Performance Syndicate

Tactical / Military, Multi-sport
Hunter Schurrer

With the new Army ACFT coming to fruition now is the time to act! This is an all inclusive 12 week program designed to prepare you to the best of your ability to excel at the new fitness test. 

This program has been a process in the making and has been built of the experience of those in the SOF community but for those who need to raise their fitness to the succeed not only in this test but their role in the Army. 

This training is designed for those in the Army whose job and future could be determined off how you perform. Gone are the days of push ups, sit ups and just the two mile.  Specifically training only for those events won't cut it so why not take the guess work out?  You need to have a combination of multiple skill sets to allow yourself the ability operate in a constant changing environment. We pull from the functional fitness world, weightlifting, bodybuilding, powerlifting, and gymnastics to build the best program to create the best athletes we can. 

Our programs are all-inclusive from the time you start your session including warm up, activation, training and conditioning.  We are constantly testing and adjusting training as we go so you will be able to see yourself respond to your hard work and your training will accommodate you accordingly. 

This ACFT Training Plan is written and coached by Coach Hunter Schurrer.  Hunter is a strength and conditioning coach with over 20 years in the private, Special Operations, and Collegiate spaces. He is dedicated to the relentless pursuit of increasing his athletes capabilities and quality of  life.

Hunter is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach (CSCS) through the NSCA. He is a certified Integrative Health Coach and a Level1 Precision Nutrition Coach. With USA Weightlifting he is a Level 2 Advanced Sports Performance Coach and Certified in Athlete Development. He hold a certifications in Myokinematic Restoration from the Postural Restoration Institute and is certified in Blood Flow Restriction Rehabilitation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How long are the workouts?

A. Five training sessions per week, depending on the session but most last 60-75 minutes per training session.

Q. How long should I take to rest in between sets?

A. Unless specified, the higher the intensity, the longer the rest. This can range anywhere from 90 sec to 3 min. 

Q. Are there demonstration videos included?

A. Yes, and points of performance for every exercise.

Q. Is there an opportunity for coaching during the cycle?

A. Yes, download the free TrainHeroic mobile app and use the Feed feature where you can upload training videos and communicate with Hunter personally.

Q. How long is each training cycle?

A. The entire program is 12 weeks long and broken up in to three, four week blocks.

Q. I have more questions, where can I have those answered?

A. Please email Coach Hunter at or visit

5 sessions per week
Must use App app to view and log training
Program Training
Recommended EquipmentBarbell and Bumper PlatesSet of Dumbbells or KettlebellsA Pull-Up Bar and Squat RackMedicine BallsPlyometric Boxes (approx. 12-24 Inch)Adjustable benchesSled and turf area is a bonusBands Conditioning equipment // air bike // rower // etc.Don't have the exact equipment // no worries // we can adjust accordingly to make the training work to what you have.
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 12-week program
Week 1 Day 2



Foam Roll

Roll out your feet with a tennis ball - 30 - 60 sec per foot Foam roll major muscle groups for 10-20 rolls.



General Warm Up

Our main purpose is to get our heart rate up, breathing rate up and body temperature up. General movement works just fine up less I specifies otherwise. Several options include, but not limited to: Jump Rope - 200 touches aka jumps 5 min of the machine of your choice Jogging, skipping, shuffling, carioca, etc.



ACFT Total Body Movement Prep

High Knee Pull x 5 ea Quad Walk x 5 ea Reverse Lunge w/ Overhead Reach x 5 ea Heel and Toe x 5 ea Lateral Lunge x 5 ea Hamstring Squats x 10 Single Leg Groiner w/ SIngle Arm Reach x 5 ea Glute Bridge x 5 w/ ISO2 at top Alt. SL Lower x 5 ea Back to Wall Overhead Arm Raise x 10 Banded Internal and External Hip Rotation x 10 ea Banded Squats x 10 Pogos - 2x5 - rest 30 sec between sets

ACFT Extended Movement Prep 1


Front Plank x 30 sec - tuck those hips and squeeze those abs Lying Banded External Rotations x 10 - push that low back into the ground Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat hold at bottom x 10 sec ea leg Bicycle Sit Up x 10 ea way - get that low back off the ground



3 x 10


Trap Bar Deadlift

10, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 @ _ , 45, 55, 60, 65, 65, 65 %


Alternate Grip Pull Up

8, 4, MAX, _


Physioball Leg Curl

2 x 10


Alternating Db Bench Press

2 x 10


Band Pull-Apart

2 x 12


DB Farmer's Walk

2 x 50


1-mile Run



Recovery Period

Start that recovery period. This can be as many as you have time for but help get that body ready. We only improve on what we can recover from. 5 min easy bike Foam Roll Static Stretch Contrast Shower - 2-3 min hot, 1-2 min cold for a couple of rounds SLEEP

Week 1 Day 3



Foam Roll

Roll out your feet with a tennis ball - 30 - 60 sec per foot Foam roll major muscle groups for 10-20 rolls.

General Warm Up


Jog to Backpedal - 5x 20 yd forward / 20 yd backward Increase in speed each rep



ACFT Conditioning Movement Prep

High Knee Pull x 10 yd Quad Walk x 10 yd Lunge w/ Twist x 20 yd Inch Worm to Push Up x10 yd Alternating Prison Squat x 10 yd - squat with hands on your head, flip turn face the other way, basically a squat that has you move Straight Leg Sit Up x 10

Non-Impact Steady State


Ideally if you have access to some machines, bike, rower, versa climber, etc. We want to minimize some of the impact on the body and running we are doing as during this train up we will be running quite a bit. A hike or walk is an acceptable change as well. Today, 15 min The pace should be something you could breathe just through your nose with. We are building or aerobic capacity, low and slow. This duration will continue to build in the upcoming weeks.



Recovery Period

Start that recovery period. This can be as many as you have time for but help get that body ready. We only improve on what we can recover from. 5 min easy bike Foam Roll Static Stretch Contrast Shower - 2-3 min hot, 1-2 min cold for a couple of rounds SLEEP

Week 1 Day 4



Foam Roll

Roll out your feet with a tennis ball - 30 - 60 sec per foot Foam roll major muscle groups for 10-20 rolls.



General Warm Up

Our main purpose is to get our heart rate up, breathing rate up and body temperature up. General movement works just fine up less I specifies otherwise. Several options include, but not limited to: Jump Rope - 200 touches aka jumps 5 min of the machine of your choice Jogging, skipping, shuffling, carioca, etc.

ACFT Total Body Movement Prep


High Knee Pull x 5 ea Quad Walk x 5 ea Reverse Lunge w/ Overhead Reach x 5 ea Heel and Toe x 5 ea Lateral Lunge x 5 ea Hamstring Squats x 10 Single Leg Groiner w/ SIngle Arm Reach x 5 ea Glute Bridge x 5 w/ ISO2 at top Alt. SL Lower x 5 ea Back to Wall Overhead Arm Raise x 10 Banded Internal and External Hip Rotation x 10 ea Banded Squats x 10 Pogos - 2x5 - rest 30 sec between sets



ACFT Extended Movement Prep 3

Reverse Plank - x 30 sec - you can go on your elbows or hands with arms straight. Push those hips to the ceiling. Banded Pass-Throughs - 1x10 - keep those ribs down, control the movement, especially through any sticking point. Push Up Hold at bottom - x 10 sec - hold off the ground a few inches. V-Ups - 1x12 - everything comes off the ground except those glutes


Standing Power Throw

1 x 4 @ 8 lb


Box Jump

3 x 3


Hand Release Push Up with Arm Extension (HRP)

1 x MAX @ 2:00


Ab Wheel

2 x 8



2 x 12


Reverse Crunch

2 x 12


90 Degree ISO2 Reverse Lunge

2 x 12


Backward Sled Drag

2 x 50


2 Mile Run



Recovery Period

Start that recovery period. This can be as many as you have time for but help get that body ready. We only improve on what we can recover from. 5 min easy bike Foam Roll Static Stretch Contrast Shower - 2-3 min hot, 1-2 min cold for a couple of rounds SLEEP

Week 1 Day 5



Foam Roll

Roll out your feet with a tennis ball - 30 - 60 sec per foot Foam roll major muscle groups for 10-20 rolls.

General Warm Up


Jog to Backpedal - 5x 20 yd forward / 20 yd backward Increase in speed each rep



ACFT Conditioning Movement Prep

High Knee Pull x 10 yd Quad Walk x 10 yd Lunge w/ Twist x 20 yd Inch Worm to Push Up x10 yd Alternating Prison Squat x 10 yd - squat with hands on your head, flip turn face the other way, basically a squat that has you move Straight Leg Sit Up x 10



ACFT Run Prep

High Knee March - In place x 5 sec then move 10 yds High Knee Skip - In place x 5 sec then move 10 yds High Knees - In place x 5 sec then move 10 yds Pogos x 5 Forward Moving Pogos x 5 Build Ups - 3x25 yds - Start off easy and gradually build in speed each rep



Today will become our milage day. Do NOT turn this into a time trial. We are looking to build the volume on our feet and aerobic capacity specific to running. Faster is not better. Very comfortable pace is what we are after here. Today, 2 mile in 20 min Everyone is different so if you end up going a little faster as that is something comfortable to you, great. Run at a pace you could maintain for 5 miles.



Recovery Period

Start that recovery period. This can be as many as you have time for but help get that body ready. We only improve on what we can recover from. 5 min easy bike Foam Roll Static Stretch Contrast Shower - 2-3 min hot, 1-2 min cold for a couple of rounds SLEEP

Week 1 Day 6



Foam Roll

Roll out your feet with a tennis ball - 30 - 60 sec per foot Foam roll major muscle groups for 10-20 rolls.



General Warm Up

Our main purpose is to get our heart rate up, breathing rate up and body temperature up. General movement works just fine up less I specifies otherwise. Several options include, but not limited to: Jump Rope - 200 touches aka jumps 5 min of the machine of your choice Jogging, skipping, shuffling, carioca, etc.

ACFT Total Body Movement Prep


High Knee Pull x 5 ea Quad Walk x 5 ea Reverse Lunge w/ Overhead Reach x 5 ea Heel and Toe x 5 ea Lateral Lunge x 5 ea Hamstring Squats x 10 Single Leg Groiner w/ SIngle Arm Reach x 5 ea Glute Bridge x 5 w/ ISO2 at top Alt. SL Lower x 5 ea Back to Wall Overhead Arm Raise x 10 Banded Internal and External Hip Rotation x 10 ea Banded Squats x 10 Pogos - 2x5



ACFT Extended Movement Prep 5

Bar Hang (passive/active) - 1x20 sec/ 10 sec - leg yourself passively hang for 20 sec, then actively pull up through those shoulder blades and hold Scap Push Ups - 1x10 - arms stay straight. The movement all happens in the shoulder blades, control yourself into retraction then push and protract getting those shoulder blades to slide across your back. Goblet Squat w/ 25 lb plate + Press - 1x5+5 - perform 5 goblet squats, on the 5th one stay at the bottom of your squat, press the plate straight out then control it back. Repeat for 5. Side Elbow Plank - 1x30 sec ea side


Shuffle + Shuffle + Sprint

4 x 10


Goblet Squat

10, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 @ _ , 45, 55, 60, 65, 65, 65 %


Leg Tuck

1 x MAX @ 2:00



MAX, _


Single Arm DB Row

2 x 10


Run with Medicine Ball

2 x 60 @ 20 lb


Push Up Plank

2 x 0:30


Bar Hang - Passive / Active

2 x 0:30

Machine Intervals


Select a machine of your choice. Prefered options are versa climber, self propelled treadmill assault bike or spin bike. Secondary options would include rower or treadmill. As fast as possible for the "on" and was easy and controlled for the "off" but keep moving the entire time. 10x10 sec on / 50 sec off



Recovery Period

Start that recovery period. This can be as many as you have time for but help get that body ready. We only improve on what we can recover from. 5 min easy bike Foam Roll Static Stretch Contrast Shower - 2-3 min hot, 1-2 min cold for a couple of rounds SLEEP

coach-avatar Hunter Schurrer

ACFT Training Plan