POWERBUILT encompasses what Look Strong Naked is all about- being strong AND looking the part. The goal of this 8-week “powerbuilding” program is to get big and strong while maintaining athleticism.
The strength movements of focus are incline bench press, stiff leg deadlifts, bench press, and front squats. Both secondary movements and accessories support main lifts and promote muscle growth.
Goal: Get big and strong
Structure: Training sessions centered on: incline bench press, stiff leg deadlifts, bench press, and front squats, and LSN style conditioning Deliberately chosen accessory movements for strength and hypertrophy Conditioning and recovery focused movements that also help your joint health and core strength
Intensity: The weights on this block will be lighter than your last peaking phase, we are giving your body and nervous system a different stimulus and an opportunity to recover Intensity will have a different look in the form of tempo based movements (fun) and increased ROM with snatch grip deads and high bar squats (extra fun). This doesn’t mean you aren’t bringing the intensity every training session, but your focus is going to be more on movement quality rather than max weight.
Conditioning day: As always, we want you to move like an athlete so we program this day with that specific goal in mind. We mix in steady state cardio, explosive movement, and stability work to keep you healthy and strong.
Elite Press Activation
Elite Press Activation Work these to get the blood moving and ready to press - Lat Pulldown - mimic your hand position on OHP -Tricep Pushdowns - lots of blood around the elbows -Light Abs - get ready to stand and have to brace with that weight Think something like 2x15-20 on these movements, enough to light the fire but not get fatigued.
Incline Bench Press
4 x 10
Seated Pin Press
10, 10, MAX
Lat Pulldown
3 x 12
Rolling Tricep Extensions
3 x 20
Cable Lateral Raise˙
3 x 20
Ab Options
3xREPS, Something heavy, you're a strength athlete Pick one: Ab Wheel Hanging Leg Raises Cable Crunches Weighted Planks GHR Situps
3 Rounds
We are going to end every session in this block with some cardio to get your HR up .... 3 rounds of high intensity, think 80% effort, it should be tough to finish Nasal breathing only, even during the rest phase. 60 sec on/ 60 sec rest It can be a rower, assault bike, spin bike, treadmill, battle ropes, etc. Anything that you can push some high intensity with.
Elite Deadlift Activator
Elite Deadlift Activator Work these to get the blood moving and ready to deadlift - Plank 2x 10-15 seconds) - Glute Bridges / Clamshells for the booty 2x15+ - Jumps (Squat jump / Broad Jump / Box Jump) 2x5
Stiff Leg Deadlifts
5 x 5
Chest Supported DB Row
3 x 15
Hamstring Curl
MAX, _ , _
Kneeling Single Arm Lat Pulldown
3 x 15
DB Curls- Walk the rack style
10 x 6
3 Rounds
We are going to end every session in this block with some cardio to get your HR up .... 3 rounds of high intensity, think 80% effort, it should be tough to finish Nasal breathing only, even during the rest phase. 60 sec on/ 60 sec rest Can be rower, assault bike, spin bike, treadmill, battle ropes...etc. Anything that you can push some high intensity with.
Prehab/Mobility/Warm Up
Prehab/Mobility/Warm Up Circuit 1-2x - Get warm on cardio equipment nasal breathing 3-5 min zone 1-2 - 10 cossack squats holding the bottom position - 20-30 per side couch stretch w/ row - 10 windmills per side - 10 per side lying hip adduction (hold 5s at the top each rep)
15min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) 1 Round: - 15 DB Front Squats (or lighter sandbag/medball squats) - 15 DB Snatches per side - 15 KB Swings - 15 Cals on bike or 200m row (ALL OUT!) *Use weight you can do about 20 reps with Rest as little as possible to get as many rounds as possible within 15 min If you do not have a bike or rower sub for another form of cardio (jump rope, sled push..) that you can do for 30-40s
1 x 15:00
Elite Bench Activation:
Elite Bench Activation: -Face Pulls 2x15+ -Explosive Push-ups 2x3-4 - goal here is just to be explosive
Bench Press
3 x 12
Incline DB Press˙
4 x 10
Pendlay Row
3 x 10
Rear Delt Choice
3 x 25
Dead Hang
2 x MAX
Ab Options
3xREPS Pick one: Ab Wheel Hanging Leg Raises Cable Crunches Weighted Planks GHR Situps
3 Rounds
We are going to end every session in this block with some cardio to get your HR up .... 3 rounds of high intensity, think 80% effort, it should be tough to finish Nasal breathing only, even during the rest phase. 60 sec on/ 60 sec rest Can be rower, assault bike, spin bike, treadmill, battle ropes...etc. Anything that you can push some high intensity with.
Elite Squat Activation:
Elite Squat Activation: Work these to get the blood moving and ready to squat - RKC Plank 2x 10-15 seconds) - Glute Bridges / Clamshells for the booty 2x15+ - Jumps (Squat jump / Broad Jump / Box Jump) 2x5
Front Squat
5 x 5
Deadstop Goodmorning
3 x 12
Leg Press
4 x 15
Bulgarian Split Squat
3 x 15
Deadbug Reverse Squat
2 x 10
3 Rounds
We are going to end every session in this block with some cardio to get your HR up .... 3 rounds of high intensity, think 80% effort, it should be tough to finish Nasal breathing only, even during the rest phase. 60 sec on/ 60 sec rest Can be rower, assault bike, spin bike, treadmill, battle ropes...etc. Anything that you can push some high intensity with.
Pro Strongman, coach, and engineer with 25 years of training experience in bodybuilding, powerlifting, and strongman.
Strength coach and competitive strongwoman who has been in the industry for over a decade!