1 rep) 10 Plank Up/Downs, from toes or knees (up & down = 1 rep) Choose to complete between 25-35 minutes of today's sweat session. Record total rounds completed across time frame. Note how long you sweat.



If you have the extra time after your training session, take 5-10 minutes to walk on the treadmill before stretching. Spend between 5-15 minutes flowing through the following stretches: - Half Saddle Stretch (right & left) - Seated Straddle Stretch (reach right & left) - Seated Straddle Stretch (reach to the middle) - Aim to hold each stretch/side for 30-60s before switching.

W1: Upper Body Push



Reps in Reserve (RIR)

For this program, we’ll be using the RIR tool, aka "Reps in Reserve" to progress each week and to set the expectations and intentions with intensity and how each movement should feel. Your training sessions should feel challenging, and you should also be focusing on feeling like the intended muscle/muscle group has been worked and is a bit fatigued or pumped. It’s important to understand that your training intensity across this next cycle will be a vital influence on building and reshaping your muscles. You want to be taking all working sets across the strength & hypertrophy sessions to within 1-3 reps of technical failure. There will be specific ranges prescribed each week that you’re intended to focus on and follow. Training within 1-3 reps in reserve of technical failure will stimulate a hypertrophic response, aka muscle growth. WHAT IS RIR? RIR is Repetitions In Reserve (RIR). RIR is a tool used to describe how challenging an exercise is supposed to feel by the number of reps you have left in the tank after completing a set with the weight/load you're using, or in other words, how many more reps could you have done before reaching failure on a set. RIR 0 - maximal effort RIR 1 - 1 repetition left RIR 2 - 2 repetitions left RIR 3 - 3 repetitions left RIR 4-6 repetitions left RIR 6-8 - light effort RIR 8-10 - no effort



Understanding Prescribed Tempo

Tempo is a great way to ensure there is time spent under muscle tension, this is a big component in hypertrophy training. If you’re not sure of how a tempo reads, please message me to double check. The tempo speeds are programmed with intention and will greatly affect how a movement feels and the stimulus of the movement; please never assume and just ask :) Tempo will always read in the following way. First number = the eccentric/lowering/ descent of a movement (this is movement dependent, for example a back squat will start with the eccentric/lowering, but a deadlift will start with the concentric/raising). Second number = the time spent in the bottom position of the movement/lift. Third number = the concentric/raising part of the movement, or the time it takes to get to the top of the lift. Fourth number = the contracted/pause at the top of the movement/lift before initing the next rep.



Take 5 minutes to flow through the following, complete as many quality rounds as possible: 5/ea. Forward & Backward Arm Circles 5 Lateral Arm Swings 5 Plate Full Raise 5 Plate Cuban Press 5 Scap Push-ups (from knees) 5 Plank Up/Downs (from toes or knees)


Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press


Dumbbell Lateral Raise


Dumbbell Front Raise


Single Arm Dumbbell Tricep Kickback


Banded Y Raise


Banded Crossbody Tricep Extension



If you have the extra time after your training session, take 5-10 minutes to walk on the treadmill before stretching. Spend between 5-15 minutes flowing through the following stretches: - Assisted Lateral Neck Stretch - Anterior Shoulder Stretch - Thread The Needle - Childs Pose - Aim to hold each stretch/side for 30-60s before switching.

W1: Lower Body 2



Reps in Reserve (RIR)

For this program, we’ll be using the RIR tool, aka "Reps in Reserve" to progress each week and to set the expectations and intentions with intensity and how each movement should feel. Your training sessions should feel challenging, and you should also be focusing on feeling like the intended muscle/muscle group has been worked and is a bit fatigued or pumped. It’s important to understand that your training intensity across this next cycle will be a vital influence on building and reshaping your muscles. You want to be taking all working sets across the strength & hypertrophy sessions to within 1-3 reps of technical failure. There will be specific ranges prescribed each week that you’re intended to focus on and follow. Training within 1-3 reps in reserve of technical failure will stimulate a hypertrophic response, aka muscle growth. WHAT IS RIR? RIR is Repetitions In Reserve (RIR). RIR is a tool used to describe how challenging an exercise is supposed to feel by the number of reps you have left in the tank after completing a set with the weight/load you're using, or in other words, how many more reps could you have done before reaching failure on a set. RIR 0 - maximal effort RIR 1 - 1 repetition left RIR 2 - 2 repetitions left RIR 3 - 3 repetitions left RIR 4-6 repetitions left RIR 6-8 - light effort RIR 8-10 - no effort



Understanding Prescribed Tempo

Tempo is a great way to ensure there is time spent under muscle tension, this is a big component in hypertrophy training. If you’re not sure of how a tempo reads, please message me to double check. The tempo speeds are programmed with intention and will greatly affect how a movement feels and the stimulus of the movement; please never assume and just ask :) Tempo will always read in the following way. First number = the eccentric/lowering/ descent of a movement (this is movement dependent, for example a back squat will start with the eccentric/lowering, but a deadlift will start with the concentric/raising). Second number = the time spent in the bottom position of the movement/lift. Third number = the concentric/raising part of the movement, or the time it takes to get to the top of the lift. Fourth number = the contracted/pause at the top of the movement/lift before initing the next rep.



Take 5 minutes to flow through the following, complete as many quality rounds as possible: 5/ea. Sampson Stretch 10 Air Squats (2 second lower into the squat & 2 second pause in bottom) 10/ea. Alternating Forward Lunge Steps (Stationary) 5/ea. Half Kneeling Adductor Dips (2 second pause in dipped position)


Heels Elevated Dumbbell Goblet Squat


Dumbbell Walking Lunge (Quad Focused)


Floor Lying Dumbbell Hamstring Curl


Sissy Squat (Using Squat Rack)


Weighted Wall Sit

Booty Burner


In a 5-10 minute working window, complete as many rounds as possible of: 30 Banded Pulse Squats 20/ea. Banded Lateral Steps 15/ea. Banded Donkey Kicks 15/ea. Banded Fire Hydrants 15 Tuck-Ups (leave band around knees) Record total rounds completed across desired sweat time. Record how long you sweat for.



If you have the extra time after your training session, take 5-10 minutes to walk on the treadmill before stretching. Spend between 5-15 minutes flowing through the following stretches: - Half Saddle Stretch (right & left) - Frog Stretch - Supine Pigeon Pose (right & left) - Standing Calf Stretch (right & left) - Aim to hold each stretch/side for 30-60s before switching.

W1: Sweat Session 2



Take 5 minutes to flow through the following, complete as many quality rounds as possible: 15/ea. of each Skipping Warm-up Variation 5/ea. 90/90 Hip Rolls 10/ea Toy Soliders 5 Sprawls

Sweat Session 2


Every minute on the minute, complete the following for chosen time frame and intervals: Minute 1: Skipping variation of choice Minute 2: Tall Kneeling to Stand Minute 3: Hand Release Burpees Minute 4: Alternating Single Leg Crossbody V-ups Minute 5: Rest Don't worry about counting reps today, just focus on moving your body and getting a good sweat on! Record how many rounds you choose to do today. --------------------------------------------------- Choose to complete 3-6 rounds: 3 rounds = 15 minutes 4 rounds = 20 minutes 5 rounds = 25 minutes 6 rounds = 30 minutes --------------------------------------------------- Interval Options: 30s work/ 30s rest 35s work/ 25s rest 40s work/ 20s rest 45s work/ 15s rest



If you have the extra time after your training session, take 5-10 minutes to walk on the treadmill before stretching. Spend between 5-15 minutes flowing through the following stretches: - Straddle Forward Fold - Straddle Fold Reach Right & Left - Lizard Stretch (right & left) - Aim to hold each stretch/side for 30-60s before switching.

W1: Upper Pull



Take 5 minutes to flow through the following, complete as many quality rounds as possible: 5/ea. Scapula CARS 5 Bodyweight Y-T-W (one Y+T+W = 1 rep) 8 Pronated Grip Banded Pull Aparts 8 Supinated Grip Band Pull Apart 8 Banded Seated Row


Floor Seated Banded Supinated Lat Pulldown


Prone Incline Dumbbell Rear Delt Row


Incline Dumbbell Bicep Curl


Single Arm Dumbbell Row


Straight Arm Banded Lat Pullover


Neutral Grip Banded Bicep Curl



If you have the extra time after your training session, take 5-10 minutes to walk on the treadmill before stretching. Spend between 5-15 minutes flowing through the following stretches: - 90/90 Chest Stretch - Bicep Stretch with Stick - PVC Shoulder Compression & Extension - Upper Back Stretch over Med-ball with stick - Aim to hold each stretch/side for 30-60s before switching.

W1: Lower Body 3



Take 5 minutes to flow through the following, complete as many quality rounds as possible: 10 Air Squats 5 Bootstrapper Stretch 5/ea. Quadruped Hip CARS 5 Glute Bridge Walkout (out & back = 1 rep)


Tempo Back Squat (3111)

12, 10, 8, 6


Unilateral Bench Supported Dumbbell RDL


Glute Focused Banded Stepdown


Short Lever Copenhagen Plank


Medicine Ball Hamstring Curl


Hanging Knee Raises


Oblique Side Crunch

Booty Burner


In a 5-10 minute working window, complete as many rounds as possible of: 60s on Cardio Machine of Choice @ Hard Effort 15 Shoulder Height Kettlebell Swings 15 Kettlebell Jump Squat Record total rounds completed across desired sweat time. Note kettlebell weight used. Record how long you sweat for.



If you have the extra time after your training session, take 5-10 minutes to walk on the treadmill before stretching. Spend between 5-15 minutes flowing through the following stretches: - Couch Stretch (right & left) - Elevated Pigeon Pose on Bench (right & left) - Standing Hamstring Stretch on Bench (right & left) - Thoracic Opener on Bench - Aim to hold each stretch/side for 30-60s before switching.

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Peachy Keen (Minimal Equipment
Peachy Keen (Minimal Equipment
Peachy Keen (Minimal Equipment
Peachy Keen (Minimal Equipment