There are many valuable paths to many incredible places, but this one, is ours.
And, yours. The price of admission is... the price of admission, and the only tax, is the cost of commitment.
Our methods, details, and strategies can improve anyone on earth, at any level, and in any application.
We routinely rebuild the broken, and cultivate, empower, and improve many "normal" people to nearly mythical degrees.
Experience- Detail- Creativity- Care- Humility ( ...and above-average resilience and durability) are what allows us to help any and all that truly want to put their minds and hands on advancement, and not simply flirt with the notion, on the internet.
Now, let's fucking go
Program Notes - Please Read
Also this week, please and thank you: In a testing week/ weeks, the warm-up becomes even MORE important; Too little will mean the initial requirements of the training day will be too much, and too much means that there is less in the tank for the main pieces. Strategize wisely, omit any warm-up piece that does not apply to the task-at-hand in either position or system, and add in whatever you feel needs to be addressed/ warmed up/ hammered home prior to moving heavy. And: Applying these next few weeks on new people ("new" = under three consistent months of training and development) and/ or those that do not "diagnose" well (as observed in prior efforts or current-day warm-up), requires an extra emphasis on position over percentage; Something heavy enough to teach what needs to be learned, but not so heavy that it demands capacity, stability, and positional awareness that they do not yet have. So- the directive will be a climb- as the rest of the group will do- but it will look more like this: 9, 7, 5, 5- 5. (Increase @ commas, stay @ dashes.) No glory lifts- ever in training, and especially in new people. Hurting someone new by having them go too heavy too early is one of the least-endearing lessons watching the de-evolution of 'functional fitness' has taught us. Lastly: Beginning a week such as this is a great opportunity to re-emphasize the importance and severity of being an attentive spotter, and HOW to be one; There are right ways, and wrong ways... There is more than one right one, but the ones we use are proven, sound, and simple. Please firmly remind the group how important that is.
Daily Warm-up
(Pre- class) 30 calories Airdyne/ Hip circle/ Band pulls/ Banded Good Morning (On the hour- in order) 5 Partial pull-up (or, as skill level allows, 3 partial + 2 full) 5 Partial chin-up (or, as skill level allows, 3 partial + 2 full) 5 Mace Good Morning + 2/1000 @ bottom- accurate, and heavy enough to ensure it 5 Mace squat + 2/1000 @ bottom- mace in front, weight up, chest broad, arms 'short and straight' 5 Airplane push-up 5 Dip (Scaled as needed; Use feet as an assistant, like a jumping pull-up, use a light/ medium band, perform on a bench with feet on the floor... ) 5 Kettlebell deadlift @ BW 5 Tipped-forward Sumo squat @ light, hard, accurate (hammer or bumper plate) 10 Kettlebell swing @ heavy enough to be useful, yet still a warm-up (this number should change over time) 5L, 5R Mace shovel + press (1 + 1 = 1; Hard, accurate, at-or-past overhead) 20 Mace front pendulum @ 10/12kg. W, 12/14kg. M
Specialty Warm-up
Specialty warm-up: 5 kettlebell deadlift @ more-than BW + 5/1000 @ top (suitcase, as needed) 3 Kettlebell Good Morning @ BW+ 5 empty bar press + 3/1000 overhead
1 x 5
Strict Press
1 x 3
Pistol-grip 1-arm Kettlebell Swing
Time Under Tension
15 Kettlebell Good Morning @ minimum 1/2 BW + 5 x :20 sec. hollow rock/ hold + stand-up + 5 x :20 sec. "aggressive" cat/ cow stretch (harder, not faster) + 15 dowel partial pull-over Hollow hold may be interspersed with cat/ cow if desired; A case could be made that doing so will prove valuable to both positions. Partial pull-over is active cool-down, and should be performed in organized positions- only pull dowel over to point of position break, maintain a brief hold, and repeat. Goal is opening up the upper body after a heavy push/ pull day, and improving position for next time.
Program Notes - Please Read
Also this week, please and thank you: In a testing week/ weeks, the warm-up becomes even MORE important; Too little will mean the initial requirements of the training day will be too much, and too much means that there is less in the tank for the main pieces. Strategize wisely, omit any warm-up piece that does not apply to the task-at-hand in either position or system, and add in whatever you feel needs to be addressed/ warmed up/ hammered home prior to moving heavy. And: Applying these next few weeks on new people ("new" = under three consistent months of training and development) and/ or those that do not "diagnose" well (as observed in prior efforts or current-day warm-up), requires an extra emphasis on position over percentage; Something heavy enough to teach what needs to be learned, but not so heavy that it demands capacity, stability, and positional awareness that they do not yet have. So- the directive will be a climb- as the rest of the group will do- but it will look more like this: 9, 7, 5, 5- 5. (Increase @ commas, stay @ dashes.) No glory lifts- ever in training, and especially in new people. Hurting someone new by having them go too heavy too early is one of the least-endearing lessons watching the de-evolution of 'functional fitness' has taught us. Lastly: Beginning a week such as this is a great opportunity to re-emphasize the importance and severity of being an attentive spotter, and HOW to be one; There are right ways, and wrong ways... There is more than one right one, but the ones we use are proven, sound, and simple. Please firmly remind the group how important that is.
Daily Warm-up
(Pre- class) 30 calories Airdyne/ Hip circle/ Band pulls/ Banded Good Morning (On the hour- in order) 5 Partial pull-up (or, as skill level allows, 3 partial + 2 full) 5 Partial chin-up (or, as skill level allows, 3 partial + 2 full) 5 Mace Good Morning + 2/1000 @ bottom- accurate, and heavy enough to ensure it 5 Mace squat + 2/1000 @ bottom- mace in front, weight up, chest broad, arms 'short and straight' 5 Airplane push-up 5 Dip (Scaled as needed; Use feet as an assistant, like a jumping pull-up, use a light/ medium band, perform on a bench with feet on the floor... ) 5 Kettlebell deadlift @ BW 5 Tipped-forward Sumo squat @ light, hard, accurate (hammer or bumper plate) 10 Kettlebell swing @ heavy enough to be useful, yet still a warm-up (this number should change over time) 5L, 5R Mace shovel + press (1 + 1 = 1; Hard, accurate, at-or-past overhead) 20 Mace front pendulum @ 10/12kg. W, 12/14kg. M
Specialty Warm-up
5L, 5R kettlebell back squat 10 dowel partial pull-over into back rack 3L, 3R kettlebell push press
Back squat
1 x 5
Kettlebell push press
1 x 3
5 Aggressive Minutes Of
5 Push-up 50 Jumprope/ Burpee failure drill Each time we miss during the 50 reps due to form or fatigue, immediately perform 2 burpee and then resume work. Question: Would we rather hustle and push the pace while jumping rope and risk performing some burpees, or take the safe, slow route in an attempt to avoid them? Answering a question with a question: Are we here to truly improve mental and physical conditioning, or perform casual, low-intensity pseudo-aerobics?
Time Under Tension
25 Tipped-forward hammer/ mace squat @ (up to) 8kg. W, 10kg. M (cool-down/ positional reinforcement... better, not faster... ) 50 Lunge (stationary) @ cool-down pace w/ 15lb. W, 25 lb. M bumper 3 x :30 sec. hollow hold + 15 10/1000 cat/ cow stretch (slow, thorough... ) Lunge: Pace is cool-down, position is detailed and progress-oriented. Knee tracks the foot, heel is firmly planted, and stepping forward does not mean leaning forward; chest stays broad and shoulders drive back. Brace before you drop in each rep, just as if weighted. Develop good habits by practicing sound strategy.
Program Notes - Please Read
Also this week, please and thank you: In a testing week/ weeks, the warm-up becomes even MORE important; Too little will mean the initial requirements of the training day will be too much, and too much means that there is less in the tank for the main pieces. Strategize wisely, omit any warm-up piece that does not apply to the task-at-hand in either position or system, and add in whatever you feel needs to be addressed/ warmed up/ hammered home prior to moving heavy. And: Applying these next few weeks on new people ("new" = under three consistent months of training and development) and/ or those that do not "diagnose" well (as observed in prior efforts or current-day warm-up), requires an extra emphasis on position over percentage; Something heavy enough to teach what needs to be learned, but not so heavy that it demands capacity, stability, and positional awareness that they do not yet have. So- the directive will be a climb- as the rest of the group will do- but it will look more like this: 9, 7, 5, 5- 5. (Increase @ commas, stay @ dashes.) No glory lifts- ever in training, and especially in new people. Hurting someone new by having them go too heavy too early is one of the least-endearing lessons watching the de-evolution of 'functional fitness' has taught us. Lastly: Beginning a week such as this is a great opportunity to re-emphasize the importance and severity of being an attentive spotter, and HOW to be one; There are right ways, and wrong ways... There is more than one right one, but the ones we use are proven, sound, and simple. Please firmly remind the group how important that is.
Daily Warm-up
(Pre- class) 30 calories Airdyne/ Hip circle/ Band pulls/ Banded Good Morning (On the hour- in order) 5 Partial pull-up (or, as skill level allows, 3 partial + 2 full) 5 Partial chin-up (or, as skill level allows, 3 partial + 2 full) 5 Mace Good Morning + 2/1000 @ bottom- accurate, and heavy enough to ensure it 5 Mace squat + 2/1000 @ bottom- mace in front, weight up, chest broad, arms 'short and straight' 5 Airplane push-up 5 Dip (Scaled as needed; Use feet as an assistant, like a jumping pull-up, use a light/ medium band, perform on a bench with feet on the floor... ) 5 Kettlebell deadlift @ BW 5 Tipped-forward Sumo squat @ light, hard, accurate (hammer or bumper plate) 10 Kettlebell swing @ heavy enough to be useful, yet still a warm-up (this number should change over time) 5L, 5R Mace shovel + press (1 + 1 = 1; Hard, accurate, at-or-past overhead) 20 Mace front pendulum @ 10/12kg. W, 12/14kg. M
Specialty Warm-up
1L, 1R 2-count Turkish Get-up 3 double kettlebell swing clean
Kettlebell Turkish Get-up
1 x 1
5 Rounds Of
1 minute double kettlebell rack hold (W- 35lb. x 2, M- 53lb. x 2) 1 minute bodyweight row hold 3 Pull-up 3 Chin-up (Up to) :30 sec. rest/ assessment High-effort, meticulous position, no rest outside of designated duration; Put in what you expect to get out. Rack hold: If designated weights are old news, congratulations. You'll thank us tomorrow for making you adhere to them.
Time Under Tension
15 calories Airdyne (arms and legs, cool down pace) + 3 x :30 sec. hollow rock/ hold + Unweighted plank hold (or 1-arm plank hold, as desired) + 15 cat/ cow stretch + 15 calories Airdyne (legs only, cool down pace) Hollow hold: Position and duration should be improving; If they are not, add a bumper plate to ensure accuracy, and... hold harder. If time reaches two minutes in plank, you may stop if desired. If time is under two minutes, do it again, and accumulate at least two total minutes in each. Airdyne: Cool-down pace should look like 30-40% of max RPM.
Program Notes - Please Read
Also this week, please and thank you: In a testing week/ weeks, the warm-up becomes even MORE important; Too little will mean the initial requirements of the training day will be too much, and too much means that there is less in the tank for the main pieces. Strategize wisely, omit any warm-up piece that does not apply to the task-at-hand in either position or system, and add in whatever you feel needs to be addressed/ warmed up/ hammered home prior to moving heavy. And: Applying these next few weeks on new people ("new" = under three consistent months of training and development) and/ or those that do not "diagnose" well (as observed in prior efforts or current-day warm-up), requires an extra emphasis on position over percentage; Something heavy enough to teach what needs to be learned, but not so heavy that it demands capacity, stability, and positional awareness that they do not yet have. So- the directive will be a climb- as the rest of the group will do- but it will look more like this: 9, 7, 5, 5- 5. (Increase @ commas, stay @ dashes.) No glory lifts- ever in training, and especially in new people. Hurting someone new by having them go too heavy too early is one of the least-endearing lessons watching the de-evolution of 'functional fitness' has taught us. Lastly: Beginning a week such as this is a great opportunity to re-emphasize the importance and severity of being an attentive spotter, and HOW to be one; There are right ways, and wrong ways... There is more than one right one, but the ones we use are proven, sound, and simple. Please firmly remind the group how important that is.
Daily Warm-up
(Pre- class) 30 calories Airdyne/ Hip circle/ Band pulls/ Banded Good Morning (On the hour- in order) 5 Partial pull-up (or, as skill level allows, 3 partial + 2 full) 5 Partial chin-up (or, as skill level allows, 3 partial + 2 full) 5 Mace Good Morning + 2/1000 @ bottom- accurate, and heavy enough to ensure it 5 Mace squat + 2/1000 @ bottom- mace in front, weight up, chest broad, arms 'short and straight' 5 Airplane push-up 5 Dip (Scaled as needed; Use feet as an assistant, like a jumping pull-up, use a light/ medium band, perform on a bench with feet on the floor... ) 5 Kettlebell deadlift @ BW 5 Tipped-forward Sumo squat @ light, hard, accurate (hammer or bumper plate) 10 Kettlebell swing @ heavy enough to be useful, yet still a warm-up (this number should change over time) 5L, 5R Mace shovel + press (1 + 1 = 1; Hard, accurate, at-or-past overhead) 20 Mace front pendulum @ 10/12kg. W, 12/14kg. M
Specialty Warm-up
10 hang power clean @ 65lb. W, 75lb. M, 5 heavy kettlebell high pull + Goblet catch
Power clean
1 x 3
Kettlebell high pull + Goblet catch
10, 5, 5, 5, 5
Airplane push-up
5 x 10
5 x 100
Time Under Tension
25 "Prison" Abmat sit-up + 5 x :20 sec. hollow hold + 15 dowel partial pull-over + 15 calorie Airdyne @ cool down pace Set Abmat behind you, not underneath you (a few inches from your body, not wedged underneath like a doorstop). Perform sit-ups without allowing butt to come off the ground or posture to break- Keep a strong, organized spinal position- even when traveling from extension-to-flexion, and drive hips forward at the top of each rep. Partial pull-over is active cool-down, and should be performed in organized positions- only pull dowel over to point of position break, maintain a brief hold, and repeat. Goal is opening up the upper body after a heavy push/ pull day, and improving position for next time. Airdyne: Cool-down pace should look like 30-40% of max RPM.
Program Notes - Please Read
Also this week, please and thank you: In a testing week/ weeks, the warm-up becomes even MORE important; Too little will mean the initial requirements of the training day will be too much, and too much means that there is less in the tank for the main pieces. Strategize wisely, omit any warm-up piece that does not apply to the task-at-hand in either position or system, and add in whatever you feel needs to be addressed/ warmed up/ hammered home prior to moving heavy. And: Applying these next few weeks on new people ("new" = under three consistent months of training and development) and/ or those that do not "diagnose" well (as observed in prior efforts or current-day warm-up), requires an extra emphasis on position over percentage; Something heavy enough to teach what needs to be learned, but not so heavy that it demands capacity, stability, and positional awareness that they do not yet have. So- the directive will be a climb- as the rest of the group will do- but it will look more like this: 9, 7, 5, 5- 5. (Increase @ commas, stay @ dashes.) No glory lifts- ever in training, and especially in new people. Hurting someone new by having them go too heavy too early is one of the least-endearing lessons watching the de-evolution of 'functional fitness' has taught us. Lastly: Beginning a week such as this is a great opportunity to re-emphasize the importance and severity of being an attentive spotter, and HOW to be one; There are right ways, and wrong ways... There is more than one right one, but the ones we use are proven, sound, and simple. Please firmly remind the group how important that is.
Daily Warm-up
(Pre- class) 30 calories Airdyne/ Hip circle/ Band pulls/ Banded Good Morning (On the hour- in order) 5 Partial pull-up (or, as skill level allows, 3 partial + 2 full) 5 Partial chin-up (or, as skill level allows, 3 partial + 2 full) 5 Mace Good Morning + 2/1000 @ bottom- accurate, and heavy enough to ensure it 5 Mace squat + 2/1000 @ bottom- mace in front, weight up, chest broad, arms 'short and straight' 5 Airplane push-up 5 Dip (Scaled as needed; Use feet as an assistant, like a jumping pull-up, use a light/ medium band, perform on a bench with feet on the floor... ) 5 Kettlebell deadlift @ BW 5 Tipped-forward Sumo squat @ light, hard, accurate (hammer or bumper plate) 10 Kettlebell swing @ heavy enough to be useful, yet still a warm-up (this number should change over time) 5L, 5R Mace shovel + press (1 + 1 = 1; Hard, accurate, at-or-past overhead) 20 Mace front pendulum @ 10/12kg. W, 12/14kg. M
Specialty Warm-up
10 Kettlebell halo + 2/1000 extension 20 mace front pendulum 10 box jump
Mace 360
6 x 10
5 Rounds Of
15 Bodyweight row 30 Mace front pendulum 15 Box jump @ 10lb. W, 15lb. M (use bumper plate) Weight for front pendulum and height for box jump are scaled to ability, and ambitious but sustainable; As always, position and range of motion govern weight. No designated rest here- if needed, keep it short and specific, and take after box jump; Movement transitions are not rest periods. Jump: Stay tall and relatively upright (torso tips forward as in a squat, and unless you're jumping over something large or forward, never as much as a hinge), and do not allow designated weight to break posture/ unwind bracing in take-off or landing; Soft equals sketchy. Be sure to practice jumping with an implement prior to beginning the drill. Ordinarily, we re-set a jump by swinging our arms- not being able to do so (due to holding a bumper plate) can require some adjustment.
Time Under Tension
15 Kettlebell Good Morning @ self-scaled (5 x 5 or 15 + 10 as desired) + 50 1-arm kettlebell swing @ (up to) 35lb. W, 55lb. M (5 x 5L, 5R) + 5 x :10 sec. hollow rock + stand-up + 5 x :20 sec. hollow hold Kettlebell swing: If designated weight is not a cool-down weight, adjust accordingly. Hollow rock/ hold: Position and duration should be improving; If they are not, add a bumper plate to ensure accuracy, and... hold harder.
Program Notes - Please Read
Also this week, please and thank you: In a testing week/ weeks, the warm-up becomes even MORE important; Too little will mean the initial requirements of the training day will be too much, and too much means that there is less in the tank for the main pieces. Strategize wisely, omit any warm-up piece that does not apply to the task-at-hand in either position or system, and add in whatever you feel needs to be addressed/ warmed up/ hammered home prior to moving heavy. And: Applying these next few weeks on new people ("new" = under three consistent months of training and development) and/ or those that do not "diagnose" well (as observed in prior efforts or current-day warm-up), requires an extra emphasis on position over percentage; Something heavy enough to teach what needs to be learned, but not so heavy that it demands capacity, stability, and positional awareness that they do not yet have. So- the directive will be a climb- as the rest of the group will do- but it will look more like this: 9, 7, 5, 5- 5. (Increase @ commas, stay @ dashes.) No glory lifts- ever in training, and especially in new people. Hurting someone new by having them go too heavy too early is one of the least-endearing lessons watching the de-evolution of 'functional fitness' has taught us. Lastly: Beginning a week such as this is a great opportunity to re-emphasize the importance and severity of being an attentive spotter, and HOW to be one; There are right ways, and wrong ways... There is more than one right one, but the ones we use are proven, sound, and simple. Please firmly remind the group how important that is.
Daily Warm-up
(Pre- class) 30 calories Airdyne/ Hip circle/ Band pulls/ Banded Good Morning (On the hour- in order) 5 Partial pull-up (or, as skill level allows, 3 partial + 2 full) 5 Partial chin-up (or, as skill level allows, 3 partial + 2 full) 5 Mace Good Morning + 2/1000 @ bottom- accurate, and heavy enough to ensure it 5 Mace squat + 2/1000 @ bottom- mace in front, weight up, chest broad, arms 'short and straight' 5 Airplane push-up 5 Dip (Scaled as needed; Use feet as an assistant, like a jumping pull-up, use a light/ medium band, perform on a bench with feet on the floor... ) 5 Kettlebell deadlift @ BW 5 Tipped-forward Sumo squat @ light, hard, accurate (hammer or bumper plate) 10 Kettlebell swing @ heavy enough to be useful, yet still a warm-up (this number should change over time) 5L, 5R Mace shovel + press (1 + 1 = 1; Hard, accurate, at-or-past overhead) 20 Mace front pendulum @ 10/12kg. W, 12/14kg. M
Specialty Warm-up
5 suitcase deadlift- ensure a hinge- 5 V-up 5 rocking chair
Kettlebell suitcase deadlift
6, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 @ 60, _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , _ %
3 minutes of
3 minutes of: Stacked-hand kettlebell swing @ (up to) 55lb. W, 70lb. M (vertical or 15' canted- whichever makes for better arm position) Accumulate as many quality reps as possible, and utilize short, specific rest (3 breaths or less) only as needed. Change dominant hand as desired, using seamless, organized hand-to-hand switches. If mechanics fail or position softens, immediately adjust one interval down and continue safely. 1 minute rest before moving on to 12 rounds
12 rounds of
3 Burpee 6 Lunge Time your work. Focus on efficient, high-paced movement and specific breathing.This is a sprint, not a jog; Safety considered, there is value to pushing pace, abandoning comfort, and making yourself move in simple conditioning drills. Even in fatigue, neither burpee nor lunge should ever become a wiggly, flailing mess; Move powerfully and attentively. (Efficiency mitigates fatigue, and assists in focus.)
6 Reps of
“Hollow position complex V.2” (1/2 Rocking chair to floor + 3 V-up + 6 Hollow rock + back to standing = 1 rep) Hollow position complex V.2: Goal is completion of each rep without breaking a hard hollow body position; Much of the value (and difficulty) here is in keeping the brace during the transitions! Today, if needed, rest no more than :20 sec. between each complete rep (not each movement variation). There may be great value to taking something light along for the ride, in the interest of completing as designated, and ensuring positional accuracy; "Closing the circuit" is very often an effective way of ensuring stability and enhancing bracing ability.
Time Under Tension
20 20/1000 "Prison" Abmat sit-up (slow, accurate, and hard) + 5 x :20 sec. hollow hold + 15 cat/ cow stretch + 15 calorie Airdyne cool-down
Greg Walsh is the owner and head trainer at Wolf Brigade, headquartered in Rochester, NY. The gym holds group Strength & Conditioning classes containing all levels of strong-minded individuals 6 days a week. Greg also offers private training in fitness, Muay Thai kickboxing, grappling, and self-defense.