Bulk Brigade

Brandon Morgan Coaching

Brandon Morgan

Tired of the generic "bro" hypertrophy program?

We've taken the best available scientific evidence for building muscle and we've created a training program that will maximize your hard work in the gym for growing muscle.

This is not a set it and forget it template from some jacked dude at the gym

When you join Bulk Brigade you'll gain full access to the training and to your coach (ME) and the wealth of knowledge and experience that I'll bring to you, helping you reach your goals.

I'm here, in the grind with you each day motivating you to train harder and helping you tailor the team experience to your own needs.

When you join the Team you'll never have to muster up the energy to follow the same old repetitive 3x10 program that is pervasive across pop culture of bodybuilding. Bulk Brigade is a progress phasic approach to hypertrophy training which allows you to narrow your focus block to block to maximize your performance.

Building muscle is a long term mission, so let's get started today!

Real Coaches Grinding Everyday
If you have any problems its up to us to fix them. Our team of Coaches will be by your side every single training session. Our job is your success. Easy to access group chats and direct messaging means talking to your Coaches is just a few clicks away.
Tried and Tested Muscle Growth
We didn't just read the textbook on hypertrophy training we live it day in and out. We know exactly what it takes to pack on muscle and we want to bring you along for the ride. We deliver repeatable success to every athlete who walks through our doors.
Progressive Phasic Hypertrophy Design
Progressive = continuous simulative overload. The bread and butter of building muscle. Phasic = focused intentional efforts to maximize the targeted muscles and movements. Hypertrophy Lab was designed to build upon itself block after block to ensure you are constantly growing throughout the year.
Access to Me
The smartest program still falls short without a coach to help lead the way. I'll be there to guide you through your training journey.
Programming 5 days per week
Daily hypertrophy training that can be modified to fit your needs and equipment availability. You can choose the days that fit your schedule best
Learn How to Focus on Muscle Growth
As we progress each week we'll help you identify cues that help you target muscles more effectively.
Video Instruction for Every Exercise
Not sure how to perform a specific exercise? Every training session is backed up with instructional videos of each exercise.
Detailed, expert instruction
Coaches who will hold you accountable and provide the feedback you need to grow.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
We've partnered with the best tech in training so you get an online training experience that works as hard as you do.
Barbell + Plates // Dumbbells // Moveable Bench
Cable Machine // Bands // Common Machines
sample week banner image
Sample Week
I will write fresh programming weekly. You’ll get notifications when they’re ready
coach-avatar Brandon Morgan

Strength and Nutrition Coach.

Join the Team that Puts YOUR GOALS First

When you become a Bulk Brigade member you're family. We treat each of our athletes as if they were our day-in and day-out die hard training partner. We want to offer you everything we have in an affordable and easy to use app.

Get Bulk Brigade
Join Your Virtual Gym

When you join a team you’re getting more than programming, you’re joining an online community.

Bulk Brigade
Bulk Brigade
Bulk Brigade
Bulk Brigade