Welcome to Momentum Foundations!
This is a beginner strength and conditioning program designed to get you started in fitness. You will build a base of strength and conditioning, as well as develop some skills to help navigate any future advanced program you may decide to focus on once you have a foundation set. Here are the basic's you should know about the program to get a better idea of what to expect:
Who this is for?
Beginner/Novices in strength & conditioning. Typically less than a year of experience on a dedicated program.
How long is it?
In totality the program will take 6 weeks. Each individual session should take less than an hour, ideally around 45 min in length. This can vary depending on external factors such as your gym's layout, peak hours, needing longer rest than what's written, etc.
How is it structured?
The first 3 weeks of the program are designed to keep intensity on the lower side, and focus on adding reps each session. Once you have 3 weeks of practice at your initial weights, and have built up a lot of experience, the program pivots the following three weeks into a more traditional strength program. This is where the goal is to add weight instead of reps. These three week blocks allow you to build a mixture of strength and conditioning to help build a broad spectrum of skills and development before you decide how you would like to focus your training, should you want to specialize in an area. (6 weeks is usually not enough to build a robust foundation, so you can consider running this a few times in a row once you've finished the 6 weeks, but more on this later)
What movements should you expect?
Where this is a beginner program, we want you to become proficient at staple movements you will find in almost any strength and conditioning program no matter the level of experience or goal. These movements also come with the added benefit of being the best time-efficient movements you can do, meaning you get more out of these movements than others for the amount of time dedicated to them. This is because most of them are compound movements (multi-joint exercises, that involve large amounts of muscle at the same time, rather than one or two in isolation). There are also some conditioning elements included in the program such as "supersets", and some interval training as an optional addition.
Examples of the movements included: Barbell squats, barbell deadlifts, barbell bench press, barbell overhead press, barbell rows, bulgarian split squats, lat pulldowns, dumbbell incline press, dumbbell rows, etc
What learning goals are included?
These are goals that go beyond just the physical part of our program. We want you to be comfortable running most programs after this foundational one, and because of that, you will need to be familiar with certain nuances of strength and conditioning programming, language, and principles. Learning language such as "reps, sets, intensity, volume, and RPE" will be essential for translating and making sense of any future program. Here are some basic definitions to get you started
Reps: Short for repetitions; how many times you perform each movement without rest
Sets: How many groupings of each movement you perform after rest
Intensity: How much effort is in each set, usually this refers to the amount of weight lifted. E.g. 135lbs for 3 sets of 5 reps (135lbs is the intensity/weight)
Volume: How much total amount of weight or reps you've completed. There are many ways to measure volume but an easy and common way is if you've done 3 sets of 5 reps, then your volume is 15 reps.
RPE: This is an acronym that stands for "Rate of Perceived Exertion". This is a more advanced way to auto-regulate how hard your individual sets are. Most RPE scales are outlined on a 1-10 scale that slides in effort. There is a breakdown of each numbers meaning on your second day in the optional interval training section.
Thank you for your interest in our Momentum Foundations program, and we hope you enjoy your time on the program! Stay tuned for future programs that will be released on our page.
- Krista & Matt
Features3 sessions per week
Must use App app to view and log training
Program Training