Jacked Jitsu

Jacked Jitsu

Jiu Jitsu, Wrestling
Jacked Jitsu

There are two kinds of jiu jitsu enthusiast... One is injured. The other is soon to be injured.

When a black belt takes thousands of hours on the mats to achieve, it doesn't take a scientist to figure out that this sport is a marathon not a sprint. It is a question of when not if you'll get hurt.

But traditional BJJ approach to strength and conditioning of just rolling or only relying on bodyweight is dead. This is the express route to unnecessary injury and sub-par performance on the mats.

The highest levels of competition have demonstrated that if you want to fulfill your physical potential, stay healthy, and feeling good on the mats, you need to train as hard, heavy, and deliberately in the weight room as you do in your rolls.

Don't wait to get hurt, gas out in a tournament or get crushed under bigger, stronger athletes to make a change. Prepare NOW.

Not sure where to begin? Want something that will fit seamlessly around your mat time and actually transfer to grappling performance? This professionally designed Jacked Jitsu template will help you to reduce risk of injury, speed up recovery and add intensity and endurance to every area of your game.

Reduced risk of injury
Build robustness to training and competition by developing the physical qualities that directly contribute to effective grappling. There is no replacement for time on the mats. Time on the mats comes from staying healthy. And staying healthy comes from dedicated strength and conditioning work, scientifically designed and intelligently progressed OFF the mats.
Increased strength and power
The gentle art is a lie. Weight classes exist because strength and power MATTER. The methods and progressions contained within this template will help you to build real world strength and explosiveness that you'll feel on the mats in every area of your game- standing, top game, bottom game, submissions and escapes.
Dramatically increase conditioning
Conditioning is perhaps the most useful physical quality a grappler can possess. It is a weapon in its own right and can be used to take opponents into deep water. With Jacked Jitsu's counterintuitive approach to conditioning you'll maintain a higher level of technique and skill late into long training sessions, and recover faster, so you can spend more time on the mats.
Train WITH the sport not against it
With this template Jacked Jitsu has given you the answers to the test. All sessions work backwards from the demands of the mats, training the key physical qualities that underpin healthy and effective grappling, and structuring the training week in a way works WITH rather than against your grappling schedule like so many cookie cutter programs stolen from the internet.
Easy to follow programming
This paint by numbers template is informed by a coaching career of over a decade of working with over 1000 high level athletes. In Jacked Jitsu, simple, effective, time efficient programming removes all the guesswork so you can focus 100% of your attention where it matters: on the mats. Let the template handle the rest, and we're on hand for any additional questions you might have.
Access to program FAQs and troubleshooting
Not sure about any aspect of the program? Need a modification or work around? Check our FAQs or message us via the app and we'll take care of it.
Programming 3 days per week
Access three, schedule friendly, whole body sessions per week so you can train the full spectrum of physical qualities every time you step in the gym.
Exercise Video Guidance
View easy to follow video demonstrations for all exercises contained within this template. No more guessing when you don't recognise an exercise name.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
No more digging through email or printing off PDFs. Use TrainHeroic so you can easily follow the program and conveniently log all your training data.
Dumbbells // Basic resistance and cardio machines // Rings or TRX
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 8-week program
Session A1


Ankle jumps

2 x 10 @ 6


Lateral ankle jumps

2 x 10


Rotational ankle jumps

2 x 10


Power Jerk

6 x 3 @ 6


Pendlay Row

3 x 6 @ 7


Bulgarian Split Squat

3 x 12 @ 6


Bodyweight hip thrust

1 x 100


Bodyweight towel hold

1 x 1:00


Rubber band finger extension

1 x 100

Optional conditioning Airdyne



5 x 0:10 @ MAX

Session B1


Extensive med ball chest toss

2 x 10 @ 6


Extensive med ball side toss

2 x 10


Extensive hurricane slam

2 x 10


Explosive dumbbell row

6 x 3 @ 6


Front Squat

3 x 6 @ 7


Lying Leg Curl

3 x 12 @ 6


Bench Dips

1 x 100


Rower short adductor

1 x 10


Hip abduction machine

1 x 10

Optional conditioning Deadmill


Sled Sprints

5 x 20 @ MAX

Session C1


Squat jump continuous

2 x 6 @ 6


Lateral leap

2 x 6


Scissor Jump

2 x 6


Dumbbell power step up

6 x 3 @ 6


Romanian Deadlift

3 x 6 @ 7


Ring Push-up

3 x 12 @ 6


Plate halo

1 x 100


Wrestler bridge

1 x 10


Plate lateral neck

1 x 10

Optional conditioning low intensity



1 x 60:00

coach-avatar Jacked Jitsu

The masked bandit of the gentle art. He's given 7 years and 2 knees to the sport of jiu jitsu. As a coach he has worked with over 1000 high level athletes in 5 different countries across a range of professional sports. He has generated over $1m in online revenue for strength and conditioning products and services. He has two degrees. He pays for guac at chipotle without thinking twice.

Pick your suck

Dedicated strength and conditioning, lifting heavy weights, performing gruelling intense conditioning, boring injury prevention work- they SUCK But spending months off the mats injured? Being chronically in pain? Getting ragdolled every round? They suck t

Get Jacked Jitsu
How much time will this template take?
There are three lifting sessions and each session is no more than one hour long.
Is cardio included?
Most grapplers do not need more medium to high intensity cardio due to time on the mats. However there are optional cardio sessions included in the form of on and off-feet sprint intervals, and low intensity cardio.
What if I need to modify sessions/I don't have a piece of equipment?
When you sign up, you'll automatically receive an FAQ cheat sheet that answers the usual questions. If you're still unsure after that. drop a message in the app and you'll get an answer.
Is this a good fit if I am rehabbing an injury?
No. Consult a physical therapist or athletic trainer for now. This program should only be performed by individuals who have no major or acute injuries.
What happens if I don't have access to a gym?
This template is not for you. Watch this space for zero equipment program in the future.
How much lifting experience do I need?
If you're a complete novice, you probably don't need this level of complexity in your programming. If you've been lifting consistently for 1-2 years however and know your way around a gym, you'll get great results from this template.
I can't commit to this amount of time, can I still do the template?
Yes, it'll just take longer to complete. The sessions are structured using agile periodization so you'll still hit the whole body and train the full speed to force spectrum every time you train.
$50 is a lot of money, why should I pay this much?
True, there are many free programs out there on the internet. But they're probably not written by coaches who have spent the better part of a decade on the mats, and thousands of hours coaching elite level athletes in the gym. This program works out to $0.89 per day. It's actually a STEAL!
Who is Jacked Jitsu?!
His true identity can never be revealed. By wearing the mask, he became more than a man. He became a symbol, a movement.
The Proof
verified-athlete-avatar Keir Wenham-Flatt

Coach, business owner, trash purple belt

Verified Athlete

"As a parent and business owner, there are a lot of demands on my time. After putting aside 5-6 hours per week for BJJ, I needed a gym template that would allow me to hit all the big rocks of physical prep for grappling in a time efficient manner. Jacked Jitsu has done just that. Highly recommended."

Jacked Jitsu