The 12-Week Run/Row Challenge

Training Tall

Austin Hendrickson

Are you someone who is trying to use running or rowing to lose 10+ pounds and improve your health for yourself and loved ones?

Or how about someone who is frustrated with the lack-of results so far and unsure about EXACTLY what to do for your running or rowing workouts? Or maybe you're experiencing pain, joint issues, or plateaus with your running or rowing?

Are you someone who is limited on time and has a busy summer coming up?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, the 12-Week Run/Row Challenge is exactly what you need to get fit and stay fit this summer!

This program is perfect for you if:

You're finally ready to unlock your true running, power-walking, or rowing potential!

You're ready to rid your body of muscle aches, pains, and joint issues!

You're wanting to burn off your excess body fat, get lean, and STAY LEAN!

You're looking for flexible, doable workouts that scale to YOUR ability!

You want full structure, support, and accountability from me, Training Tall!


Run, Walk, or Row - The Choice is Yours!
The unique structure of this program provides workouts for BOTH the rower and for running/walking on a treadmill or outdoors! You have the flexibility to choose your preferred form of cardio - knowing you'll have tailored workouts to help you train specifically for your choice! You're never "locked" to one or the other and have the freedom to choose your challenge for every workout!
Nervous to Run? Power-Walkers, Unite!
Getting "into running" can be very intimidating... I'm here to help you every step of the way - but if running isn't your thing for one reason or another, every workout is tailored to work for the avid Power-Walker, too! You'll have peace of mind knowing that you'll be getting results either way you choose! And you don't even need a treadmill!
Outdoors or Indoors - Your Choice!
This program is designed to give you the FREEDOM to choose to do your cardio outside or indoors! Want to do all of your workouts on your treadmill? Go for it! Want to take your runs or power-walks outside? The world is your backyard! There is so much flexibility to help you accommodate the workouts to match your lifestyle!
Strength & Mobility Support
We're not just rowing or running... we'll have two days each week specifically set aside to get strong and support our muscles and joints. You'll be building lean muscle mass, getting more flexible, and doing EXACTLY what it takes to stay pain-free with our cardio programming!
Live Webinars, Every Week
Each week I'll be hosting a live webinar (recorded and saved to view later, too) discussing topics of nutrition, diet, meal plans, macros, running shoes, technique, mindset, and so much more! Exclusive, in-depth talks with me to help you succeed during, and outside of your workouts!
Direct Access to Me, Training Tall!
I'll be there to guide you every step of the way and help tailor the program with options to fit you, your schedule, and your personal needs!
Programming 7 days per week
Scheduled cardio, strength/mobility, and rest days programmed progressively every week to keep you getting better every workout!
Nutrition, Macros, and Meal Plans!
I'll be hosting weekly webinars to talk about everything related to nutrition and diet to help you create a plan that works for you and your goals!
Exercise Demos, Run/Row Guides, and More!
I've made instructional videos for every exercise for every workout we do! I'll also be sharing exclusive run/row guides & technique videos!
Running & Rowing Form Reviews!
I'll personally be able to review your running form, rowing form, and exercise form as often as possible to give you the direct feedback you need!
Be a Part of the Exclusive Run/Row Community!
You'll be with me, and dozens of others taking part in this run/row challenge to share accomplishments and help keep each other accountable!
Delivered through TrainHeroic
Sweating over a lifeless PDF is so last year. I'm here to push you harder, know you better, and keep you progressing, all through an app.
A Way to Run, Walk, or Row! (Outdoor or Indoor)
Nike Run App // Heart Rate Monitor
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 12-week program
RUNNING Workout - Week 1 #1



Warm-Up for Running

2 Rounds: - Leg Swings x 12 each leg - Alternating Glute Pulls x 20 total - Shallow Lunge x 12 each leg - Pull Foot Hops x 12 each leg


5k Run/Jog/Power-walk Assessment


Mobility Assessment Protocol

Cool-Down Stretches


Post-Workout Stretches 1

Recovery exercises to do post-workout! Perform each stretch for 60 seconds and repeat all stretches 1-3 times! - Single Leg Hamstrings Stretch (60 seconds each side) - Static Chest & Shoulder Stretch - Seated Quadriceps Stretch (60 seconds each side) - Child's Pose

ROWING Workout - Week 1 #1



Warm-Up for Rowing

2 rounds: - Leg Swings x 12 each leg - Chest Huggers x 12 - Alternating Glute Pulls x 20 total - Alternating Quad Pulls x 20 total - Elephant Walks x 60 seconds


5k Rowing Assessment


Mobility Assessment Protocol

Cool-Down Stretches


Post-Workout Stretches 1

Recovery exercises to do post-workout! Perform each stretch for 60 seconds and repeat all stretches 1-3 times! - Single Leg Hamstrings Stretch (60 seconds each side) - Static Chest & Shoulder Stretch - Seated Quadriceps Stretch (60 seconds each side) - Child's Pose


Dynamic Mobility


Dynamic Mobility #1

Dynamic Mobility: Complete 3 rounds of the given exercises for the given reps or duration. Refer to the exercise demo videos as needed and take rest breaks as needed also! - Slow March - 60 seconds - Standing Slow Side Kick - 10 reps each side - Plank to Deep Squat - 10 reps, 1 sec pause in the squat - Inchworm Cobra - 10 reps, 1 sec pause in the stretch

Strength Support


Stength Support #1

Strength Support: Perform one exercise for the given reps or duration, then move on to the next. Once all exercises are complete, repeat for 3 rounds total. Refer to the exercise demo videos as needed and take rest breaks as needed also! - Pike - 10 reps - Push-Up - 10 reps, challenging - Reverse Lunge to Knee - 10 reps each leg - Super Hero - 10 slow reps - Wall Calf Raise - 10 slow reps

Post-Workout Stretches


Post-Workout Stretches #4

Post-Workout Stretches: Recovery exercises to do post-workout! Perform each stretch for 60 seconds and repeat all stretches 1-3 times! - Child's Pose - Hip Flexor Stretch - Seated Quadriceps Stretch - Single Leg Hamstrings Stretch - Frogger Stretch

RUNNING Workout - Week 1 #2



Warm-Up for Running

2 Rounds: - Leg Swings x 12 each leg - Alternating Glute Pulls x 20 total - Shallow Lunge x 12 each leg - Pull Foot Hops x 12 each leg


Running / Jogging / Power Walking

Cool-Down Stretches


Post-Workout Stretches 2

Perform each stretch for the given duration and repeat all stretches for 1-3 rounds! - Mermaid Stretch (60 sec) - Hamstrings Lat Combo Stretch (60 sec each side) - Frogger (60 sec) - Wall Calf Stretch (60 sec each side)

ROWING Workout - Week 1 #2



Warm-Up for Rowing

2 rounds: - Leg Swings x 12 each leg - Chest Huggers x 12 - Alternating Glute Pulls x 20 total - Alternating Quad Pulls x 20 total - Elephant Walks x 60 seconds



Cool-Down Stretches


Post-Workout Stretches 2

Perform each stretch for the given duration and repeat all stretches for 1-3 rounds! - Mermaid Stretch (60 sec) - Hamstrings Lat Combo Stretch (60 sec each side) - Frogger (60 sec) - Wall Calf Stretch (60 sec each side)


Dynamic Mobility


Dynamic Mobility #2

Dynamic Mobility: Complete 3 rounds of the given exercises for the given reps or duration. Refer to the exercise demo videos as needed and take rest breaks as needed also! - Alt Infinity Reach - 60 seconds - Alt Standing Side Reach - 60 seconds - Ground Tap Lateral Shift - 60 seconds - Jefferson Curl - 60 seconds

Strength Support


Strength Support #2

Strength Support: Perform one exercise for the given reps or duration, then move on to the next. Once all exercises are complete, repeat for 3 rounds total. Refer to the exercise demo videos as needed and take rest breaks as needed also! - Adductor Lift - 10 reps each side - Prone Push-Up - 10 reps - Good Morning - 10 reps, 1 sec pause in the stretch - T-Raise - 10 slow reps - KOT Wall Calf Raise - 10 slow reps

Post-Workout Stretches


Post-Workout Stretches #4

Post-Workout Stretches: Recovery exercises to do post-workout! Perform each stretch for 60 seconds and repeat all stretches 1-3 times! - Child's Pose - Hip Flexor Stretch - Seated Quadriceps Stretch - Single Leg Hamstrings Stretch - Frogger Stretch

Rest Day


Daily Steps

ROWING Workout - Week 1 #3



Warm-Up for Rowing

2 rounds: - Leg Swings x 12 each leg - Chest Huggers x 12 - Alternating Glute Pulls x 20 total - Alternating Quad Pulls x 20 total - Elephant Walks x 60 seconds



Cool-Down Stretches


Post-Workout Stretches 3

Butterfly Groin Stretch - 60 sec Forearm Static Stretch - 30 sec palms down, 30 sec palms up Deep Squat Stretch - 60 sec Wall Chest Stretch - 60 sec each side Shoe Grab Hamstrings Stretch - 60 sec

RUNNING Workout - Week 1 #3



Warm-Up for Running

2 Rounds: - Leg Swings x 12 each leg - Alternating Glute Pulls x 20 total - Shallow Lunge x 12 each leg - Pull Foot Hops x 12 each leg


Running / Jogging / Power Walking

Post-Workout Stretches


Post-Workout Stretches 3

Butterfly Groin Stretch - 60 sec Forearm Static Stretch - 30 sec palms down, 30 sec palms up Deep Squat Stretch - 60 sec Wall Chest Stretch - 60 sec each side Shoe Grab Hamstrings Stretch - 60 sec

Rest Day


Daily Steps

coach-avatar Austin Hendrickson

aka Training Tall! I've been training folks on rowing and running for over 9 years now! I was a competitive rower in college & have dedicated my life to helping people better understand and perform rowing, running, and all things fitness!

It's time for something new...

This is the PERFECT opportunity to branch out of your usual routine to push yourself in a challenging new way. Rest assured, you're in my care and I'm here to help you navigate every step of the way! What have you got to lose?! The time is now... NOW, DO I

Get The 12-Week Run/Row Challenge
Who is this program for?
This program is for anyone who is looking to get proper guidance, training, and RESULTS from either running (or power-walking) or rowing! Whether you're NEW and just getting started, or you're a seasoned athlete, every workout is timed and scales to your personal fitness level!
I'm scared to run and I don't have a rower...
While starting a running routine sounds scary, I am here to help you ease into it! If you really don't want to jog or run, every workout scales for power-walkers, too - and you can achieve THE SAME RESULTS as runners!
I don't have a treadmill... can I still do the workouts?
YES!! I specifically designed this program to be done without treadmills to make it accessible for traveling & a busy life this summer! I'll guide you through exactly how to make the most out of every workout!
Do I need weights for the strength training?
NOPE! Every strength exercise we do requires no equipment and every exercise can scale to your personal fitness level!
I'm not sure about my form and I'm scared I might hurt myself...
I am here every day to personally provide form reviews for your running, power-walking, rowing, and strength exercises! You'll have direct 1 on 1 access to me to coach you every step of the way!
Do you make meal plans?
We cover EVERYTHING you need to know about nutrition and meal planning. I'll give you all of the knowledge you need to feel confident about your nutrition. If you want further help, I can provide personalized meal plans for you and your goals!
How long are the workouts and how many are there each week?
There are 3 run/walk/row cardio workouts each week (20-30 minutes each). There are 2 strength/mobility workouts each week (15-30 minutes each). And there are also two scheduled rest days!
The Proof
verified-athlete-avatar Laura V.

Lost 30 pounds in 3 months!

Verified Athlete

"This is the first time I feel like I have a shot at not gaining the weight back! I can't express how amazing the workouts have been!"

verified-athlete-avatar Adrian H.

Visibly leaner in just 10 weeks!

Verified Athlete

"I am so grateful to have found Austin and that he sticks by me!"

The 12-Week Run/Row Challenge