The Thrive program is meticulously designed for the unique needs of individuals leading busy lives, primarily targeting those aged 35-60 years. Alan Perez, the founder of Thrive Fitness Studio; has over 15 years of experience as a Personal Trainer and leads a team of professional trainers that deliver amazing results in the Dallas area. Dr. Christian is a rehab chiropractor who focuses on improving strength, mobility, & stability to enhance his patient's quality of life by treating the root cause of their issues and not just their symptoms. We understand the daily demands that come with juggling work, family, and personal commitments, often leaving little time for self-care. We deliver top of the line programming, professional guidance and a supportive community. Let us help you improve your quality of life through a program designed by two health and fitness experts dedicated to positively impacting your daily life.
Certified Personal Trainer- N.AS.M Corrective Exercises Specialist- N.A.S.M Performance Enhancement Specialist- N.A.S.M Weight Loss Specialist- N.A.S.M Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach Functional Range Conditioning Mobility Specialist USA Weightlifting Coach- Level 1
Doctor of Chiropractic, D. C. Pain-Free Performance Specialist (PPSC) Titliest Performance Institute (TPI) Level 1
When you join a team you’re getting more than programming, you’re joining an online community.