Core Advantage

Core Advantage

Embarking on a running journey, but hit a roadblock due to an injury or lack of structured guidance? Our Running Reload Program is designed just for you. Thrive through a meticulously crafted regime, spread over three sessions per week, aimed at escorting you back to the tracks safely and effectively.

This program isn’t a race; it’s a paced return, fostering your strength and conditioning while minimizing the risk of re-injury. Each session is a blend of rehabilitative exercises, functional training, and gradual running drills, guided by seasoned coaches who understand the science and art of making a comeback.

At the heart of our approach is a keen understanding of a runner's body and the unique challenges you face. Our aim? To rebuild your running prowess, ensuring you're stronger with every stride. Whether you're healing or just in search of a structured return, the Running Reload Program is your companion in reigniting that runner’s spirit. 🏃‍♂️

Join us, and let’s take each step forward together, rekindling your love for running while prioritizing your well-being.

3 sessions per week
Must use App app to view and log training
Program Training
Nothing. This is a running program to follow a progressive build up in your running skill and endurance. 
sample week banner image
Sample Week
Week 1 of 12-week program
Short intervals



Running Prep (15 mins)

Foam Roll (4 min) - Glutes - Quads - Adductors - Calves - Thoracic Stretch (3 min) - Crouching Adductor - Hip Flexor - Lying Glute - Cat Camel Activate (2 min) - TVA/Multifidus x 3 - Glute Bridge x 5 - Squats x10 - Ankle Up and Outs x 30s hold - Reverse Skaters x 10 steps each leg Dynamic (5 min) - DL Pogo Hops 2x10m - High hip skip 2x15m - Piston run 2x15m - S run 2x15m - SL RDL 2x6 each leg - Accelerations 4x15m @ 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%


Repeat efforts - running

4 x 200 @ 7


Running - continuous

1 x 1000 @ 6

Speed & Agility



Running Prep (15 mins)

Foam Roll (4 min) - Glutes - Quads - Adductors - Calves - Thoracic Stretch (3 min) - Crouching Adductor - Hip Flexor - Lying Glute - Cat Camel Activate (2 min) - TVA/Multifidus x 3 - Glute Bridge x 5 - Squats x10 - Ankle Up and Outs x 30s hold - Reverse Skaters x 10 steps each leg Dynamic (5 min) - DL Pogo Hops 2x10m - High hip skip 2x15m - Piston run 2x15m - S run 2x15m - SL RDL 2x6 each leg - Accelerations 4x15m @ 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%-


Acceleration sprints

4 x 10 @ 7


Flying sprints

4 x 10 @ 7

Long intervals/fartlek/continuous



Running Prep (15 mins)

Foam Roll (4 min) - Glutes - Quads - Adductors - Calves - Thoracic Stretch (3 min) - Crouching Adductor - Hip Flexor - Lying Glute - Cat Camel Activate (2 min) - TVA/Multifidus x 3 - Glute Bridge x 5 - Squats x10 - Ankle Up and Outs x 30s hold - Reverse Skaters x 10 steps each leg Dynamic (5 min) - DL Pogo Hops 2x10m - High hip skip 2x15m - Piston run 2x15m - S run 2x15m - SL RDL 2x6 each leg - Accelerations 4x15m @ 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%-


Running - continuous

3 x 1000 @ 7


Calf Raises - Standing

3 x 12

Reload Running Program