Hybrid Strength & Conditioning Track: Designed for the average person, to achieve above average results, through time-efficient workouts
General Warm-Up Circuit 2 Hybrid Program
Not For Time: 3x 10 burpees 15 air squats THEN 3x 10 hinge squats 10 world's greatest stretch (5 each side) 10 press-ups *build in pace each set of burpees/air squats
4x 12 KB/DB reverse lunges at 60/40 lbs (or heavy load) 12 KB/DB step-ups to 20" box at 60/40 lbs (or heavy load) 12 KB/DB goblet squats at 60/40 lbs (or heavy load) 12 burpee box jump overs at 24" 2:00 rest between sets *goal effort: hard *load is suggested (choose a weight that is very challenging to complete each movement unbroken or in 2 sets)
For Quality: 15:00 AMRAP (as many reps as possible): 100 foot (or 1:00) 2-arm DB/KB farmers carry at 70/50 lbs (or moderately heavy load) 15 V-up 100 foot (or 1:00) 2-arm DB/KB overhead carry at 50/35 lbs (or moderately heavy load) 15 back extensions (sub: superman extensions) *load is suggested: scale according to strength - you should be able to continuously move through the work with few breaks and moderate effort *moderately heavy = a load you can move for 2 minutes without breaking
Hybrid General Warm-up Circuit 3
3x 10 band pull-apart 10 overhead band pull-apart :30 dead hang (from pullup bar) THEN 3x 5 inch worms :30 squat hold 10 world's greatest stretch (5 each side)
Weighted Strict Pullup (GLF)
4 x 5
Weighted Dips (GLF)
4 x 5
Part 1: Warm-Up 5:00 row at easy pace Then 2:00 row at moderate pace Then 3x :30 row at hard pace :30 row at easy pace Part 2: Main Session 1 km Row Erg 15 lateral Burpee Over Erg 750 meter Row Erg 15 lateral Burpee Over Erg 500 meter Row Erg 15 lateral Burpee Over Erg 250 meter Row Erg 15 lateral Burpee Over Erg rest 5:00 Repeat (for a total of two sets) *Total distance rowed = 5 km *Total burpees = 120 *goal pace: your row split avg should slightly increase from each row. Start a moderately-hard pace on the 1km and build in effort to a very hard pace on the 250 m row. The goal on the burpees is to hold a consistent pace that allows you to continuously move through the work and build in effort on the row (the burpees can be stepped up and down to control your heart rate/fatigue levels) *burpee over erg: burpee parallel to erg and jump over - rep starts on 1 side of erg and is complete after you jump and land on opposite side
Zone 2 Conditioning Run Warm-Up (GLF)
Not For Time 3x 10 hinge squats 10 world's greatest stretch (5 each side) 10 press-ups THEN 3x 20 high knees (total) 20 butt kicks (total) 20 lateral lunges (10 each side)
Run (GLF)
1 x 45:00
12:00 EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute): Minute 1 - bike/row/ski Minute 2 - 8-12 Ring Row (tempo) Minute 3 - 10-12 Pushup (tempo) *easy pace = pace you can sustain for ~1-2 hours *scale reps on ring rows and pushups to a number that allows you to achieve an unbroken (continuous) set of work, with moderate difficulty *tempo = 2-3 second controlled eccentric (descent) with a slight pause at the "top" of the rep
Deadlift (GLF)
5 x 5
Strict Press (GLF)
5 x 5
For Time: 10x 10/8 calorie assault bike at very hard pace (~95-100% max effort) 8 barbell thrusters at 95/65 lbs. (or moderate load) 1:30 rest between sets *goal effort: very hard (each assault bike sprint is mean to be max effort) *load: is suggested. Choose a load that is moderate in weight (that allows you to complete ~25 - 30 reps unbroken fresh) *goal time: each set should take you ~:30 - :45 (if the work takes longer than 1:00, scale the reps accordingly)
General Warm-Up Circuit 2 Hybrid Program
Not For Time: 3x 10 burpees 15 air squats THEN 3x 10 hinge squats 10 world's greatest stretch (5 each side) 10 press-ups
24:00 EMOM (every minute on the minute): Minute 1: 10 - 15 burpees (or :45 of work) Minute 2: 10 - 15 Kettle bell swings at 70/53 lbs. (or heavy load) Minute 3: 10 - 15 box jumps at 24/20'" box (or :45 of work) *cap each set of work at :45 *listed rep range is suggested. Choose a rep amount that allows you to achieve repeatable efforts every minute for the entire 24 minutes of work. *listed loads are suggested: heavy = a load you can move for 20 - 25 reps continuously while fresh
NOT FOR TIME: 5x :45 - 1:00 dead hang (from pullup bar) 100 foot (or 1:00) of front rack KB carry at 53/35 lbs. KBs (or moderately heavy load) :45 - 1:00 plank hold :30 - :45 back extension hold (sub for superman extension hold) *load is suggested. Moderately heavy = a load you can move for ~:90 - 2:00 for max effort without breaking *listed time for isometric holds is suggested. Choose the appropriate time that will allow you to move through the workout with a moderate amount of difficulty and minimal rest from movement to movement
Mobility Circuit 1
20:00 AMRAP (as many reps as possible) of: 1:00 forward lunge hold (each side) 1:00 frog lunge hold (each side) 1:00 kneeling hamstring hold (each side) 1:00 press-up hold 1:00 squat hold
Push/Pull ME Prep (GLF)
12:00 EMOM (every minute on the minute): Minute 1 - bike/row/ski at an *easy pace Minute 2 - 4 - 6 strict tempo pull-ups (or ~25% of your max unbroken set) Minute 3 - 8 -10 strict *tempo dips (or ~25% of your max unbroken set) *easy pace = pace you can sustain for ~1-2 hours *tempo = 2-3 second controlled descent - the focus on the strict tempo work should be quality of reps - not quantity - accumulating time under tension within each rep, as opposed to a lot of reps
Back Squat (GLF)
6 x 4
Bench Press (GLF)
6 x 4
For Time: 15:00 AMRAP (as many reps as possible) of: 20/16 calorie row (can sub for bike, ski or run) 10 DB burpee box step ups to 24/20" box with 2 - 40/25 lbs. DBs (or a *moderate weight) - Goal effort: moderately hard (or ~75 - 85% max effort) *Suggested load (load is suggested. Choose a load you can complete each set of DB burpee box overs in ~90 seconds or less)
4x CrossFit Games Regional Competitor, 2x CrossFit Games Semi-Finalist, 72nd Fittest Man in World (2017 CrossFit Games Open), 5th Place - Granite Games (2016), IBJJF Black Belt, IBJJF World Champion, 2x IBJJF No-Gi Pan Am Champion, LU Wrestling All-American (2013), 2013 MIAA DII Medalist, 3x NCAA Open Medalist, 15 years of Coaching/Programming Experience
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