Home School'd is for anyone looking to get stronger, perform better and build their best physique - all from the comfort of their home. Want to wear your pajamas while you work? We don't judge.
This is a continual program. Which means workouts will continually be updated with no set end date. Programming blocks will run anywhere from 8 - 20 weeks, depending on our current phase.
Beginner, intermediate, or advanced - this is an ALL levels program that will meet you where you're at and push you to the next level
I highly recommend your equipment includes: dumbbells, bands, a bench and a barbell. Keep in mind you can likely interchange most kettlebell, dumbbell, and barbell movements if you only have one on hand
Unique movements, varying sets, out of the norm rep scheme, effective programming - these are just some of the things you can expect to find. Our goal is to give your body a stimulus it has no choice but to adapt to
Whoever said you can't make serious program from home has never been Home School'd before
Ding ding bitch, class is in session
Back Squat
4 x 10
Barbell Hip Thrust
4 x 12
Hip Thrust Hold
4 x 1:00
Bulgarian Split Squats
3 x 15
Romanian Deadlift (RDL)
4 x 12
Banded Lying Leg Curl
4 x 15
45 Degree Incline DB Chest Press
3 x 12
Kneeling Resistance Band Lat Pulldown
3 x 12
Incline DB Row
15, 12, 10, 10
DB Lateral Raise
20, 15, 15, 15
DB Push Press
Seated Incline DB Curls
3 x 15
Back Squat
4 x 12
DB Sumo Squat Pulses
3 x 20
B Stance RDL with Rotation
20, 17, 15
Glute Focused Step Ups
3 x 12
Banded Glute Kickback w/Anchor
3 x 20
Straddle Lift
3 x 15
DB Shoulder Press
4 x 15
Banded Chest Supported Row
20, 15, 15, 15
Incline DB Fly
3 x 15
Banded Tricep Extension
3 x 20
Single Arm DB Row
3 x 15
Seated DB Lat Raise
3 x 20
Fitness Coach, Cereal Lover. I've been working in the fitness industry for 10 years. In that time I've been a trainer, group instructor, amateur boxer, powerlifter, and even cardio bunny. I've worked with hundreds of athletes helping them build the empowered body and life they want. Until now you may have believed some things aren’t possible for you. I’m here to tell you - you can do anything
Maybe the best time to start was 1 years ago but we don't look back because we're not going that way. The second best time to start is right now. Time is the only resource we don’t get back. There is no better time than now. You can do anything. Let's go
Start My 7-Day Free TrialWeight Loss for Wedding
Verified Athlete"“What Rusty has done for me has been absolutely worth EVERY PENNY. She is the epitome of good coaching and this is exactly what I have been looking for since Day 1. So again, thank you. You won’t regret working with her”"
Body Recomposition
Verified Athlete"“I’ve worked with a lot of people and some of these big online coaches, and they don’t have anything on Rusty. What she does and what she offers – no one else offers this kind of passion or service. Rusty is the best.”"
Body Recomp + Strength
Verified Athlete"A program that works. Rusty gives you everything you need to get the job done"
When you join a team you’re getting more than programming, you’re joining an online community.