The 2024 New Year, New You Challenge!

Training Tall

Austin Hendrickson

It’s 2024 and it’s time to FINALLY take control of your fitness and health. No more messing around, no more “how do I get started”, and no more worrying if you’re “doing the right workouts."

This 90-Day New Year New You Challenge is 90 days of fully structured and planned workouts and routines!

This challenge will give you everything you need to be the fittest you in 90 days - with NO EQUIPMENT NEEDED!

With 5 main workouts per week, all with demo guidance, scalable intensity, the exact reps and sets to do, and no more than 30 minutes a workout, this challenge is perfect for anyone of ANY fitness level!

What’s in it for you outside of getting in your best shape possible in 90 days?

At the end of the challenge, I’ll select 2 winners to receive $250, directly from me to you, for you to use on anything related to your fitness and health journey! How do you win? The winners will be selected based on 3 aspects: workout compliance, body composition change, and a simple before/after assessment. You do NOT have to lose the most weight to win the challenge!

Take Out the Guess-Work!
You won't have to worry about "what you should do for your workout"! I've got you covered for every single day in the program!
Look and Feel Your Best!
My program uniquely combines both strength and functional flexibility - so you'll not only look your best, but feel your best, too!
No Equipment? No Space? No Problem.
This program is specifically designed to be done with no workout equipment at all. You'll get in the best shape of your life in the comfort and safety of your own home!
Programming 7 days per week
I've got you covered with the most efficient workouts and structured rest days every day, for 90 days!
Demo Videos
I've filmed every movement so you know exactly what to do and how to do it!
Detailed, expert instruction
Beyond sets and reps, I'll provide you with all the workout details you need to get the most out of each day!
Delivered through TrainHeroic
I've partnered with the best tech in training so you get an online training experience that works as hard as you do!
Your Body (ONLY)!
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 13-week program
Day 1 - Total Body Strength

Warm Up


Chest Hugs - 20 hugs Shoulder Circle Series x 12 reps forward, 12 reps backwards Slow March x 60 sec alternating Shallow Lunge x 60 sec alternating Hinge x 60 sec



1 x MAX



4 rounds of: - 1.5 Rep Squat - 60 seconds AMRAP - Back Extension to Lat Pulldown - 10 reps - Single Leg Good Morning - 10 reps each side - Alternating Single Leg V-Up - 20 total reps Rest as needed between rounds.

Day 2 - Total Body Mobility



4 Rounds: - Ms and Ws - 60 seconds - Standing Straight Leg Raise - 10 reps each side, 1 sec pause at the top - Full Body Bridge - 10 reps, 1 sec pause at the top - Elephant Walk - 60 seconds, Alternating - KOT Calf Raise - 10 reps, 1 sec pause at the top Rest as needed between rounds.

Day 3 - Total Body Strength



Chest Hugs - 20 hugs Shoulder Circle Series x 12 reps forward, 12 reps backwards Slow March x 60 sec alternating Shallow Lunge x 60 sec alternating Hinge x 60 sec



4 rounds of: - Triceps Pushup - 60 seconds AMRAP with good form, slow speed - Split Lunge - 30 seconds AMRAP each leg - Reverse Snow Angel - 10 reps - Single Leg Bridge - 10 reps each side - Straight Leg Raise - 10 total reps, slow Rest as needed between rounds. Add your total pushup reps across all 4 rounds to the leaderboard field to get on today's leaderboard!

Day 4 - Recovery Day



2-3 Rounds: - Seated Quadriceps Stretch - 60 seconds each side - Seated Hamstrings Lat Stretch - 60 seconds each side - Child’s Pose - 60 seconds - KOT Calf Stretch - 60 seconds



Day 5 - Total Body Strength



Chest Hugs - 20 hugs Shoulder Circle Series x 12 reps forward, 12 reps backwards Slow March x 60 sec alternating Shallow Lunge x 60 sec alternating Hinge x 60 sec



4 rounds of: - Wide Pushup - 60 sec AMRAP, slow & good form - Straight-Arm Good Morning - 10 slow reps - Lying Y Raise - 10 slow reps - Lateral Lunge - 16 total reps - Stick to Stone - 10 reps Rest as needed between rounds. Add your total pushup reps across all 4 rounds to the leaderboard field to get on today's leaderboard!

Day 6 - Total Body Mobility



4 Rounds: - Alt Lightning Bolt - 60 seconds - Kneeling Abduction - 10 reps each side, 1 sec pause at the top - Kneeling Adduction - 10 reps, 1 sec pause at the top - Standing Pancake - 60 seconds, Alternating - Wall Calf Raise - 10 reps, 1 sec pause at the top Rest as needed between rounds.

Day 7 - Recovery Day

Warm Up


2-3 Rounds: - Standing Hamstrings Stretch - 60 seconds - Forearm Stretch - 30 seconds palms down, 30 seconds palms up - Single Leg Calf Stretch - 60 seconds each side - Child’s Pose - 60 seconds



The 2024 New Year, New You Challenge!