
Gamma Raze

Sailor Jack's Barbell Garage

Christopher Reed


Exposure. This is the same stimulus that led to the mild mannered Bruce Banner and his cousin: Jennifer Walters becoming the Hulk and She-Hulk respectively. Only, instead of being exposed to the fictional gamma rays that Bruce and Jennifer were exposed to, this program exposes you to a style of training that blends the very best of a traditional: upper body / lower body split-routine and infuses it with a total body day that is designed to add lean, durable, functionally capable and visually appealing muscle to your newly forged physique!


Gamma - the brain wave frequency that is indicative of high level problem solving and extreme focus.

Raze - meaning to completely destroy.

Skill Level: Intermediate

Session Duration: 60–90mins

Training Per Week: 6 Days


Looking to lean out and tighten-up? Change your approach. Alter your destination. Seek some EXPOSURE THERAPY Join Gamma Raze TODAY!

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Barbell // Dumbbells // Selectorized Machines // Smith Machine // Jump Rope // Kettlebells // Jump Bands
Treadmill // Stepper // Ski-Erg // Assault Bike // Concept II Rower // Sandbag
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Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready
Gamma Lower – Phase 1



Jump Rope x100 (vary footwork) Body Weight Squats x3 Backward Reverse Lunge to Step Up x 3 / leg Over / Under Hurdles x3 ea. direction. Cross Over Toe Touch to Carioca x3 ea. direction Stoop & Scoop x3 / leg Over & Back (Banded Shoulder Dislocations) x3 Figure 8's x3 ea. direction Banded Pull Aparts x3 Palm's Up Banded Pull Aparts x3 Diagonal Pull Aparts x3 Star Drill x3 / arm 3-Way Shoulder Killer x3 Brian's Shoulder Circuit x3 breaths ea. position. Seatbelt Swings x3 / arm. Hip Halos x3 ea. direction. 2 Handed KB Swing x3 / arm. One Arm Long Cycle (L/R) x3 / arm. KB Snatch (L/R) x3 / arm. KB Bent Press to Windmill x1 (L/R) KB Windmill (L/R) x2 / arm. KB Turkish Get Up x1 / arm.



Core Regimen: Straight Leg Hold x30s Swim Kicks x30s Scissors x30s Reverse Crunch x30s Side Jack (L) x30s Side Jack (R) x30s Penguin Crunch x30s Regular Crunch x30s Pilates 100's x30s Snow Devils x30s Locust x30s Kryptonian Back Extensions x30s Plank x30s Side Plank (L) x30s Side Plank (R) x30s Gymnastic Plank x30s Marching Plank x30s Child Pose x30s Cobra / Up Dawg x30s Down Dawg x30s


Heels Elevated Barbell Back Squat

12, 10, 8, 8, 6, 4


DB Split Squats

6, 8, 8, 10


Barbell Romanian Deadlifts

4 x 10


Lying Leg Curl

8, 8, 10, 12


Calf Raise Circuit

3 x 30


Band Resisted Toe Taps

3 x 100



Toe Touch Inch Worm Push Up Plus x3 Push Up x3 Down Dawg x3 breaths Up Dawg x3 breaths Child Pose x3 breaths Cobra x3 breaths Down Dawg x3 breaths Pigeon (L) x3 breaths Down Dawg x3 breaths Pigeon (R) x3 breaths Down Dawg x3 breaths Yoga Lunge w/ Rotation Series (L) x3 breaths Down Dawg x3 breaths Yoga Lunge w/ Rotation Series (R) x3 breaths Down Dawg x3 breaths Table Top Straight Leg Kickback (L/R) x3 / leg Table Top Heel Press (L/R) x3 / leg Table Top Cross-Cross (L/R) x3 / leg Table Top Hip CAR's Forward (L/R) x3 / leg Table Top Hip CAR's Backward (L/R) x3 / leg Prone Scorpion x3 / side Seated Hurdler Stretch x3 breaths / side Bretzle x3 breaths / side Glute Bridge x3 Single Leg Glute Bridge x3 Back Bridge x3 Tiger Paw x3 / leg Hip Rotation (In) x3 / leg. Hip Rotation (Out) x3 / leg.

Gamma Raze

Rest Day


Try to complete 10k steps today. If need be: hit a flush ride on a stationary bike for 45 minutes to help flush lactic acid out of the legs / body. Use the Karvonen Method to calculate your Zone 1 Target Heart Rate (THR). (Biological) Female Athlete: (200-age) - Resting Heart Rate (RHR) x.50 - .60 + RHR = THR e.g. (200-30) = 170 - 50bpm = 120bpm x.50 = 60bpm +50bpm = 110bpm (lower end of THR) (200-30) = 170 - 50bpm = 120bpm x.60bpm = 72bpm + 50bpm = 122bpm (upper limit of THR) For recovery purposes the female athlete in the above example should keep her THR in between 110bpm - 122bpm to help her body flush out any lactic acid accumulated during intense bouts of activity or resistance training.

Gamma Upper – Phase 1



Jump Rope x100 (vary footwork) Body Weight Squats x3 Backward Reverse Lunge to Step Up x 3 / leg Over / Under Hurdles x3 ea. direction. Cross Over Toe Touch to Carioca x3 ea. direction Stoop & Scoop x3 / leg Over & Back (Banded Shoulder Dislocations) x3 Figure 8's x3 ea. direction Banded Pull Aparts x3 Palm's Up Banded Pull Aparts x3 Diagonal Pull Aparts x3 Star Drill x3 / arm 3-Way Shoulder Killer x3 Brian's Shoulder Circuit x3 breaths ea. position. Seatbelt Swings x3 / arm. Hip Halos x3 ea. direction. 2 Handed KB Swing x3 / arm. One Arm Long Cycle (L/R) x3 / arm. KB Snatch (L/R) x3 / arm. KB Bent Press to Windmill x1 (L/R) KB Windmill (L/R) x2 / arm. KB Turkish Get Up x1 / arm.



Core Regimen: Straight Leg Hold x30s Swim Kicks x30s Scissors x30s Reverse Crunch x30s Side Jack (L) x30s Side Jack (R) x30s Penguin Crunch x30s Regular Crunch x30s Pilates 100's x30s Snow Devils x30s Locust x30s Kryptonian Back Extensions x30s Plank x30s Side Plank (L) x30s Side Plank (R) x30s Gymnastic Plank x30s Marching Plank x30s Child Pose x30s Cobra / Up Dawg x30s Down Dawg x30s


Dumbbell Floor Press

12, 10, 8, 8


Incline Bench Dumbbell Flyes

12, 10, 10, 10


Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raise

3 x 10


Side Lying Incline Rear Delt Flye

3 x 12


Seated Lat Pull Downs

12, 10, 8, 8, 8


Bent Over Dumbbell Row

12, 10, 8, 8, 8



Toe Touch Inch Worm Push Up Plus x3 Push Up x3 Down Dawg x3 breaths Up Dawg x3 breaths Child Pose x3 breaths Cobra x3 breaths Down Dawg x3 breaths Pigeon (L) x3 breaths Down Dawg x3 breaths Pigeon (R) x3 breaths Down Dawg x3 breaths Yoga Lunge w/ Rotation Series (L) x3 breaths Down Dawg x3 breaths Yoga Lunge w/ Rotation Series (R) x3 breaths Down Dawg x3 breaths Table Top Straight Leg Kickback (L/R) x3 / leg Table Top Heel Press (L/R) x3 / leg Table Top Cross-Cross (L/R) x3 / leg Table Top Hip CAR's Forward (L/R) x3 / leg Table Top Hip CAR's Backward (L/R) x3 / leg Prone Scorpion x3 / side Seated Hurdler Stretch x3 breaths / side Bretzle x3 breaths / side Glute Bridge x3 Single Leg Glute Bridge x3 Back Bridge x3 Tiger Paw x3 / leg Hip Rotation (In) x3 / leg. Hip Rotation (Out) x3 / leg.

Gamma Raze

Rest Day


Try to complete 10k steps today. If need be: hit a flush ride on a stationary bike for 45 minutes to help flush lactic acid out of the legs / body. Use the Karvonen Method to calculate your Zone 1 Target Heart Rate (THR). (Biological) Female Athlete: (200-age) - Resting Heart Rate (RHR) x.50 - .60 + RHR = THR e.g. (200-30) = 170 - 50bpm = 120bpm x.50 = 60bpm +50bpm = 110bpm (lower end of THR) (200-30) = 170 - 50bpm = 120bpm x.60bpm = 72bpm + 50bpm = 122bpm (upper limit of THR) For recovery purposes the female athlete in the above example should keep her THR in between 110bpm - 122bpm to help her body flush out any lactic acid accumulated during intense bouts of activity or resistance training.

Gamma Durability



Jump Rope x100 (vary footwork) Body Weight Squats x3 Backward Reverse Lunge to Step Up x 3 / leg Over / Under Hurdles x3 ea. direction. Cross Over Toe Touch to Carioca x3 ea. direction Stoop & Scoop x3 / leg Over & Back (Banded Shoulder Dislocations) x3 Figure 8's x3 ea. direction Banded Pull Aparts x3 Palm's Up Banded Pull Aparts x3 Diagonal Pull Aparts x3 Star Drill x3 / arm 3-Way Shoulder Killer x3 Brian's Shoulder Circuit x3 breaths ea. position. Seatbelt Swings x3 / arm. Hip Halos x3 ea. direction. 2 Handed KB Swing x3 / arm. One Arm Long Cycle (L/R) x3 / arm. KB Snatch (L/R) x3 / arm. KB Bent Press to Windmill x1 (L/R) KB Windmill (L/R) x2 / arm. KB Turkish Get Up x1 / arm.



Core Regimen: Straight Leg Hold x30s Swim Kicks x30s Scissors x30s Reverse Crunch x30s Side Jack (L) x30s Side Jack (R) x30s Penguin Crunch x30s Regular Crunch x30s Pilates 100's x30s Snow Devils x30s Locust x30s Kryptonian Back Extensions x30s Plank x30s Side Plank (L) x30s Side Plank (R) x30s Gymnastic Plank x30s Marching Plank x30s Child Pose x30s Cobra / Up Dawg x30s Down Dawg x30s

Done Me Dirty Durability Test


Round One: Assault Bike x 3min @135 - 155bpm Burpees x 10s Recover x50s score is: Burpees in 10s Round Two: 2 Handed KB Swings x3min @moderate weight KB Jump Swings x10s Recover x50s score is: Jump Swings in 10s Round Three: Farmers Walk w/ same KB as above x3min Push Ups x10s Recover x50s score is: Push ups in 10s Round Four: Walking Lunges x3min Mountain Climbers x10s Recover x 50s Score is: Mountain Climbers in 10s



Toe Touch Inch Worm Push Up Plus x3 Push Up x3 Down Dawg x3 breaths Up Dawg x3 breaths Child Pose x3 breaths Cobra x3 breaths Down Dawg x3 breaths Pigeon (L) x3 breaths Down Dawg x3 breaths Pigeon (R) x3 breaths Down Dawg x3 breaths Yoga Lunge w/ Rotation Series (L) x3 breaths Down Dawg x3 breaths Yoga Lunge w/ Rotation Series (R) x3 breaths Down Dawg x3 breaths Table Top Straight Leg Kickback (L/R) x3 / leg Table Top Heel Press (L/R) x3 / leg Table Top Cross-Cross (L/R) x3 / leg Table Top Hip CAR's Forward (L/R) x3 / leg Table Top Hip CAR's Backward (L/R) x3 / leg Prone Scorpion x3 / side Seated Hurdler Stretch x3 breaths / side Bretzle x3 breaths / side Glute Bridge x3 Single Leg Glute Bridge x3 Back Bridge x3 Tiger Paw x3 / leg Hip Rotation (In) x3 / leg. Hip Rotation (Out) x3 / leg.

Gamma Raze

Rest Day


Try to complete 10k steps today. If need be: hit a flush ride on a stationary bike for 45 minutes to help flush lactic acid out of the legs / body. Use the Karvonen Method to calculate your Zone 1 Target Heart Rate (THR). (Biological) Female Athlete: (200-age) - Resting Heart Rate (RHR) x.50 - .60 + RHR = THR e.g. (200-30) = 170 - 50bpm = 120bpm x.50 = 60bpm +50bpm = 110bpm (lower end of THR) (200-30) = 170 - 50bpm = 120bpm x.60bpm = 72bpm + 50bpm = 122bpm (upper limit of THR) For recovery purposes the female athlete in the above example should keep her THR in between 110bpm - 122bpm to help her body flush out any lactic acid accumulated during intense bouts of activity or resistance training.

coach-avatar Christopher Reed

Contemporary Medical Acupuncture, Certified Physical Preparation Specialist, International Kettlebell Fitness Federation Master Trainer (Canada), 28 year Strength & Performance Coaching Expert

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Gamma Raze
Gamma Raze
Gamma Raze