Performance Programs

Tim Boland

6 sessions per week
Must use App app to view and log training
Team Training

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Sample Week
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Long HIIT - Low Volume - Off feet


Session intent is to enhance the bodies ability to utilise oxygen within the muscle. A) Warm up a1) 3min Warm Up Ski @ 50% a2) 3min of activation exercises and dynamic stretches. a3) 3min of Row, gradually build the intensity from 50% - 90% throughout. a4) Rest 1min. B) Main Body Complete 5 rounds of: - 1.30min Row @ 90-100% - 3min Ski @ Less than 50% C) Cool Down c1) 5min Ski @ 50% Following the session, in the results record the average pace you sustained on the rower in part B. In the session comment, record the average HR for the session, session RPE, and whether the results of the session were Above, At or Below your pre workout expectations.



Basic Cool Down Guide

The basic premise of the cool down is to down regulate your body from what could be assumed was a period of activity that was dominated by the activation of the sympathetic nervous system. By following these steps you will enable you to return to a state where the appropriate resources can be applied by the body to kick start the recovery process. To do this appropriately will be very dependent on a number of individual factors that are both physiological and psychological in nature. Following the next three stages, can act as a guide for you but do not be afraid of trying new things or continuing to do what you feel works best for you. Stage 1 - Spend some time reducing the heart rate gradually towards zone 2 or 1, this can be achieved simple by continuing low intensity exercise, walking around or even packing away your equipment. Stage 2 - Controlled breathing, spending 3-5minutes focusing on long and controlled breathing. Starting initially with what is comfortable for you, as time progresses attempt to slow it to a point where you are completing close to 5 breaths (inhale and exhale) per minute. Stage 3 - Performing stretches is the most common choice but is by no means always necessary. Throughout the controlled breaths perform a scan of your body and identify any areas you feel maybe overly "tight" and address them with any mechanism you wish, this could be through any form or compression / vibration therapy / foam rolling / self myofascia release / or stretching.

Leg and Upper Body Push Muscular Endurance #1


Leg Extension


DB Arnold Press


Lying Leg Curl


Seated Chest Press


Seated Calf Raise


Decline Bench Press


Wall Balls

Upper Body Pull Strength Session #1



Upper Body Pull Strength Warm Up #1

Raise: Complete the following with a controlled and methodical movement speed. 50 x Light weight - Cable machine straight arm pull downs ( 50 x Light weight - Rope face pulls ( Activation: Complete 2 Rounds of: 30sec Passive dead hang from a pull up bar 30sec side plank left side 30sec side plank right side Mobilisation: Spend 2-5min performing self-chosen dynamic range of movement stretching exercises. Avoid long duration (>30sec) holds. Look to put the shoulder joint and thoracic spine through a full range of movement, to expose them to positions that may be present in the workout today. Potentiation: Starting Every minute on the minute (EMOM for 5 min), complete: 5 reps per side of standing rotational med ball throws against wall (


Chest Supported Machine Row

@ 1, _ , _


Wide Grip Lat Pull Down


Close Grip EZ Bar Upright Row


Standing Alternating DB Curls


Dead Hang


Easy Aerobic


Whilst keeping your heart rate as low as possible, complete: 5 rounds of: 1km Run @ 50% (refer to your feedback sheet for pace. 50cal Assault Bike @ 200-250watts Upon completion, in the results, record: - Average Heart Rate throughout. Record in the comments: - Time taken to complete - Ave RPE - The average speeds you sustained in both exercises. - Whether the workout results were Below/At/or Above your expectations.


Easy Aerobic


If possible, perform this session on a treadmill. Whilst keeping your heart rate BELOW Zone 3 (Zone 1 or 2) (check your feedback sheet). Run for 30min and cover as much distance as possible. Throughout the run, adjust the speed where necessary to ensure the heart rate stays in the desired zones. In the session results, record the distance you cover. In the session comments, record your: - Session RPE - Average HR - Whether or not your workout results were Above, At or Below your expectations.



a) 100m Warm Up - Build intensity gradually. Rest 1min. b) 4 x 50m efforts @ an easy pace. Rest 30sec between sets. Rest 2min c) 4 x 50m efforts @ an easy pace. Rest 30sec between sets. d) 100m Cool Down - reduce intensity slowly to an easy pace. In the session results, Record the average pace (min/100m) that you sustain across each effort in part b & c. In the session comments record the average RPE from the entire session.


Assault Bike - Threshold


On the Assault Bike, perform: a) Warm Up - 4min warm up @ 250 - 300watts b) 4 Rounds of: - 4min @ 350 - 420watts - 2min @ 250 - 300watts c) Cool Down - 2min @ 250 - 300watts Upon completion, in the results, record: - Total time spent in Zone 4. As recorded by your HRM. Record in the comments: - Ave RPE - Ave HR - The average power you sustained. In each part of the workout. - Whether the workout result was Below/At/or Above your pre workout expectations.

Upper Body Pull & Leg Muscular Endurance #1



Basic RAMP Warm Up Guide

Follow the below sequence. Choose your own exercises to meet the intent of preparing you physically and mentally for the exercise to come. Raise - Spend 3-5min carrying out basic exercises looking to raise your core temperature, increase blood flow to peripheral muscles, and increase synovial fluid production within the joints. Activation - Spend 3-5min performing low level isolation or isometric exercises which can aide in the activation and excitement of muscles directly involved in stabilising joints in the activities that follow, or that have presented you with issues in the past. Mobilisation - Spend 3-5min performing exercises that dynamically place all muscles and joints through their full range of motion. Potentiation - Spend 3-5min performing exercises that directly replicate the actions or exercises in the main body of the session, gradually increase the intensity or volume to a level that is proportionate to that of which you are about to conduct.

McDonald and Galagher Hero Workout


Complete 2 Rounds for Time and record the time it takes you too complete it. 200 meter Run 16 Kettlebell Swings @ 16kg 16 Pull-Ups 16 Front Squats @ 30kg 200 meter Run 14 Kettlebell Swings @ 16kg 14 Pull-Ups 14 Front Squats @ 30kg) 200 meter Run 12 Kettlebell Swings @ 16kg 12 Pull-Ups 12 Front Squats @ 30kg In the circuit comments record: - Session RPE - Whether your results were Above/ At or Below your pre workout expectations.



Basic Cool Down Guide

The basic premise of the cool down is to down regulate your body from what could be assumed was a period of activity that was dominated by the activation of the sympathetic nervous system. By following these steps you will enable you to return to a state where the appropriate resources can be applied by the body to kick start the recovery process. To do this appropriately will be very dependent on a number of individual factors that are both physiological and psychological in nature. Following the next three stages, can act as a guide for you but do not be afraid of trying new things or continuing to do what you feel works best for you. Stage 1 - Spend some time reducing the heart rate gradually towards zone 2 or 1, this can be achieved simple by continuing low intensity exercise, walking around or even packing away your equipment. Stage 2 - Controlled breathing, spending 3-5minutes focusing on long and controlled breathing. Starting initially with what is comfortable for you, as time progresses attempt to slow it to a point where you are completing close to 5 breaths (inhale and exhale) per minute. Stage 3 - Performing stretches is the most common choice but is by no means always necessary. Throughout the controlled breaths perform a scan of your body and identify any areas you feel maybe overly "tight" and address them with any mechanism you wish, this could be through any form or compression / vibration therapy / foam rolling / self myofascia release / or stretching.

Upper Body Push Hypertrophy Session #1



Upper Body Push Warm Up #1

Raise: Complete the following with a controlled and methodical movement speed. 2 Rounds of: 20 x Light weight - Standing cable chest flys (fully protract and retract the shoulder blades) ( 20 x Light weight - Standing cable reverse flys (fully protract and retract the shoulder blades) ( Activation: 10 reps of Upward facing dog to Downward facing dog (alternate between them both, with a deep breath at both ends) 10 Cuban Presses @ Very Light weight ( Mobilisation: Spend 2-5min performing self-chosen dynamic range of movement stretching exercises. Avoid long duration (>30sec) holds. Look to put the shoulder joint and thoracic spine through a full range of movement, to expose them to positions that may be present in the workout today. Potentiation: Starting Every minute on the minute (EMOM for 5 min), complete: 5 x Supine med ball tosses for max height ( *Please don't drop it on your face....


Smith Machine Seated Shoulder Press

@ 5, _ , _


Bench Press - Hypertrophy


Weighted Dips


DB Overhead Tricep Extension


Squatting Bicep Curl


Easy Aerobic - Ride (Low Volume)


5km Easy Ski Erg @ 800-900cal/hr - Keep your heart rate as low as possible. Record the total time taken to complete. In the comments record your: - Average HR, - Average RPE - Whether the session results were Above / At / or Below your pre workout expectations.

Easy Aerobic - Run (Low Volume)


30min Easy Run (15min out / 15min Back) Maintain a low Zone 2 heart rate throughout. Record the distance that you cover in that time. In the comments record your: - Average HR, - Average RPE - Whether the session results were Above / At / or Below your pre workout expectations.

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Mitchell Axon - Private
Mitchell Axon - Private
Mitchell Axon - Private
Mitchell Axon - Private