Dumbbell-Only Track: Designed for the average person, with time and energy constraints to maximize their results, both in fitness output, aesthetics and overall health
General Warm-up Circuit 2
Warm-up (NOT FOR TIME) 3x 10 "toe-touch" squats 10 press-ups 10 "World's Greatest Stretch" (5 each side) 3x 15 air squats 10 burpees *start at easy pace and build in effort/pace each set, steadily increasing your heart rate
For Time: 10x 10 DB thrusters at 40/25 lbs. (or moderately light load) 12 Burpees :30 rest between sets *Loading Notes: Load: listed load is suggested (Male/Female). Scale according to current strength levels - the weight should feel moderately light Moderately light load = load you can complete for ~30-40 reps continuous (when fresh)
4x 1:00 (each side) 1-arm DB farmers carry at 60/40 lbs (or moderately heavy DB) 1:00 (each side) 1-arm DB overhead carry at 60/40 lbs (or moderately heavy DB) 1:00 (each side) 1-arm DB front-rack carry at 60/40 lbs (or moderately heavy DB) [rest as minimally as needed between sets to complete each movement unbroken] *carries can be subbed for holding in place (if space if not available) *Loading Notes: Load: listed load is suggested (Male/Female). Scale according to current strength levels - the weight should feel moderately heavy Moderately heavy load = load you can complete for ~2-3 minutes max effort (when fresh)
4-5x 12 - 15 superman extensions 12 - 15 v-ups *performed as a superset, both movements are done back-to-back (and then rest) *rest as minimally as needed between sets to complete the next set unbroken
3x 10 hinge squats 10 world's greatest stretch (5 each side) 10 press-ups
Zone 2 Conditioning
30:00 run/row/bike at easy pace *easy pace = heart rate of 130 -135 BPM (or a pace you can sustain for ~1-2 hours continuously) *goal pace = base your pace off your effort/heart rate (this is not meant to be maximal effort)
General Warm-up 2
3x 5 inch worms :30 squat hold 10 world's greatest stretch (5 each side)
20:00 AMRAP (as many reps as possible) of: 8 DB hang power clean at 40/25 lbs (or moderately light load) 10 DB front rack squat (hold DBs on shoulders) at 40/25 lbs (or moderately light load) 12 DB reverse lunge (hold DBs at side) at 40/25 lbs (or moderately light load) :45 rest between sets *Loading Notes: Load: listed load is suggested (Male/Female). Scale according to current strength levels - the weight should feel moderately light Moderately light load = load you can complete for ~30-40 reps continuous (when fresh)
Mobility Circuit 1
20:00 AMRAP (as many reps as possible) of: 1:00 forward lunge hold (each side) 1:00 frog lunge hold (each side) 1:00 kneeling hamstring hold (each side) 1:00 press-up hold 1:00 squat hold
General Warm-Up Circuit 1
Warm-Up (NOT FOR TIME) 3x 10 burpees 15 air squats :30 sumo squat hold *start at easy pace and build in effort/pace each set, steadily increasing your heart rate
15:00 AMRAP (as many reps as possible) of: 2 devil press at 40/25 lbs (or moderate load) 2 DB step-ups at 40/25 lbs (or moderate load) 4 devil press 4 DB step-ups 6 devil press 6 DB step-ups etc.. *adding 2 reps to each movement after each completed set (until you reach the time cap of 15:00) *Loading Notes: Load: listed load is suggested (Male/Female). Scale according to current strength levels - the weight should feel moderate moderate load = load you can complete for ~20-30 reps continuous (when fresh)
4x CrossFit Games Regional Competitor, 2x CrossFit Games Semi-Finalist, 72nd Fittest Man in World (2017 CrossFit Games Open), 5th Place - Granite Games (2016), IBJJF Black Belt, IBJJF World Champion, 2x IBJJF No-Gi Pan Am Champion, LU Wrestling All-American (2013), 2013 MIAA DII Medalist, 3x NCAA Open Medalist, 15 years of Coaching/Programming Experience
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