Starting fresh at the gym can be a daunting process. Maybe you have never had a good routine or maybe you used to be there 5 times a week. Whatever your experience with the gym was in the past this program is for anyone who is trying to get back into the swing of things. Have you ever heard the saying “life is a marathon, not a sprint?” Well, so is a healthy lifestyle. Instead of just shocking your body back into a 4 or 5 day a week strength training program that will just leave you sore and maybe a little discouraged this plan is designed to ease you into, or back into, strength training. And we do that with the idea of Habit Stacking. The best way to add habits into your life is to add on existing habits. Here is a breakdown of this program:
Phase 1: 3 weeks of 2 strength sessions per week Phase 2: 3 weeks of 3 strength sessions per week Phase 3: 3 weeks of 4 strength sessions per week Phase 4: 3 weeks of 5 strength sessions per week
“It takes 21 days to develop a habit” - Maxwell Maltz
If that is true, I wonder what doing that 4 times in a row would result in.. Maybe an Ironclad daily fitness routine.
Iron In-Place #2
Complete for 3 rounds: 1. Jumping Jacks - 6 2. Forward Lunges - 2ea 3. Lateral Lunges - 2ea 4. Arm Circles - 5ea 5. Trunk Twists - 8
Deep Squat Stretch
3 x 15
Barbell RDL
3 x 12
Barbell Hip Thrust
3 x 12
Lying Leg Curl
3 x 12
DB Bench Press
3 x 12
DB Shoulder Press
3 x 12
Bench Dips
3 x 12
Iron In-Place #2
Complete for 3 rounds: 1. Jumping Jacks - 6 2. Forward Lunges - 2ea 3. Lateral Lunges - 2ea 4. Arm Circles - 5ea 5. Trunk Twists - 8
Leg Press
3 x 8
DB RFE Squat
3 x 10
Lateral Lunge
3 x 10
Lat Pulldown
3 x 8
1-Arm DB Row
3 x 8
Band Pull-Apart
3 x 10
Co-Owner Personal Trainer Sports Performance Coach
Co-Owner Personal Trainer Sports Performance Coach
Building a routine isn't easy. But with this program you can take the hard parts of training out of your workload allowing you to just do the work and enjoy the benefits!!!
Get Iron Habits