Mobility Flow 3 (Posterior Focus)
1 x 1
Strength 1
(FULL EQUIPMENT TRACK) 3 Supersets: 8 Single Leg Barbell RDL/Side 16 Alt. Deadbugs (DB ONLY TRACK) 3 Supersets: 8 Single Leg DB RDL/Side 16 Alt. Deadbugs (NO EQUIPMENT TRACK) 3 Supersets: 8 Single Leg Bodyweight RDL/Side 16 Alt. Deadbug *Choose a lighter weight & focus on balance. Rest :60 b/t sets*
Strength 2
(FULL EQUIPMENT TRACK) 3 Supersets: 8 Goblet or Suitcase Style Front Foot Elevated Split Squat/Side :30 Barbell Anti Rotations (DB ONLY TRACK) 3 Supersets: 8 Goblet or Suitcase Style Front Foot Elevated Split Squat/Side (If no plate/platform to stand on do a split squat regular) :30 DB Anti Rotations (NO EQUIPMENT TRACK) 3 Supersets: 8 Front Foot Elevated Split Squat (Do a regular split squat if no platform to stand on) :20 Side Plank with Hip Dip/Side *Choose light to Moderate load with both movements but prioritize ROM over loading. Rest :60 b/t sets*
(FULL EQUIPMENT) AMRAP x 5 Min: 5 Hang DB Power Cleans 5 DB Push Press (DB ONLY) AMRAP x 5 Min: 3 Hang DB Power Cleans (R) 3 DB Push Press (R) 3 Hang DB Power Cleans (L) 3 DB Push Press (L) (BODYWEIGHT ONLY) AMRAP x 5 Min: 5 Air Squats OR Squat Jumps 5 Pushups, Elevated Pushups or Knee Pushups
Nutrition Mastery Habits
(1) Drink 12-16oz of water 1st thing in the morning prior to any other beverages/foods. (2) Prepare your own breakfast. (Use your free guide for meal ideas) Note 0 if no habits were completed, 1 if 1 habit was completed & 2 if both habits were completed. We will gradually change the focus every few weeks after we've mastered specific lifestyle habits.
Nutrition Mastery Habits
(1) Drink 12-16oz of water 1st thing in the morning prior to any other beverages/foods. (2) Prepare your own breakfast. (Use your free guide for meal ideas) Note 0 if no habits were completed, 1 if 1 habit was completed & 2 if both habits were completed. We will gradually change the focus every few weeks after we've mastered specific lifestyle habits.
Full Body Mobility Flow (10 Min)
Mobility Flow 2 (Core Focused)
1 x 1
Strength 1
(FULL EQUIPMENT TRACK) 3 Supersets: 8 Single Arm Landmine Press/Side 8 Barbell Split Stance Row/Side (DB ONLY TRACK) 3 Supersets: 8 Single Arm DB Floor Press/Side 8 Split Stance DB Row/Side (BODYWEIGHT ONLY TRACK) 3 Supersets: 8 Pushup w/ Shoulder Tap/Side :20 Split Stance Bodyweight Row Hold/Side *Choose a light to mod load. Rest :60 b/t sets*
Strength 2
(FULL EQUIPMENT TRACK) 3 Supersets: :30 Overhead DB Hold/Side 8 DB Windmill/Side (DB ONLY TRACK) 3 Supersets: :30 Overhead DB Hold/Side 8 DB Windmill/Side (BODYWEIGHT ONLY TRACK) 3 Supersets: 40 Overhead Marches *20/Side* 8 Bodyweight Windmill/Side *Choose a moderate to potentially heavy load on the overhead hold (full ROM 1st & bicep stays close to ear no matter what. If we cant do that, its not safe to use). On windmill go light or even no weight. You don't need much. Rest :60 b/t sets*
(FULL EQUIPMENT) EMOM x 10: Odd: 5 Strict Pullups, Banded Strict Pullups or Ring/TRX Rows Even: 5-10 Burpees, Up-downs or Assisted Burpees (DB ONLY) EMOM x 10: Odd: 10 Single Arm DB Rows (L/R) Even: 5-10 Burpees, Up-downs or Assisted Burpees (BODYWEIGHT ONLY) EMOM x 10: Odd: 10 Backpack Rows (Or any at home object) Even: 5-10 Burpees, Up-downs or Assisted Burpees
Nutrition Mastery Habits
(1) Drink 12-16oz of water 1st thing in the morning prior to any other beverages/foods. (2) Prepare your own breakfast. (Use your free guide for meal ideas) Note 0 if no habits were completed, 1 if 1 habit was completed & 2 if both habits were completed. We will gradually change the focus every few weeks after we've mastered specific lifestyle habits.
Nutrition Mastery Habits
(1) Drink 12-16oz of water 1st thing in the morning prior to any other beverages/foods. (2) Prepare your own breakfast. (Use your free guide for meal ideas) Note 0 if no habits were completed, 1 if 1 habit was completed & 2 if both habits were completed. We will gradually change the focus every few weeks after we've mastered specific lifestyle habits.
Full Body Mobility Flow (10 Min)
Mobility Flow 1 (Hip/Quad/Shoulders)
1 x 1
Strength 1
(FULL EQUIPMENT TRACK) 3 Supersets: 4 Tempo Back Squats OR Box Squats 8 Single Leg Glute Bridge/Side (DB ONLY TRACK) 3 Supersets: 8 Tempo Goblet Squat OR Box/Chair Squats 8 Single Leg DB Glute Bridge/Side BODYWEIGHT ONLY TRACK: 3 Supersets: 12 Tempo Air Squats w/ :02 Pause in Bottom (Sit to a Chair IF Needed For Knee Pain) 8 Single Leg Glute Bridge/Side (Bodyweight only & no DB) *Go lighter than you think on the squats. 4 reps at this tempo is going to take nearly :30 & probably :40-45 for the Bodyweight version. This DOES NOT need to be incredibly heavy & is likely VERY far off your max. Rest :60 b/t sets*
Strength 2
(FULL EQUIPMENT TRACK) 3 Supersets: 4 Tempo Deadlift 8 Single Arm Tempo DB Bench/Side (DB ONLY TRACK) 3 Supersets: 8 Single DB Tempo Deadlift (:03 Negative on Way Down) 4 Tempo Pushup (:03 Negative. May use knees or elevated pushup) BODYWEIGHT ONLY TRACK: 3 Supersets: 8 Tempo Bodyweight Hip Hinge 4 Tempo Pushup *Go lighter than you think on the deadlifts. 4 reps at this tempo is going to take nearly :30 & probably :40-45 for the Bodyweight version. This DOES NOT need to be incredibly heavy & is likely VERY far off your max. Rest :60 b/t sets*
(FULL EQUIPMENT) 3rds For Time: 15 Plate Ground to Overhead 30 Reverse Lunge or Air Squat (DB ONLY) 3rds For Time: 15 Single DB Ground to Overhead 30 Reverse Lunge or Air Squat (BODYWEIGHT) 3rds For Time: 15 Backpack or Home Object Ground to Overhead 30 Reverse Lunge or Air Squat
Nutrition Mastery Habits
(1) Drink 12-16oz of water 1st thing in the morning prior to any other beverages/foods. (2) Prepare your own breakfast. (Use your free guide for meal ideas) Note 0 if no habits were completed, 1 if 1 habit was completed & 2 if both habits were completed. We will gradually change the focus every few weeks after we've mastered specific lifestyle habits.
Nutrition Mastery Habits
(1) Drink 12-16oz of water 1st thing in the morning prior to any other beverages/foods. (2) Prepare your own breakfast. (Use your free guide for meal ideas) Note 0 if no habits were completed, 1 if 1 habit was completed & 2 if both habits were completed. We will gradually change the focus every few weeks after we've mastered specific lifestyle habits.
Full Body Mobility Flow (10 Min)
Nutrition Mastery Habits
(1) Drink 12-16oz of water 1st thing in the morning prior to any other beverages/foods. (2) Prepare your own breakfast. (Use your free guide for meal ideas) Note 0 if no habits were completed, 1 if 1 habit was completed & 2 if both habits were completed. We will gradually change the focus every few weeks after we've mastered specific lifestyle habits.
Full Body Mobility Flow (10 Min)
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