No matter your fitness level or ability everyone starts in the 'Academy'. Here you will build a foundation of strength, flexibility, and conditioning while also developing a base of understanding.
This 12-week program will be challenging and rewarding from start to finish. From there you will be able to jump right into Fit By Fire Crew monthly membership.
3 Minutes of moderate pace cardio on rower or alternative you will use for the BURN section today. then 3 Rounds of: 10 Slow Alternating Bird Dogs 10 Russian Baby Makers 10 (5 each side) Lunge & Twist
Goblet Tempo Box Squat
3 x 8
Two-Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
3 x 10
Front Plank- Alternating Shoulder Taps
3 x 0:30
BURN 'Water Hammer'
3 Rounds of: 300 Meter Row* 20 Reverse Lunges (10 each Leg) 1:00 Minute or More Rest Between Rounds *if you do not have access to a rower, substitute 20 cal. on other cardio machine or a 3-400 Meter run. This portion shouldn't take more then 2:00 to complete. RFT refers to Rounds For Time. While we at FIT BY FIRE want you to focus on quality movement over competition, we still see a huge benefit to logging and repeating workouts. Record your total time including the rest between rounds.
5 Rounds of: AirBike or substitute :30-:30 Work-Rest Increasing Intensity each round then 3 Rounds of: 5 Inchworm + Push-Ups 10 Spiderman + Reach 15 Banded-Pull-A-Parts
Sumo Deadlift KB
3 x 10
2-Arm Floor Press
3 x 8
Kneeling Anti-Rotation
3 x 0:30
Weighted Hip Lifts
3 x 10
5 Rounds of: :20 Seconds of Assault Bike* :40 Seconds Rest :20 Seconds Up-Downs :40 Seconds Rest Looking to start building an engine through high-intensity intervals. This simple combo of assault bike and up-downs (no push-up burpees) will be something we build on over the next 4 weeks in phase 1. So it doesn't have to be crazy intense today. Work hard, rest as prescribed. *if you don't have access to a Bike feel free to sub out with any other machine or replace it with low step-ups, skipping, or jumping jacks if need be.
3 Rounds of :30 seconds of Mountain Climbers :30 Hip Bridge Hold then 2 Rounds of 10 Banded Face Pulls 10 Alternating Samson Stretch 10 Alternating Scorpion Stretch
Tempo Cable Pull-Downs (Bands Substitute)
3 x 8
Tempo Drop Split Squats- DB Front Squats
3 x 6
Upright Row
3 x 8
Leg Raises
3 x 10
BURN 'Farmland'
2 Rounds of 3 Min AMRAP: 20 Step-Ups 20 Meters Each Arm Single Arm DB Farmers Carry remaining time bear crawl rest 2 min and repeat *if you don't have room to perform carries or crawls, just msg Fit By Fire on the app chat and we will provide you with substitutes.
2 Rounds of: 10 Knee Hugs 10 Cradles 10 Straight Leg Kicks 10 Samson 10 Banded Shoulder Rotations then 2 Rounds of: 5 Dive Bombers 10 Worlds Greatest Stretch
Pausing Half Kneeling Strict Press
3 x 8
Dumbbell Split RDL
3 x 8
Side Plank
3 x 0:20
BURN Stations
2 Rounds of 1 Minute of Alternating DB Snatch 2 Minutes of Machine Cardio (400m run) 1 Minute Rest 1 Calorie = 1 rep Look to use a weight you can complete quality reps across a full :50 seconds of work without breaking.