The Trench Academy

Taylor Scott

5 sessions per week
Must use App app to view and log training
Program Training

sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 6-week program
COVID 19 *Day 1


Home- Monday Opener

@ 5:00



Trench/D1 Warm Up

Try to find a space of about 10yds to complete this warm up. If you can't just simply do the dynamic movements in place for a set of 20 every time it calls for 10 yds. Every Stretch will have a static exercise that then moves into a dynamic stretch. 1. Prison Squats x 12, Knee Pulls 10yds 2. Wide Outs x 12, Cross Over Walk 10yds 3. Stationary Reverse Lunge x 12 , Ankle Pulls 10yds 4. Plyo Split Squat x 12, High Kicks (Red Army) 10yds 5. Stationary Side Lunge x 12, Grass Grabbers 10yds 6. Stationary Forward Lunge x 12, Quad Walk 10 yds



Ground Series Lower Body

ON BACK: Single Leg Hip Thrusts x 12 Each Iron Crosses x 12 Each Sky Touches x 20 Leg Lifts x 20 Ankle Circles x 15 Each Foot, Each Way - Counter Clockwise and Clockwise ON STOMACH: Body Bridge Alternating AKA (Fish Outta Water) x 10 Each Scorpions x 10 Each Full Body Bridge AKA (Supermans) x 10 ALL FOURS: Do all four exercises on one side then do all four exercises on the other side. Heel Raises x 12 Hip Hinge x 12 Fire Hydrants (Rotate Forward) x 12 Fire Hydrants (Rotate Reverse) x 12



Sprint Progression

Need 15 yds for this drill or stay in one spot and simply do each individual movement for 8 seconds. To ensure that we are doing each movement correctly it should take us about 8 Full Seconds to cover a 5 yd area. This is an exaggerated Sprint Progression sequence that takes athletes through the three phases of the sprint. The acceleration phase, the midline phase, and the overspeed phase. This drill is all about mastering three main focuses. 1. Force Production into the Ground. 2. Quick Foot Turnover. 3. Knee Drive. Remember, we want to gain as much ground as possible when we run, but we should always maintain our forward lean. We want to open our stride by driving our knee up, not reaching with our foot. Sprint Progression Sequence: 1. Ankling - 5yds x 3 2. Buttkicks - 5yds x 3 3. Highknees - 5yds x 3 4. Ankling 5yds + Buttkicks 5yds x 3 5. Buttkicks 5yds + Highknees 5yds x 3 6. Ankling 5yds + Buttkicks 5yds + Highknees 5yds x 3


Home- Goblet Squat

5 x 20


Single Leg RDL

5 x 10


Home- Goblet Squat

5 x 20


Home - DB goblet bulgarian split squat

5 x 10


Home - Single Arm kettlebell swing

5 x 10




Lower Body AMRAP 1

AMRAP: 10 Min (As Many Rounds As Possible) 1. Burpee x 10 2. Broad Jump x 10 3. V-Up x 20 4. Reverse Lunge x 10 Each (20 Total) 5. Suitcases x 20 Press Start Session Timer at the the bottom before you begin and that will work as your stop watch. Make sure you upload your rounds so we have it on the Leader Board of the Day

COVID 19 *Day 2


Home- Tuesday Opener

@ 5:00



Trench/D1 Warm Up

Try to find a space of about 10yds to complete this warm up. If you can't just simply do the dynamic movements in place for a set of 20 every time it calls for 10 yds. Every Stretch will have a static exercise that then moves into a dynamic stretch. 1. Prison Squats x 12, Knee Pulls 10yds 2. Wide Outs x 12, Cross Over Walk 10yds 3. Stationary Reverse Lunge x 12 , Ankle Pulls 10yds 4. Plyo Split Squat x 12, High Kicks (Red Army) 10yds 5. Stationary Side Lunge x 12, Grass Grabbers 10yds 6. Stationary Forward Lunge x 12, Quad Walk 10 yds



Upper Body Push Primer #1

Entire Primer Should Take about 10 Minutes with Coaching Upper Body Activation: Push Up x 10, Inch Worm 5yds Plank Shoulder Taps x 10 Each, Inch Worm 5yds Mountain Climbers x 10 Each, Inch Worm 5yds Bird Dogs x 10 Each, Inch Worm 5yds Core Activation: 2 Rounds - With Med Ball Sky Touches x 20 Leg Lifts x 20 Russian Twists x 20 V-Ups x 20



Rapid Response Sequence

15yds Needed or as always do in place for 7-8 seconds on each movement Rapid Response Forward 5yds, 10yd Sprint, Down and Back Rapid Response with hip rotation forward 5yd, 10yd Sprint, Down and Back Lateral Rapid Response Right Leg Lead 5yd, 10yd Side Shuffle to Squat Hold, Down and Back (Make sure to come back left leg lead) Quick Foot Hop Scotch (In and Out) Forward 5yd, 10yd Sprint, Down and Back *** Emphasis should be on intensity. Should take roughly 7 seconds to get the full five yards on every rapid Response movement. They should be dying to get to the spring because of the amount of energy they are exerting with the fast feet. Divide them up into two groups if you have 10 or more in your class. The Rapid Response series is designed to activate fast twitch receptors and to train the neurological connectivity to the body. It will also help the conditioning of their lactic acid threshold and build muscle definition. All things your athletes will want to know***



Lateral Hurdle Drill

Rules: 1. This drill can be done in order from 1-4 or the best way to do it is to have someone else call out numbers from 1-4 at random. We want to do this drill at full speed for a minimum of five rounds and we should every number at least twice. This means each rounds should be a minimum of 8 Reps 2. Set up at least cones in a straight line that we are going to step over laterally. 3. Athlete will step over every cone and plant of the outside foot over the last cone. The number 1 means the athlete should go down the line of cones and stick and hold on the outside foot. The number 2 means the athlete should go down the cones and come back and stick off of the outside foot. The number 3 means the athlete will go down, back, down and stick on the outside foot. Finally the number 4 means the athlete will go down, back down, back and stick on the outside foot. Each number should be hit at least twice for a total of 8 reps in each set and we will fave a minimum of five sets.


Home - Triple Set

@ 5:00


Walkover Push Ups

5 x 10


Seated DB Curl + Press

5 x 20


DB Front Raise

5 x 20



Upper Body AMRAP 1

AMRAP 12 Min: (As Many Rounds As Possible) 1. Thrusters x 12 2. Lateral Raises x 12 3. Dips x 20 4. Leg Raises x 20 5. Plank Ups x Each Side


Trench Covid-19 Home Workout Program