VITAL Training Program

13 Bar Performance

Tactical, Tactical / Military, Strength & Conditioning
Shelton Stevens

Having the opportunity to work with our nations best on a daily basis, performance is and always will be the top priority. We don't just flash prior military experience to sell programs, we put this stuff out because: 1.) We have more REAL WORLD coaching experience than the majority you will find out there and 2.) We care about our Military, First Responders, and our allies. On top of working with SpecOps, we run 13 Bar Performance FOR YOU and nobody else.

So we wanted to put together a series of programs on this App to take communication and engagement to another level.

Our VITAL program will be the first of several different series of programs.

We want to make sure this program is reasonable and sustainable. We also want to make sure these sessions can be completed under an hour from start to finish by ONLY attacking the VITAL necessities needed

This will be a 9 week program using a hybrid method of a concurrent/tiered system. There will be three (3) week phases working all attributes such as hypertrophy, strength, power, aerobic and anaerobic needs. But each phase will make those attributes a priority by hitting more total volume/tonnage and exercise complexity.

Invest In Your Performance
The biggest advantage of the concurrent approach is the development of all qualities. While each day has a particular emphasis, all attributes will be touched and never ignored. This includes mobility, hypertrophy, strength, power, and overall energy system development.
Train Like A Professional
We specialize in training the elite tactical professional, but if anyone wants to step up to the challenge, we welcome you.
Programming 6 days per week
We follow a tiered/concurrent approach in this program that hits everything from power to metabolic conditioning.
THORNE Research Supplement Discount
THORNE is is one of the industry leaders in quality and innovation in the sports nutrition supplement industry. You will receive 25% by joining!
Access To True Professionals
Connection is key, and this platform allows constant communication between coach and athlete. It's up to YOU to get the most out of this app.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
I've partnered with the best tech in training so you get an online training experience that works as hard as you do.
Barbells + Plates // Dumbbells and-or Kettlebells // Pull-Up Bar // Bands or Cables
Conventional Gym
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 9-week program
Day 1



Hinge Prep 1

3 Rounds Of: Steady Ride or Row x 10 calories Banded Hamstring Distraction x 30 seconds each Single Leg RDL Hold x 15 seconds each Goblet Squat x 5


Snatch Grip RDL

3 x 8


2 Kettlebell Front Squat

4 x 5


Standing Landmine Rotational Press

5 x 3


1-Arm Rotational Cable

5 x 5



1 x 20:00 @ 20 lb


Down Regulation

1 x 5:00

Day 2



Dynamic Warmup

10 yards of each: Baby Skips w/ Arm Circles Walk on Your Toes Backward Baby Skips w/ Arm Circles Walk on Heels Sideways Jacks Butt Kicks Sideways Jacks Carioca with step-over Back Pedal Carioca with step-over Neck Rolls Torso Rotations Torso Rotations with Hands over Heads Knee Rotations x5 each way Ankle Rotations x 5 each way Dyno Walks 1-2-3 Steps and Stretch Skip for Height Basketball Shuffle High Kicks High Kicks with Snap Down Straight Leg Strides Run into a Straight Leg Stride Run into a Straight Leg Stride (accelerating)


Tempo Runs

1 x 2200


Hollow Body Rocks

3 x 20

Day 3



Squat Prep 1

3 Rounds Of: Steady Ride or Row x 10 calories Banded Ankle Mobilization x 30 seconds each Squat Counterbalance Holds x 30 Yoga Push-Up x 5


Zercher Squats

3 x 8


Barbell Bench Press

5 x 5


Weighted Chin-Up

5 x 5


Kettlebell Swing (pistol grip)

3 x 8



3 Rounds of: 1 Rope Climb 15 Cal Echo Bike Sprint 20 Air Squats As Fast As Possible.


Down Regulation

1 x 5:00

Day 4



Dynamic Warmup

10 yards of each: Baby Skips w/ Arm Circles Walk on Your Toes Backward Baby Skips w/ Arm Circles Walk on Heels Sideways Jacks Butt Kicks Sideways Jacks Carioca with step-over Back Pedal Carioca with step-over Neck Rolls Torso Rotations Torso Rotations with Hands over Heads Knee Rotations x5 each way Ankle Rotations x 5 each way Dyno Walks 1-2-3 Steps and Stretch Skip for Height Basketball Shuffle High Kicks High Kicks with Snap Down Straight Leg Strides Run into a Straight Leg Stride Run into a Straight Leg Stride (accelerating)


Tempo Runs

1 x 2200


Hollow Body Rocks

3 x 20

Day 5



Push/Pull Prep 1

3 Rounds of: Steady Ride or Row x 10 calories Bench T-Spine Mobilizations x 6 Bottoms Up KB Hold + AB/AD x 3 reps each side (Abduction/Adduction = 1 rep) KB Deadlift x 5 @ around 40% bodyweight


Close Grip Bench Press

3 x 8


DB Kroc Row

3 x 8


Trap Bar Deadlift

5 x 5


DB Squat Jump

5 x 5

Upper Body Endurance Medley


3 Rounds of: Push-Ups Dumbbell Hammer Curls Farmers Carry 30s on / 30s off. 1:00 rest between rounds.


Down Regulation

1 x 5:00

Day 6



Put 20 minutes on a Running Clock and cycle through the following movements: A1.) Choose any conditioning method x10 calories A2.) Bear Plank x30s A3.) Adductor Stretch with Extension-Rotation x6/side A4.) T-Spine Smash x60s A5.) Choose any conditioning method x10 calories A6.) Half Kneeling Cross Chops x6/side A7.) TRX Deep Squat Breathing with Lat Stretch x60s A8.) Calf Smash x60s


Down Regulation

1 x 5:00

coach-avatar Shelton Stevens

Coach Stevens has over 16 years of coaching experience and currently serves as a Human Performance Specialist for the United States Army Special Operations Command. During his career he has trained several male and female Olympic Sports teams which has bred countless professional athletes. Stevens played collegiate baseball and is certified specialist through both the NSCA and CSCCa. .

High Performers

It isn't experience that sets top performers apart but the amount of deliberate practice they put in. Purpose fosters motivation; motivation lets us endure a greater perception of effort; and enduring a greater perception of effort often results in better

Get VITAL Training Program
Can you run this program if you are not in the military?
Absolutely. There may be some movements that are a little advanced, but this is why the message system is so great. If you have an issue or need to intelligently scale something, we can work around anything.
Can I know more about the THORNE supplement discount?
Yes. So once you purchased the program just simply message me on the app with the email you want me to send the THORNE invitation to. You will then create an account, shop the dispensary, and once you add items to your cart you should see the 25% discount. Any other questions just message me!
Will we have access to professional coaching throughout the program?
You will get what you put into this program. If you have questions, concerns, or want video feedback you can simply send it to me through the train heroic app. It's all about building that connection with the coach, so I recommend getting the most out of your investment!
Can I purchase more than one of your programs?
Yes. You can purchase as many as you like but I HIGHLY recommend you ask me if anything can be paired together. Most people are doing too much too soon anyways, so its best to come through me with that question.
What if we do not have all the exact required equipment?
Depending on what are missing, we can always find a work around and modify. Simply message us on instagram or email us at and we can figure out if this plan will work for you!
The Proof
verified-athlete-avatar N1 McIntosh

Special Operator

Verified Athlete

"13 Bar greatly improved my 5 mile time (34:20), 12 mile ruck (2hr 13min at 55lbs dry), APFT (300), all while getting stronger in the gym. I definitely contribute my success, and getting selected in SFAS due to Coach Shelton and 13 Bar Performance."

verified-athlete-avatar L1 Stay

Tactical, Rugby, and Strongman Athlete

Verified Athlete

"No matter your training or lifestyle problem, Shelton and 13 Bar are it! Could not recommend a more genuine & effective human performance brand! I improved not only my performance for my job but in quality of life. My body feels amazing since my rugby playing days, and I contribute that to Shelton."

verified-athlete-avatar R1 Lopez

Special Operator

Verified Athlete

"Working with someone who understands how to program my training against the the vigorous demands of my work in special operations has been refreshing. I have seen increases in strength, running times, & better endurance all while spending less time in the gym. My body comp has improved drastically."

verified-athlete-avatar Z1 Frey

Infantry Soldier

Verified Athlete

"When I did get my first program from Shelton and 13 bar I was in love. When I shipped out to Fort Benning for Infantry OSUT I was confident at my physical abilities and didn't have any issues when I was there. On every ACFT I was consistently scoring over 500 and no issues with Rucking or injuries."

VITAL Training Program