Svoboda Coaching

General Fitness, Mobility
Gregory Svoboda

Forge helps you look, feel and perform your best with the gear you have in your home.

After losing 115 pounds and then coaching radical body transformations for over 6 years, I wanted to write the very program I wish I had when I was starting from ground zero.

The secret and quickest way to achieve your body transformation is by incorporating what other programs miss.

Most home based programs only focus on a good beat down with fancy sounding movements but I've developed this program to use . . .

  • Comprehensive warm-up to prevent injuries.
  • Balanced strength training for complete results.
  • Emphasis on building habits to empower your nutrition and training.
  • Fitness workouts to enhance fat loss and boost stamina.
  • Daily mobility to enhance your posture, reduce pain and prevent injuries.
Programming 4 days per week
A commitment to train 3 to 4 days every week is recommended to achieve optimal results.
Exercise Video Guidance
Instructional videos to guide your training.
Easy and Fast App
Tracking your weights and making custom substitutions is fast and easy with the TrainHeroic app.
Fitness Bands
Light Dumbbells // Yoga Mat
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 2-week program
FORGE: Day 1



Complete 1-3 rounds of: Jog In Place x 30-60 Seconds Jumping Jacks x 30-60 Seconds Arm Swings, Forward and Back x 10 Reps Each Arms Across the Chest x 10-20 Side-to-Side Twists x 10-20 Reps Air Squats x 10-20 Good Mornings x 10-20 Pushup to Spiderman Lunge x 10-20 Mountain Climbers x 30-60 Seconds


Goblet Lunge *

3 x 20


Goblet Squat *

3 x 1:00


Glute Bridge *

3 x MAX


Lateral Lunge

3 x 20

Endurance Work


In 5 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible . . . 10 V-Ups 5 Burpees 20 Mountain Climbers


Bodyweight Calf Raises *

3 x 1:00


Kneeling Hip Stretch *

1 x 4:00


Forward Fold Stretch *

1 x 2:00


Frog Pose *

1 x 2:00

FORGE: Day 2



Complete 1-3 rounds of: Jog In Place x 30-60 Seconds Jumping Jacks x 30-60 Seconds Arm Swings, Forward and Back x 10 Reps Each Arms Across the Chest x 10-20 Side-to-Side Twists x 10-20 Reps Air Squats x 10-20 Good Mornings x 10-20 Pushup to Spiderman Lunge x 10-20 Mountain Climbers x 30-60 Seconds


Push Up *

3 x MAX


Bench Dips *

3 x 15


One-Arm Dumbbell Row *

3 x MAX


Bent-Over Raise *

3 x 12


Pull Up *

3 x MAX

Core Circuit


4 Rounds of the Following . . . Flutter Kicks x 30 Seconds 3-Point Bridge x 4 Reps Each Side Bicycle Crunch x 30 Seconds Walking Plank x 30 Seconds


Lawn-chair Stretch *

1 x 2:00


Prone Chest Stretch *

1 x 4:00


Child's Pose *

1 x 2:00

FORGE: Day 3

Low Impact Conditioning


Hit the Streets - Walk *

Walk for 30-60 minutes or hop on your favorite piece of cardio equipment for the same duration. Why walking instead of running? Don't worry, you'll be running on Saturday but here are a few reasons . . . 1. Exercise Induced Appetite. High intensity interval training will produce a greater appetite response. When accelerating fat loss, we don't want MORE appetite we want MORE fat loss. 2. Low Mental Resistance. Walking is simple, running is hard. Actors and models choose walking for accelerated fat loss for its effectiveness while being easy to engage in for the long term. 3. Easy to Multitask. Listen to audiobooks or your favorite podcast.Toughen your mind while you toughen your body.

Low Impact Conditioning


Hit the Stairs *

Hit some stairs for 20-40 minutes at a low intensity. Use the stairs in your home, apartment building, or around town if available. Increase the difficulty by carrying gallon jugs of water half full. Why stairs at a low intensity? 1. Exercise Induced Appetite. High intensity interval training will produce a greater appetite response. When accelerating fat loss, we don't want MORE appetite we want MORE fat loss. 2. Low Mental Resistance. Stairs are simple. Actors and models choose stair machines for fat loss for its effectiveness while being easy to engage in for the long term. 3. Easy to Multitask. Listen to audiobooks or your favorite podcast.Toughen your mind while you toughen your body.


Kneeling Hip Stretch *

1 x 4:00


Lawn-chair Stretch *

1 x 2:00


Supine Twist *

1 x 2:00


Forward Fold Stretch *

1 x 2:00


Child's Pose *

1 x 2:00

FORGE: Day 4



Complete 1-3 rounds of: Jog In Place x 30-60 Seconds Jumping Jacks x 30-60 Seconds Arm Swings, Forward and Back x 10 Reps Each Arms Across the Chest x 10-20 Side-to-Side Twists x 10-20 Reps Air Squats x 10-20 Good Mornings x 10-20 Pushup to Spiderman Lunge x 10-20 Mountain Climbers x 30-60 Seconds


Goblet Lunge *

3 x 20


Goblet Squat *

3 x 1:00


Glute Bridge *

3 x MAX


Lateral Lunge

3 x 20

Endurance Work


In 5 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible . . . 10 V-Ups 5 Burpees 20 Mountain Climbers


Bodyweight Calf Raises *

3 x 1:00


Kneeling Hip Stretch *

1 x 4:00


Forward Fold Stretch *

1 x 2:00


Frog Pose *

1 x 2:00

FORGE: Day 5



Complete 1-3 rounds of: Jog In Place x 30-60 Seconds Jumping Jacks x 30-60 Seconds Arm Swings, Forward and Back x 10 Reps Each Arms Across the Chest x 10-20 Side-to-Side Twists x 10-20 Reps Air Squats x 10-20 Good Mornings x 10-20 Pushup to Spiderman Lunge x 10-20 Mountain Climbers x 30-60 Seconds


Dive Bomber Push-Up *

3 x MAX


Push Up *

3 x MAX


One-Arm Dumbbell Row *

3 x MAX


Bent-Over Raise *

3 x 12


Pull Up *

3 x MAX

Core Circuit


5 Rounds of the Following . . . Leg Lowering x 30 Seconds 3-Point Bridge x 5 Reps Each Side Side Plank Left x 30 Seconds Side Plank Right x 30 Seconds


Lawn-chair Stretch *

1 x 2:00


Prone Chest Stretch *

1 x 4:00


Child's Pose *

1 x 2:00

FORGE: Day 6

High Intensity Conditioning


Hit the Streets - Run / Sprint *

Lace up those shoes and hit the streets. Choose one of the following : 1. Complete 1 to 3 miles. Listen to your body and use a pace that is appropriate for your fitness level. The fitter you are however, the harder you should be going. or . . . 2. Sprint Intervals. Run / sprint 1 block, walk / jog the next block. Repeat for 5 to 20 minutes. Use the duration of time that is appropriate for your fitness level. See attached video for proper running technique. Running is a technical activity, and your body will love you for the practice.

Have Fun & Play


Hit the Park - Play *

Have a jungle gym nearby? Great! Hit that park and have some fun playing. For 10-20 minutes, get creative by climbing and swinging on the bars. This could be using the monkey bars, doing pull-ups, and whatever else the park offers. Think back to the movements you've performed this week and think if there's anything you can replicate on the jungle gym. A few ideas are 3 rounds of pull-ups, or hanging at the bar as long as you can lowering yourself as slowly as possible. Or hit those monkey bars and see how long you can last while taking minimal rest breaks.


Prone Chest Stretch *

1 x 4:00


Supine Twist *

1 x 4:00


Child's Pose *

1 x 2:00


IT Band Stretch *

1 x 4:00


Wall Ankle Stretch *

1 x 4:00

FORGE: Day 7

Weekly Review


Weekly Review *

Sunday is your day to plan how you'll attack and win the coming week. If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. Take roughly 15-30 minutes and perform the following in a journal. 1. ONE HABIT. Select one habit you'll focus on, examples such as doing the warmup everyday or meal prepping or going to bed. 2. OBSTACLES. Write down any obstacles you foresee during the coming week and solutions on how you can tackle them. 3. MEAL PLAN. Create a rough outline of what you plan to eat during the coming week. If you aren't sure, think of a few ideas that would be better choices to reach your goals. 4. REFLECT & LEARN. What did you learn about yourself this week? Any new strengths, weaknesses, cues, triggers, problems?

Habits Guide


Habits Guide *

Our success is found in what we do daily. Excellence is a habit, one you have the power to shape and create. Pick one habit for this coming week and apply the following rules. ONE HABIT RULE : Focus on building one high yield habit at a time. 2 MINUTE RULE : In the beginning, keep your habits under 2 minutes to perform. Focus on doing LESS in the beginning EVERYDAY so you can effectively do MORE in the future. USE FRICTION : When building a habit, reduce the friction needed to engage in it. To kill a habit, increase the friction, making it harder to do. CREATE A NO-FAIL ENVIRONMENT : Don't bring junk food into the house. Exercise planning at the store so you don't have to exercise discipline at home. KEEP A JOURNAL : Learn from mistakes. What cues or triggers have you discovered? EXAMPLE NUTRITION HABITS : Plan what you'll eat, grocery shopping, meal prepping in bulk and in advance. Hit your calorie, fat, carb, and protein goals. Develop mindfulness, such as eating slowly.

Nutrition Guide


Nutrition Guide *

THE TOOLS : 1. Download "MyFitnessPal" to your phone and create your account. 2. Choose your goals. a. Gaining muscle = Gain no more than .5 lbs per week. b. Losing bodyfat = Lose no more than 2lb per week if over 20% body fat. Under 20% = 1.5 lbs weight loss per week, max. 3. Set your macros. .8 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. Divide your remaining calories between fats and carbs evenly. 4. Add me under friends, "Coach_Svoboda" JUST TELL ME WHAT TO EAT : Protein = Meat, fowl, fish, seafood, beef, bison, buffalo, eggs, low sugar dairy, protein powders. Carbs = Vegetables, roots, tubers, bulbs, lentils, legumes, fruits, rices, oats. Fats = Animal fats, grass fed butter, olives and olive oil, avocados and avacado oil, coconut and coconut oil, macadamia nut oil, nuts, seeds, nut butters. HOW DO I EAT : 1. Eat when you are hungry, eat slowly, and eat until you are full. 2. Need a custom nutrition plan for muscle gain or fat loss? Email me at

Meal Prep Guide


Meal Prep Guide *

THE TOOLS : 1. Pick two kitchen implements and master them. My personal favorites include: slow cookers, pressure cookers, the oven, stove top, rice cookers, and the grill. 2. Find 3 protein recipes and 3 carb recipes and 3 salad/vegetable recipes that you love. 3. Pinterest is an excellent source of free recipes, simply search using your given terms. Such as . . . - "Slow cooker chicken breasts." - "Grilled sweet potatoes." - "High protein southwest salad." THE ROUTINE : 1. Select 1-2 days a week where you will make the bulk of your meals. 2. I make about 90% of all my own food in less than an hour a week. Using the oven, running a slow cooker, rice cooker, and making salads within the same hour side by side. PRO-TIPS : 1. Your leanness and physique is a direct expression of the quality of your nutrition and the consistency you bring to it. Shitty nutrition with great training = shitty body. Don't let all your hard training go to waste.