Hyrox & Dekafit Training

RMR Training

Strength & Conditioning, Obstacle Course Racing, Functional Fitness, Endurance, Multi-sport
Rich Ryan

I'm Rich Ryan, an elite athlete, hybrid racing coach, podcast host, and a nerd for fitness and endurance performance.

When I first saw Hyrox, I thought, "This is what I have been waiting for my entire athlete career." I thought I'd be an instant success.

I was wrong.

My first few attempts were humbling.

I went to the lab and got to work, I applied the principles, I have learned in my 10+ years as an endurance coach, CrossFit coach, and personal trainer.

I got stronger, better at the movements, and stayed fast. I added 40 lbs to my squat and deadlift and dropped 7 minutes from my time in just over 6 months, going from 1:07:22 to 1:00:35 and a 7th place finish at the Elite World Championships in Las Vegas.

As a result, I learned what work moves the needle and what is a waste of time. Now I've applied these methods to each workout in this group.

The last thing you should know is this group of athletes is not f#cking around.

Everyone in this group is willing to see if they have what it takes.

This program is HARD and it works.

If you are serious about improving at Hyrox and DEKAFIT, click the free trial button below, and let's find out.

Learn how to train for HYROX and DEKAFIT
Clear direction to ensure you make progress doing the right movements. Access to an expert coach so you can fit strength training into your Hybrid Race training.
Improve Your Strength and Speed
Get access to proven workouts that will make you faster without sacrificing your speed.
Hybrid Workouts That Get Results
You'll get access to the exact workouts used by pro and elite level Hybrid athletes. Learn how to improve your rowing, skiing, running, and how to blend them together to get the results you want.
Access to your coaches
Coaches who will hold you accountable and provide the feedback you need to grow
Programming 7 days per week
Daily strength, conditioning, and skill training that’s accessible and challenging for athletes of any level or background
Exercise Video Guidance
Instructional videos to guide your practice and make execution easy
Delivered through TrainHeroic
World-class technology with specific direction. Plus a reliable place to log your results to track long-term progress.
Rower // Barbell // Sled for Push and Pull // Wall Ball
All Hyrox Equipment // SkiErg // Assault Bike or BikeErg // Dumbbells
sample week banner image
Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready
Squat 5RM + Deka Benchmark



Warm - Up (E)

5 x Diaphram Strech 10 x Warrior Lunge with Twist (5 each side) 10 x Inch Worm 10 x Scap Push-up 10 x Bird Dog 10 x Glute Rainbow 2 Rounds 20 Air Squats 10 Burpees 5 Broad Jumps


Pallof Press

3 x 8


Dead Bug


Back Squat

10, 8, 5, 5, 5, 5





Deka Benchmark

1 mile Run 500 m Row 400 m Run 500 m SkiErg 400 m Run 25 Cal Assault Bike 1 mile Run - Goal of this is to push as hard a possible to set a baseline score. The blend of longer runner and machines will give us a good idea of your capacity, speed, and skill. - It is important to make this workout repeatable. Sub options below. *Sub Row with 30 Reverse Lunges #50/35 or 20 Box Jump Overs *Sub Ski with 20 Wall Ball Sit-ups or 100 m Farmers walk #60/40 * Sub Assault Bike with 20 deadball over shoulder or 20 Devils Press.

Easy Aerobic 


Bike Erg

1 x 45:00

Easy Run (optional)



1 x 45:00

FTHR Bike Test 



FTHR Bike Test

15 minute warm-up @ a comfortable but uptempo pace. FTHR Test 5 minutes @ RPE 7 5 minutes @ RPE 8 5 minutes @ RPE 9 5 minutes @ RPE 10 15-30 min cool-down Start at a comfortable but hard pace and crank up the RPE (rate of perceived exertion) every 5 minutes. This should feel very hard by the end. You can do this on a BikeErg, Assault bike, or bike trainer. Start a fresh watch before and after the test. Take your average HR for the 20 minutes and drop notes in data below.

Easy Aerobic (optional)


Bike Erg

1 x 45:00

Deadlift 5RM + General Strength 



Warm - Up (E)

5 x Diaphram Strech 10 x Warrior Lunge with Twist (5 each side) 10 x Inch Worm 10 x Scap Push-up 10 x Bird Dog 10 x Glute Rainbow 2 Rounds 20 Air Squats 10 Burpees 5 Broad Jumps


Pallof Press

3 x 8


Dead Bug



10, 8, 5, 5, 5, 5


Strict Press

3 x 8



3 x 8


Walking Lunges

3 x 10


Russian KB Swing

3 x 10



GHD and Farmer's Walk Core

EMOTM: 8 minutes: Min1: 10 GHD Situp Min 2: Farmers Walk x 30 seconds - Sub with weighted stability ball sit-up or 20 med ball sit-ups. - Go as fast as possible during the farmers walk

Easy Aerobic (optional)


Bike Erg

1 x 45:00

Easy Run 



1 x 45:00

2k Row and Wall Ball Benchmark



Strength Run Warm-up (1)

Diaphram Stretch x 5 Air Squats x 20 Warrior Lunge with Twist x 10 Single-Leg RDL with Twist Inch Worm x 10 Thread the Needle Plank x 10 on each side Frog Pumps x 40 Banded Hip Drive Through x 10 each side Jump Squats x 10



2km Row

Do a 15-minute warm-up at an easy but uptempo pace to get your HR up. Perform a 2k Row as fast as possible. Log your time. 10 minutes easy.




For Time: Wall-ball 150 shots Use HYROX competition weight. Give yourself 5-10 minutes of a break after the 2k row and hit this as fast as possible.

Easy Run (optional)



1 x 45:00

Hyrox Long Aerobic 

Hyrox Long Aerobic 1.1


AMRAP 90 mins @ easy pace 1 mile Run 1500m Row 3 Rounds 10 Walking Lunges (L/R = 2) - Load on shoulder or holding weight in your hands. 15 Burpee Broad Jumps Continue at an easy pace for desired time.

coach-avatar Rich Ryan

Rich has coached endurance, strength, and CrossFit for over a decade. He is a pioneer in training for Hyrox and DEKAFT space and has produced top finishers at championship races. - DEKAFIT 2022 World Champion - 2 place 2022 DEKASTRONG World Championships - 7th Place 20221/2022 Hyrox World Championships PRs DEKAFIT - 28:53 HYROX - 60:25 DEKASTRONG - 11:30

Stop second guessing your training and get results

Training for Hyrox and DEKAFIT is tricky. It's hard to know what is going to translate on race day. This coaching program will give you the accountability you need to keep you on track and will give you peace of mind with your training.

Start My 7-Day Free Trial
Who is this program for?
This program is for the Hybrid race athlete who wants to get better results in Hyrox and DEKAFIT. This program will work if you have some hybrid racing or athletic experience and are ready to commit to hybrid racing.
Will this coaching make me a better runner?
This training group is designed with the endurance athlete in mind. These workouts will help improve your power output, running efficiency, and overall mobility. You will gain the tools to improve your running and athleticism. So in short - yes you will get faster.
Is there a contract?
Your subscription is month to month, and you change at any time.
How does this program work?
The program begins with an ongoing strength and running progression designed for Hyrox and DEKAFIT. There will be roughly 2-3 strength workouts and 5-7 running / compromised workouts per week. Every 4-5 weeks we will switch stimulus to build on your fitness.
The Proof
verified-athlete-avatar Heather W.

2022 Pro AG World Champion (1:10:43)

Verified Athlete

"Rich has provided great programming for my specific goals. I have trusted his process and it has shown through my continuous progress!"

verified-athlete-avatar Ben S

Elite Hyrox Athlete (1:10:50 PR)

Verified Athlete

"I've got Rich as a programmer/coach and it’s been nothing but upward trajectory from there - I’ve PR’ed every Hyrox since we started working together."

verified-athlete-avatar Jean R.

Elite Hyrox Athlete

Verified Athlete

"Last weekend I was able to shave off around 14 minutes off that time to finish with a time of 1:15:12 and 9th overall in the Pro category. Thanks to my coach, Rich Ryan, for helping me in this journey. Now is time to get under 1:10:00 let’s go."

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When you join a team you’re getting more than programming, you’re joining an online community.

Hyrox & Dekafit Training
Hyrox & Dekafit Training
Hyrox & Dekafit Training
Hyrox & Dekafit Training