Regardless of your goals, building muscle is a "must". This training community is exactly what you need to make the progress you've always desired.
The more muscle we have the faster our metabolism is, the better we feel, and our less prone to injuries. Building muscle doesn't mean getting big and bulking unless that is a choice you want. Building muscle can mean slimming down and sculpting your body to exactly what you want to achieve and look like and I know how to accomplish that.
With this community (as well as myself) in your corner you will discover a new you. Depending on your goal(s) you will either lose the weight you want, gain lean mass, come in at your peak for your competition or a combination, improve your quality of life, have more energy throughout the day, and still be able to enjoy the foods and activities you like to do.
Active Rest
Active rest of choice. Jump into the chat and let the team know what you're up to!
Warm Up Week 3 Day 1
Depth Drop Push Up 3 x 5 from max height (warm-up first) DB Wrist Curls 3 x 15-20 reps Hand release Burpees 3 x 15
Strict Press
5, 12, 12, 12
Wide Grip Cable Lat Pulldown Machine
4 x 8
Behind the Neck Thruster
3 x 8
Standing Cable Straight Arm Pulldown
3 x 12
Glute Bridge Preacher Curl
3 x 15
Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension
3 x 15
Warm Up #2
Cardio of choice 1:00 increasing pace each round x 3 OH Side Bend with a DB or plate 3 x 6-8/side alternating (focus on big stretch / range of motion) Consecutive Broad Jump 3 x 5 for max distance
Belt Squat
5, 10, 10, 10
Back Rack Drop Lunge
4 x 10
Incline Reverse Crunch
4 x MAX
Copenhagen Plank
4 x 15
Mixed Modal
4 rounds for time 10 clean & jerk (or any ground to overhead) from the floor for EVERY rep 20 overhead plate jumping lunge (10/side) 400m run
Mixed Modal
For time @ RPE 8 50-40-30-20-10 Row Cals Wall Balls (20/14#, 10/9' target) + 50-40-30-20-10 Bike Cals Alternating BW Box Step Ups (24/20")
Active Rest
Active rest of choice. Jump into the chat and let the team know what you're up to!
Warm Up #3
Row 3-5 min easy - 1/2 Kneeling Cable/Band Rotation 3 x 10-15/side @ RPE 7-8 - FHL Calf Raise 3 x 10-15/side - really focus on getting a big stretch through your big toe - you can do this barefoot and/or with a wedge/towel underneath your big toe if necessary to get a full stretch. - Half Kneeling Bottom Up KB Press 3 x 8-10 reps per side
High Incline KB/DB Shoulder Press
3 x 12
Dual KB Pullover
3 x 15
Alt DB Incline BP Top Down
3 x 20
Landmine T-Bar Row
3 x 15
LU Raise
3 x 10
Warm Up #4
- Air bike or rower for :30 sec increasing pace every :10 sec - Deficit SL Side Plank Dip 3 tough sets per side @ 2-3 RIR - Plank Hip Tilts 3 x 10-15: work through FULL range of motion - max anterior tilt and posterior tilt.
4 x 3
Landmine Single Leg Romanian Deadlift
3 x 12
Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
3 x 10
Landmine Kickstand Hack Squat
3 x 12
Hanging Straight Leg Raise
3 x 12
KB Russian Twist
3 x 30
Remote Coach and Personal Trainer with decades of experience. Doing things smart, healthy, and sustainable will lead to long term results so don’t look for shortcuts or magic pills. Hard work, consistency, and enjoying the journey is what it’s ll about and I’m here to help in anyway I can.
Start today and join the best training community out there
Get Look Good Die HarderWhen you join a team you’re getting more than programming, you’re joining an online community.