8th Street Gym

Sean Hayes

Total Body Triple Threat is a 10-Week Workout Program that is designed to help you LOOK BETTER, FEEL BETTER, & MOVE BETTER!!  

To accomplish this, the program is broken down into 3 Phases, each is which 3 weeks long! The 1st Phase will focus on Slow & Controlled ECCENTRICS!  By focusing on slowing down and controlling the exercises in this phase we will ensure proper technique and safety, as well as ensure a solid foundation is set for the rest of the program!

The 2nd phase will be an ISOmetric-focused phase where we will incorporate PAUSED reps. This phase will also introduce "REVERSE ORDER" workouts where we flip the traditional workout order on its head, hitting our main lifts at the end of the training sessions!

Week 7 will be our DELOAD week, which is a week designed to ease off the gas pedal in terms of overall intensity. Range of motion, perfect execution, and using lighter weights will allow us to give both our bodies and our brains a chance to reset before we head into Phase 3.

After getting reset & recharged from our DELOAD week, we head into our 3rd & FINAL phase!  This phase will introduce CONTRAST SETS that are aimed to enhance our overall power by pairing our main lift with athletic and explosive movements! By utilizing the concept of POTENTIATION, we should generate a more powerful muscular response in our movement (performance) if it is preceded by a strong muscular contraction!

Each Phase has 3 Total Body Lifts/Workouts and 1 "GET RIGHT" Day.  These "Get Right" days are designed to get our bodies right by utilizing elite level recovery and injury prevention strategies to the common problem areas we tend to have as human beings. They are designed to be lower intensity days that if done consistently, will pay huge dividends to us in the end!

Each phase incorporates high-quality training principals and protocols to ensure quality results. Everything from the warm-ups to the exercise selection & sequencing, this program is DIALED IN, ready to change your physique and movement quality! All you have to do is GET AFTER IT!


4 sessions per week
Must use App app to view and log training
Program Training
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 10-week program
Day 1 Total Body: Eccentric Phase



Release & Open Day 1

Release: Foam Roll Calves / Glutes / Hamstrings / Quads x 15-30 sec ea Foam Roll Pecs / Lats / Upper Back x 15-30 sec ea Open: Ankle DF Stretch (Slant Board) & Calf Stretch x 30 sec ea Hip Flexor Stretch & Pigeon Stretch x 30 sec ea Relaxed Pull-Up Hang & "Bretzel" Stretch x 30 sec ea



Activate Day 1

Activate: Band Walks 2 sets of x 10 steps ea way Glute Bridge "Walkouts" 2 sets of x 5 reps Band Pull Aparts 2 sets of x 10 reps Deadbugs (Med Ball) 2 sets of x 5 reps ea


DB Clean - Squat - Press

3 x 5


Heels Elevated Back Squat (Slow Eccentric)

4 x 6


Ring Pull-Up (Slow Eccentric)

4 x 4


1 Arm "Non Lock" DB Incline Press

3 x 12


"2 In - 1 Out" Hamstring Curls (Foam Roller)

3 x 6


3-Way Incline DB Bicep Curls

3 x 5


Elevated Knee Tucks

3 x 10

Day 2 Total Body: Eccentric Phase



Release & Open Day 2

Release: Foam Roll Calves / Glutes / Hamstrings / Quads x 15-30 sec ea Foam Roll Pecs / Lats / Upper Back x 15-30 sec ea Open: 1/2 Kneeling Ankle CARs x 3-5 reps ea 1/2 Kneeling Rocking Hip Flexor & Hamstring Stretch x 3-5 reps ea Quadruped Hip CARs x 3-5 reps ea Quadruped Rocking Groin Stretch x 3-5 reps ea Tall Kneeling Shoulder CARs x 3-5 reps ea Tall Kneeling T-Spine Twists x 3-5 reps ea



Activate Day 2

Activate: Band Resisted Side Plank Clamshells 2 sets of x 5 reps ea Band or Rope Face Pulls with External Rotation 2 sets of x 10 reps Band "Moonwalker" TKEs 2 sets of x 10 reps ea Push Up with Shoulder Touch 2 sets of x 5 reps ea


DB Push Press (Jerk)

3 x 5


BB Bench Press (Slow Eccentric)

4 x 6


Snatch Grip RDL (Slow Eccentric)

4 x 6


Foot Elevated "Non Lock" Lateral Lunge

3 x 12


"2 In - 1 Out" Seated Cable Row

3 x 6


Far to Near Tricep Pushdowns

3 x 5


Single Leg Calf Raise (Slant Board)

3 x 8

Day 3 Total Body: Eccentric Phase



Release & Open Day 3

Release: Foam Roll Calves / Glutes / Hamstrings / Quads x 15-30 sec ea Foam Roll Pecs / Lats / Upper Back x 15-30 sec ea Open: 3D Mapping Reach & Touch x 3-5 reps ea Step Through Reach & Touch x 3-5 reps ea T-Spine Rotate & Reach x 3-5 reps ea Step Through T-Spine Rotate & Reach x 3-5 reps ea Lateral Bends x 3-5 reps ea Step Through Lateral Bends x 3-5 reps ea



Activate Day 3

Activate: Banded Glute Bridge with Knee Flare 2 sets of x 10 reps Band Hi - Lo "No Money" Pull Aparts 2 sets of x 10 reps ea way Leaning Toe Risers 2 sets of x 10-15 reps ISO Hold Rear Delts Y-W-T 2 sets of x 10-15 sec ea position Y-Handcuffs 2 sets of x 5 reps


DB Power Snatch

3 x 5


Trap Bar Deadlift

4 x 6


Weighted Dips

4 x 6


1/2 Kneeling 1 Arm "Non Lock" Cable Row

3 x 12


"2 Up - 1 Down" Box Squats

3 x 6


Full ROM Lateral Raises

3 x 8


"Stop n' Go" Farmers Walks

@ 10

Get Right Day Phase 1



Perform x 1 Round: Lacrosse Ball Foot OR Foam Roll Calves x 30 sec ea (Slant Board) Ankle Stretch x 30 sec ea *Push Knee Forward with Heel Down Wall or Ledge Calf Stretch x 30 sec ea



Perform x 1 Round: Lacrosse Ball OR Foam Roll Glutes x 30 sec ea Pigeon Stretch x 30 sec ea Foam Roll Inner Thigh / Groin x 30 sec ea Rocking Groin Stretch x 5 reps ea Foam Roll Quads x 30 sec ea Hip Flexor / “Couch” Stretch x 30 sec ea



Perform x 1 Round: Foam Roll Lats x 30 sec ea Rack or Band Lat Stretch x 30 sec ea Foam Roll or Lacrosse Ball Pecs x 30 sec ea Rack or Band Pec Stretch x 30 sec ea



Perform x 2-3 Rounds Leaning Toe Risers (Upper Back Against a Wall, Legs Out in Front) x 15-20 reps “Moonwalker” Band TKEs x 10-15 reps ea leg Foam Roller, TRX, or Floor Slide Hamstring Curls x 10 reps Bent Knee Copenhagen Side Planks x 5-10 reps ea leg Incline Bench Light DB Cuban Presses x 5-10 reps Med Ball Dead Bugs x 5-10 reps ea way



Choose A OR B. Aim for x 15-25 min of work! A.) Tempo Intervals Choose any cardio machine or exercise of your liking. Some good examples are as follows: Incline Treadmill Striders, Weighted Jump Rope, Sled Pushes, Rower, Assault Bike, Battle Ropes, Heavy Bag Punches. Follow a 20 seconds ON / 40 seconds OFF protocol for the target amount of time. Be sure to keep a smooth TEMPO where your effort level stays around a 7 out of 10, ensuring that you maintain quality throughout the entire duration! To increase difficulty, change the intervals to x 30 ON / x 30 OFF. B.) “Double Trouble” Choose TWO exercises to perform. Ideally, you want to choose ONE Lower Body dominant exercise and ONE Upper Body dominant exercise. A good example would be KB Swings and Battle Ropes. Once you have your exercises, perform each one for about x 20-30 seconds each, going from one exercise to the next. After performing the 2nd exercise for x 20-30 seconds, you will then rest for roughly x 60 seconds. That will be ONE round. Aim for x 8-12 total rounds!

coach-avatar Sean Hayes

Total Body Triple Threat