High Performance Hamstrings

Miller Sport Performance

Football , Soccer, Field Sports, Track & Field
Brayden Miller

Are you or your athletes sick of recurring hamstring issues? If you play or work in field sports like football or soccer, then you know first hand how annoying hamstring strains can be. Once you feel that “pop” you know its going to be a while before you can get back to a normal routine. Worst of all, now you have strained it once, the chances of you doing it again go up astronomically! Thats because conventional rehab usually consists of the same old routine of rehab (stim+ice), exercise (RDLs), and try running again.

If you are tired of the same old routine, check out my 8 Week program, High Performance Hamstrings.

In this program you’ll get the 5 step proven process to getting stronger and more resilient hamstrings, that won’t let you down again.

Soft Tissue Considerations

Isometrics + Pelvis Repositioning

Eccentric Lengthening


Sprint Volume

Get access to over 40 exercises(!) that I use daily with my professional athletes to ensure they're always ready to perform.

Find Your Weak Points
Using this 5 step proven process, you will address all components of healthy hamstrings, not just pure strength.
Build Confidence in your Hamstrings
Through proper pelvis biomechanics, isometric strength, eccentric length, and intelligent plyometric and running progressions, build your confidence to know your hamstrings won't let you down again when you need to be at your best.
Return to Sport Better than Before
Conventional rehab and return to play programs would like to get you back to your previous level of strength and confidence. That isn't going to cut it. If you want to finally break the cycle of hamstring injuries, you need to be better than before. Stronger. Smarter. Equipped with the exercises and knowledge to never again need to miss time because of hamstring injuries.
Access to your coaches
Access to Brayden to answer any questions you might have, or recommendations specific to your situation.
Programming 3 days per week
3 Days of hamstring specific work that can be done as a standalone program, or as an accessory program in your existing training regime.
Exercise Video Guidance
Instructional videos to guide your workout and make execution easy.
Detailed, expert instruction
Trust the program built for professional athletes, guided by a 2x CFL Champion strength coach.
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Follow along seamlessly on the phone based app to save you time and energy from ditching the paper based programs.
Swiss Exercise Ball
TRX/Rings // Rig // Barbell
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 8-week program
Week 1 Day 1 - Iso's + Pelvis Position


Wall 90/90 Big Three

3 x 5


Box Copenhagen Knee Raise

3 x 5


Side Lying Box Push with Abduction

3 x 8


Prone Hamstring Iso 90

1 x 5 @ 5


Prone Hamstring Iso 45

1 x 5 @ 5


Prone Hamstring Iso 20

1 x 5 @ 5

Week 1 Day 3 - Iso's + Pelvis Positioning


Supine Cross Connect

3 x 5


Box Copenhagen Knee Raise

3 x 5


Side Lying Box Push with Abduction

3 x 8


Supine Hamstring Iso Rack 90

1 x 5 @ 5


Supine Hamstring Iso Rack 45

1 x 5 @ 5


Supine Hamstring Iso Peg 20

1 x 5 @ 5

Week 1 Day 5 - Pelvis + Deep Tissue Massage


Hip Capsule Stretch

2 x 5


Side Lying Wall Glute Activation

2 x 5


Lateral Lunge Iso

2 x 5


Deep Tissue Massage

1 x 45:00


Barbell Hamstring Smash

3 x 10


Band Single Leg Hamstring Extension

3 x 10


Rack Active Straight Leg Raise

3 x 10

coach-avatar Brayden Miller

Brayden has worked with professional athletes for the last 7 years, winning two Canadian Football League championships and continually honing his craft of making durable athletes.

Take Control

Break the cycle once and for all of endless hamstring injuries. Build the confidence to know you and your athletes can depend on their hamstrings through it all.

Get High Performance Hamstrings
Who is this for?
Anyone that doubts their hamstrings will be able to get them through a season or a workout. Football, soccer, track and field and tactical athletes all need to be able to sprint and not worry their hamstrings won't hold up.
What if I miss a Day?
No worries. With 3 days a week of programming, you have extra off days built in to allow for tissue recovery and also to allow to make up for a missed day.
What should I expect on an average training day?
Every training day begins with a warmup of pelvis positioning exercises to ensure your biomechanics are optimal; a hamstring specific stimulus to build strength and endurance; and plyometric and sprinting recommendations at later stages to ensure the return to play is as smooth as possible.
How much communication will I get with the coach?
Communication is easy through the Trainheroic app; simply enter your question or comment in the chat or workout section and get direct access instantly to Coach Miller.
What if I just injured my hamstring?
Communicate directly with Coach Miller to get direction on when to start the program as different levels of strain will require more time before the 1st phase of training can begin. Usually most individuals that have a mild degree of injury can begin phase 1 after 7-10 days of the initial injury.
What if I didn't strain my hamstring, but have had pain for a while?
If you have dealt with chronic pain in the hamstrings for any length of time, you can begin right away on phase 1. Communication with Coach Miller will ensure you are not doing anything too difficult to begin with, and will set you up for success in later phases.
Can I use this program with my Athletes as a coach?
Yes this program can be used as a stand alone, return to play program for coaches/therapist working with athletes; or can be used in tandem with a full body training program that needs a greater emphasis on hamstring resilience.
The Proof
verified-athlete-avatar Dakota Prukop

CFL Professional Quarterback

Verified Athlete

"What separates Brayden’s programming from the rest is his ability to look at the big picture and assess the athletes entire body, not just the injured area. When working with Brayden you will find that not only will you return to play quicker, but you will stay healthy moving forward.."

High Performance Hamstrings